Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Goh is so sick and based.
i wanna sniff her empty eye socket so bad
Senran fightan when
It's dead Tim
i play stinky tan lines!!
>unpunishable kicking techniques
Fucking wow great job making Kim a broken piece of shit again SNK you incompetent fucks.
>Not liking Kim
Aku wa yurusan!
Why is a blind person wearing a goggle? Why is Baiken now a cat person?
>when you lose to someone named HentaiLord_420
I wish you would play a bullet to your head you autistic fuck
The joke is that I'm a Kim main.
Also the 36 character build is confirmed for E3 and the movielists have been updated on the US site.
Can't help but read all of Shun'Ei's lines in a PS1 Tales of Destiny spell voice.
my queen
I'm so hype for Ibuki. I hope she's broken good too.
I wanna sniff ibuki's poopdeck
I hope they bring an even more updated version to EVO. I want to try out XIV Geese and Meitenkun.
Probably won't be likely so don't get your hopes up on that.
Why is every girl in this game so thick? I wonder if they'll make Juri thick too, probably.
That faggot has rollback issues.
Uncanny. I was thinking Bellamy too once that other guy said he looked like a One Piece character. I definitely see it
>man hand
tfw i will never experience this
So are Luong and Gang-Il actually a couple or was that just a leak rumor?
Those are two men
What's it like, being with a woman?
The original leak said they were married but the website says that Gang Il is actually a lady's man and hooks up with chicks all the time, Luong being his latest hook up. Luong for whatever reason has fallen in love with him.
>implying that doesn't make it even better
Just look at this handsome bastard. How could you not love him?
Do we all agree that Team Kim is the best team?
Don't disgust me or my son ever again, etc
He looks like Doflamingo aswell.
jesus christ
is the prostitute fucker from /gif/ posting in /fgg/ now?
>wanting to experience groping a mans thighs
whatever floats your boat
Lame. I can't waifu her if she likes that guy. Guess I'll pick Nakoruru.
this looks a lot better than the mock-up
I thought it was only me thinking of this, although it's been such a long time I forgot his name
When will KOF designs leave the 90s?
Nakoruru is already getting the dick from Terry.
Sweet Nakoruru
good, you don't deserve to pick luong you shitty waifufag, i hope waifufags die, and then get raped
you should get raped, die, then get raped, by your past self coming into the future, and then your past self dies too
waifufags are trash
>Gang-Il is 5'5
>Luong is 5'11
I thought he just looked small because he was fighting really tall characters not because he's an actual manlet
that better be a fuckin man nearly beat my meat to that
Why is Capcom releasing the other DLC characters unfinished through the Story Mode? Did they always planned this? Or are they trying to damage control after the latest backlash?
fuck you, waifufags are better than u.
maximum damage control.
anything is better than u, u has no assigned value and we don't even know if it's a char* or int
I hate to say it, but they clearly planned this. It takes a long time to make characters. Even if they're not 100% finished, getting them to a decent-looking and playable state takes a long time. This has been in the works long before the backlash at launch.
Also, remember there was that one guy who said he played a working version of Balrog back around Christmas time.
>5 meters 5 centimeters tall
This has to be the nerdiest and shittiest answer I've ever heard
>Mr. Karate. His entire character centers around training and fighting. Says shit like, "I must follow my fist!"
>The typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed, showboating, cocky American. And because he's American, he has to have a lot of money
>Kicks a lot and hates Bison. Also she's a cop, for some reason?
>Because Ken wasn't bad enough, here is Mr. America, Guile. He has American flag tattoos, blonde hair, blue eyes, and is in the military.
>He's Indian, so of course he's going to be some Hindu-practicing yogi. Wears tribal Indian shit just because. Oh, and he can stretch and breathe fire because of Yoga I guess
>He's Russian, so he's going to say stereotypical Russian shit like "Comrade" and "Horosho" every 5 seconds. When he's not doing that, he's going to talk about muscles, because he's a muscular guy.
>Literally the Japanese archetypal "narcissist" character, right down to the long hair and obsession with his face. Oh, and apparently he's Spanish so let's dress him up like a bullfighter even though that literally never comes into play with his character. But he's Spanish and they're all bullfighters, right?
>Evil for the sake of being evil....wants to control the world because he wants to control the world. That's it.
>Rich girl who thinks she's better than everyone
>Never breaks pro wrestling character, even outside of the ring
>Lives to train and promote her family's martial art. She's like all the worst parts of Ryu and Makoto put together
>I am trying REALLY hard to be cool. Am I cool yet?
>Asian Snidely Whiplash
>I am still a young, poor nobody who won't be relevant until SF3
What kind of story are people honestly expecting from this cast? You can't make something meaningful with these 1-dimensional cardboard cutouts
I don't think which is more cringy, making programming jokes or the fact that you attempt it when not knowing what you're talking about.
Massage parlor was OD
Put the adderall down son.
So Raven is probably top tier but is he honest?
>What kind of story are people honestly expecting from this cast? You can't make something meaningful with these 1-dimensional cardboard cutouts
nigga its supposed to be fun why you takin everything so seriously baka
*takes deep breath*
I like SFV.
thank you
that was very brave of you
How do I make myself stop feeling like shit after a loss
I try to convince myself to not care about it too much but I still wind up shaken.
Have you tried having fun?
Try battle lounges if you're talking about SFV online. If you're talking about tournament idk.
How rich is Mr. Wizard? He probably makes a lot of money to eat all that food.
>people wondering why luong is with gang-il
he's strong as fuck and experienced with women. that's the type of men women like.
Is there any fun in losing points?How much do battle lounges help with ranked?
Nobody's wondering that
You goobers aren't even trying anymore are you
>7 legendaries in 40 levels
why cant sfv favor me in scrambles like ogrewatch favors my loot box rng
anyone want to play SFV east coast?
so all these games have been figured out
Honestly why even play ranked queue? I never played that on xrd, partly because the queue is pretty dead and was not working great when the game launched but even aside from that I've realized there is really no point in grinding for wins in best of 1 sets, you should just play lounges (if they even work in SFV nowadays I don't know) and get more games in vs the same player so you learn to adapt
I'm not sure I understand you. They help me play more without getting discouraged, which in turn makes me comfortable in the game in general.
When you're more comfortable you play better and don't panic as much, hence you win more and when you do lose it's because you got outplayed and not because you fucked up.
Idk if that made sense. Give it a shot, senpai.
mods delete my posts if i post ibuki pictures sadly
>only 3 legendaries in that amount of time
nigga one of them was for a character I already bought a legendary for too, goddammit
man, those are some high quality prostitutes tho.
alright, I'm sick of SFV, I wanna go back to SFIV but I sold my 360
when does it go on sale on steam? I don't know how to pirate games
Hopefully, never.
Chess technically hasn't been "solved" yet. It's just the beginning has limited moves and responses and the end game (typically) has few pieces so computers can calculate scenarios and tend to outplay humans.
Mid game is where you need your AI to know half a shit.
its always on sale. im betting it will go on sale when the update drops """""this month""""". or you can just get it on g2a. if you do get it lets play together
for all you real niggas in the thread, that liru game came out and theres a mega link on /h/
you may now go back to your regularly scheduled shitposting
what the hell is wrong with her face and skull structure?
im sorry
if it makes you feel better one of the legendaries was a dupe and the other legendary was 500 overwatch dollars so its more like 5.7 legendaries
everyone looks like shit in those concept drawings(except ibuki she always looks beautiful)
Why wasn't she in revelator?
>mfw u replied to me twice
Why lol? Unless they are NSFW they are on topic. This is a fighting game thread on an image board, could you even be any more on topic
She is though.
In story mode :^)
I wish I was good enough to play I-No. She's easily the best girl
is this fate
>Not Bridget
its "avatar fagging". they do the same with the guy who posts that fat musician with the ukulele
dont make it gay my nigga