>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for Peri a qt
everyone is cute
Azura a shit
Excuse me but this image has a bad word in it please delete
This is Veeky Forums, not Redshit
Suck it up
i finished birthright chapter 25 in 1 turn. br is too easy
How good will my Effie!Velouria with both Aegis and Pavise be? At chapter 22 by the way and is thinking of getting her. Will she get B-rank in Stones?
There's your problem.
Finish the last thread faggots
i have both conquest and birthright, you scrimmy bingus. i was just playing birthright bc i wanted to marry the yiff
>Anna's birthday
>Nigger gets a thread instead
Why don't you finish it yourself if you're so worried about it you nerd
Azura is a wonderful wife, mother and/or advisor.
>both routes
>marrying Keaton
kaden, actually. i was marrying the birthright yiff. i married niles in conquest. i don't understand why Veeky Forums calls people faggots for liking other fictional women/men. we're all pathetic bc we have no real person to love us back
It's just banter my dude, don't take it personnel
Shut up faggot, go back to tumblr.
oh no..... i have been triggered so much...... because somepne called me a faggot, i will go commit seppuku... goodbye Veeky Forums....
Takumi makes me happy!
Dwyre is my husbando
Pshh... Sorry your weak kid *unsheates katana*
*cuts you're arm*
I have no symphathy for tranny kids, weakling
Wow, rub it in, couldja. I almost married Niles in Conquest, then I realized (almost too late) that Effie would give me a much better Magic buff, as I'm tanking and Tome-heavy.
iM t R i GGGG er ed!1!!1!1! i have ptsd and autistim and bpd and im triggered by the word your bc one time someone said to me "your pingus is small". it scarred me for life. thanks, Veeky Forums scum
>marry Camilla as Femui
This is amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
Well, that is curious.
If you are looking for the full picture it's in the last thread.
Good job user, now you can take him away from his douche father and allow him to live a happy life with you
Hahahahaha lol fagggagGahahahahahHaggsga
I have no tim for u
*uses chaos control and killin edge*
*kills u*
Nothin personnel
real slugabed hours
*comes back bc im buddhist*
wow You BITCH!!!!!! How dare YOU fucking kill me!!!! fuckin cis scum!!!
*stabs you with le axe desu*
Maybe we can take this moment to post butts
I've never seen the whole thing, can you please post it?
>You will never reclass Xander to Sorcerer and then bully him because the cannot fight back with his Seigfried and only has an E Rank in Tomes and terrible magic
And a little something for the Hoshidonts among us
Is it not possible to edit saves with only Homebrew?
I am using Save Data Manager to backup the saves.
I edit them with feftwiddler and save them.
I import them again. Files in backup are the edited ones.
Nothing changes ingame though. It doesn't seem to work.
Please help.
*dodges axe*
Do u even know the wepom triangle, kid
*kills u again with the raikiri*
Is that rule 63 Takumi? I like it.
>This thread
(You) have a nice butt
I'm pretty sure that's manbutt, user.
It's just regular Takumi with his hair down
Be honest though /feg/, would you take a peek?
Import doesn't work with Save Data Manager for Fates.
It's too big to post here, and I'm at work right now, sorry.
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
Would your love for Felicia cause you to neglect Kana somewhat? Don't forget about your daughter my boy.
B-but he has anime tiddies!
user, you may have discovered something new about yourself today.
How fast would Flora kill herself if she saw Azura! Dywer?
Cutest family
you're adorable
keep doing what you do
Last timw that happened to me was because I edited save slot 1 (chapter0) and loaded save slot 2 (chapter1) by accident.
first fates playthrough. matched kamui with niles. did I make a mistake, anons?
it seemed sweet, initially, but also fairly dull. considering starting over. what are some especially romantic options for the female avatar? Bonus for options that seem semi-canon. No spoilers please.
why is takumi so cute?
Laslow is shit
Whom exactly does the skill "Foreign Princess" affect? It says it affects units labeled "Foreign Army" which are only found in castle battles. Does it really work only in them?
>Selkie's S rank with Mamui
Somebody save me, I'm coming down with diabetes. I hope this doesn't turn me into a furry.
she is barely even a monster girl,you'll be fine
>gained item
Surely giving it to Donnel will not have any negative side effects.
How can I get the seal that gives me Marth's class without using Amiibos?
Sakura is cute
That's what they all say at first. Then 3 months later they can't get off to anything but naked lamia girls and glistening scales or horse sex with centaur girls.
Marth's class is unlocked through a dlc that rewards the Hero's Brand or something I think. Marth himself is amiibo only though. Same with Lucina, Robin and Ike.
You can't goy.
Now pay up
I guess you can pay for that all-amiibo thing.
You can get one from the Before Awakening FreeLC. More will be available from the Halloween Scramble whenever it gets released.
>Laslow has a cool ass design and a sexy voice
>Is complete garbage as a unit
I used svdt instead and it worked.
Yesterday I took most of my people who were straggling around 15-19, and got them up to 20 so they could become Master Ninjas. I'm actually out of Master Seals until I get a level 3 shop. Also, I am one chapter away from getting Flora, so then I can complete my recruitment/ninja conversions.
I've got enough ninja masks, but trainee garbs, water gourds, or bath towels would be appreciated.
can't you just buy more in other peoples' castles?
Okay how do you fuckers deal with lunge chains? There seems to be no viable alternative besides dumping your 1-man army unit (Corrin, Ryoma, Xander) and just letting them kill everything. I don't think a rescue staff is worth using for that.
Some user said he tested it and that is unfortunately how it works. I was hoping it meant Hoshido/Nohr/Valla, but apparently it's just a garbage skill.
I guess I could, but I mean, I've already got well over max deployment # of viable combat ninjas, and I'd rather build up my BP.
I'll Start the fanfictions tonight
Selena & Caeldori
Kanna (F)
Lunge Chains are a nuisance.
You either use fliers to ferry others over and rush them, or use an Anikis/ Corrin to survive one.
I woke up to this and now I'm super happy, thanks user
Guys, how do you eugenics? I pretty much just tried to match physical with physical and magic with magic using this chart thinking the biggest numbers make the best character, but people on here were saying a lot of these numbers are misleading. Should I be doubling down on what a kid is good at? Should I be trying to fill in their weaknesses? Should I ignore the luck stat entirely on characters that aren't Midori? Should I try to give moms that have the same job as the kid, so they'll get growths in roughly the same areas? Help me out here.
>tfw no Ophelia and Nina
>Gerome will never be Leo's retainer and teach Leo about masks
Oh you want Ophelia and Nina?
I could add them to the list
Eugenics are ridiculous in this game, and bar a few units (the anikis) the children are pretty much all shit compared to say Awakening's system. (And some say Siegbert and Shiro are still absolute shit regardless.)
>there will never be a Gerome/Forrest support conversation about masks
>And some say Siegbert and Shiro are still absolute shit regardless
That's probably because their fathers are gods amongst men.
Don't forget Ophelia's E cups.
Of course not
Do you want anyone in particular to "play" with Ophelia?
I think Ryoma is considered a tier above due to Lancebreaker dodgetanking. But without Rajinto he isn't that great.
If you can ORKO the assholes trying to lunge people around, you won't get dragged.
Another alternative is to use someone completely immune to their attacks, that way you won't die even if left at 1HP. Of course, a Lunatic specific skill can enable debuffs to drop your stats to 0, so unless you can lure/entrap the first guy in the chain away from the range of the next, your only other option is rushing him then freezing the next guy, and so on, which is a lot more resource intensive so it should be a last resort.
Xander without Siegfried isn't that great either.
I like Shiro. 50 Str growth, 45 defense growth pre-mom.
Anything goes.
As someone using Ryoma as a ninja, that's not true.
This is though.
Post those NA castle cards.
I need your BP, VP, and accessories that aren't Bath Towels. Don't forget to leave feedback. Come buy a skill or something. Maybe you'll get a cute Bond Unit.
Yeah, but at least he has a somewhat substitute in Javelins, at least until he reclasses.
Are you starting your first ever playthrough of Fates? I would advise following a general unit pairing guide until your first playthrough is over and you start to understand what makes a good kid. There are tons of things that you have to look out for if you're really interested in eugenics (inherited classes, max stats, growth rates, skill transfer, father/mother pair-up compatibility if you aren't interested in just making the best kid but you also want your S-ranked couple to kick ass, pairing up the kids as well) I couldn't tell you any of these details because I'm not a big eugenics fan, it is a bit too much trouble for me when kids aren't clearly better than their parents in this iteration.
Seriously, in every playthrough, Aniki, Corrin, Felicia/Jakob, Kaze, Onee-san, Imouto, Otouto (except Leo, he sucks), BR:Oboro CQ:Effie are the best units you have. Considering that all of them need backpacks like the famous Xander/Charlotte pairing, and Azura (and even Shigure for support), there's very little space for other characters.