Constantine, fuck off with your heresy. Our Savior was NOT born from anal sex.
Constantine, fuck off with your heresy. Our Savior was NOT born from anal sex
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You're being sacrilegious.
Peter's the only one who gets his name changed, though, and that's a big deal in the Bible.
Also, doesn't your church trace itself back to Andrew? I mean, he was an Apostle, but I worry that he's not on Peter's level. It would mean more if you were founded by James or John. That trinity within the Apostles seems important.
Those robes are cool, do you get them when you learn all the spells?
why are people so mean to consty?
The See of Constantinople was founded by Saint Andrew, that doesn't make the chair there have any special authority.
She should stick to talking about Christian theology among an Orthodox crowd because she's terrible everywhere else. But knowing Constantine she's probably insufferable there too.
They're blessings. However,, God willing, they're every bit as powerful.
>Peter's the only one who gets his name changed, though
Which means "small", used to mean "the lessor" with family names.
Its more a historical thing. Whilst Constantine has gotten much much better for awhile he was deraliing threads left and right and spamming the same posts on Orthodoxy.
The other issue is that whilst he is very well read he is also extremely biased and more than willing to be dishonest during discussions or take uncharitable views of opposing arguments all whilst being highly arrogant and dismissive of others.
in short the same sentiments that cause people to have a repugnance to Sophists manifests here.
She wasn't dishonest, she always admitted that she woudl never disown orthodoxy, regardless of new information, or at least that was case in the past.
*excuse the spelling, i'm drunk and bored.
>She wasn't dishonest,
Constantine is not a she, that was a meme based on a couple of people who wanted him to be Christchan like figure. Back before he started spamming he had threads were he complained about his girlfriend having pleb tastes and his life in general on lit.
But to the point, stating that certain views are the foundation of your opinion only to hold that opinion when those foundations are changed is being dishonest. Pretending to be desiring a discussion when your only goal is prolystising is dishonest. Misrepresenting the views of authors is dishonest. Quote mining authors is dishonest.
>she always admitted that she woudl never disown orthodoxy, regardless of new information, or at least that was case in the past.
You must have been away for quite awhile becasue that is certainly not the case. Ive only seen him be honest about his view on that matter once and it was only when pressed for it, it was never noted or mentioned otherwise by him.
The best way to understand him is to think of the academic Marxist the kind who has read the umpteen volumes of Marx and Engles in the original german and french and is deeply read in history.
...That pic
>Are we the baddies?
I don't mind anal sex with Constantine
>Believing that Peter, an illiterate fisherman, could write Peter 1, a Greek text.
He's also a convert in the US and completely refuses to acknowledge the corruption of the church in the states it holds majority.
The fact that he comes here and try to preach the superiority of the Orthodox church while completely ignoring the reports of abuse of power by people living in E.Europe is disgusting to me.
Especially when says that they're not as corrupted as the Catholic Church used to be when the Orthodox Church is heavily involved in money laundering, delivering votes for different parties, trying to pass theocratic legislature, and attaching councilors to various politicians.
Fuck him.
If he want's to larp Orthodoxy so hard let him come to the shitholes they lord over.
shitty attempt at creating the impression that people hate constantine
it's false
>Back before he started spamming he had threads were he complained about his girlfriend having pleb tastes and his life in general on lit.
No she didn't, you can look through her posts on Veeky Forums on the archive, you're mistaken. Only time she did something like that was having a thread on /pol/ about how her gf had such terrible taste in film (she posted her own favorite films)
I recall him talking about his previous relationships on lit before his conversion. Not the best source but taking that into consideration along with that pol post and Constantines own statements on the matter there doesnt seem to be much evidence of him being a woman - and a lesbian as a result- outside of a few memes.
Are you planning on ignoring the rest of that post or was this the only point you took issue with.
>shitty attempt at creating the impression that people hate constantine
Im not saying that all people here hate constantine but like many tripfags he's has managed to draw considerable ire and have posters literally post about how they hate him.
Honestly him ditching the trip was good if only for the sake of stopping personal disputes and flaming.
except he is usually recognizable by his Orthodox views and constant misrepresentation of any opposition
It's true she hasn't even said she's a woman, but when there a discussion about masturbation here before and someone asked if she had trouble with it, and she said she tried it before and it felt terrible, and that she doesn't do it anymore. Also she said she doesn't really find sex a turn-on outside the context of serious love. Does that sound like a man?
Constantine at one time alluded to a grievous sin she had committed in her past that inspired her to start preaching the gospel on Veeky Forums and I have it all figured out. It was clearly lesbian sex.
I actually like constantine poster, as he made a great effort after all in order to get into his theology and can explain it.
This is highly interesting for some of us.
I think she's cute
Like I said in my earlier post its better even if its not fixed and is probably the best outcome one can expect.
>It's true she hasn't even said she's a woman
He has said he is not a woman or a tranny before.
> discussion about masturbation here before and someone asked if she had trouble with it, and she said she tried it before and it felt terrible, and that she doesn't do it anymore. Also she said she doesn't really find sex a turn-on outside the context of serious love. Does that sound like a man?
That sounds like a Christian who feels extreme shame about masturbation as under christian doctrine its a abuse against yourself and a sin against God.
You are grasping at straws if thats enough evidence to consider someone a woman.
Constantine at one time alluded to a grievous sin she had committed in her past that inspired her to start preaching the gospel on Veeky Forums and I have it all figured out. It was clearly lesbian sex.
I dont think you understand what the word clearly means.
>I actually like constantine poster, as he made a great effort after all in order to get into his theology and can explain it. This is highly interesting for some of us.
Its interesting however it becomes unpalatable when it is used dishonestly and injected into other topics.
Think about No True Scotus, that philsophy graduate who has a huge understanding of Scholasticism and philsophy in general that poster brings in immense quality without the dishonesty or spamming and hence brings highly interesting material without any troubles
>Its interesting however it becomes unpalatable when it is used dishonestly and injected into other topics.
Yeah, it would be one thing if Constantine only interjected into religious topics with the Orthodox perspective. That would make sense and would be legitimately interesting. But oftentimes he'll make threads about completely different subjects, like physics for whatever reason, and there is a massive refusal to even consider any alternate viewpoints. He'll actively misrepresent the argument of another poster to avoid having to engage with it honestly.
>He has said he is not a woman or a tranny before.
She said she wasn't a tranny, but when asked about whether she was a woman she refused to answer, and when told she could stop being pestered if she'd just answer, she said it would make people pester her even more.
As this is actually a general for the converts in this thread did you reach out to the church or did it reach out to you?
If it was the latter how did this occour and what form did it take?
Im very interested in seeing how the apostolic churches evangelise and proselytise
they don't (or didn't) basically
orthodox churches tend(ed) to be real ethnic clubs, + a few LARPers.
now at least in america it seems they are trying to be more mainstream (english language services, churches without ethnic prefixes etc).
>They're blessings
So spells then.
Why is that the case?
Ive heard them talk about the antiochian church which has a large percentage of converts so I figured they must be doing something
>Its interesting however it becomes unpalatable when it is used dishonestly and injected into other topics.
It's also not particularly profound and just flat out wrong in many respects. I cringe every time Constantine makes a comment about the Old Testament. He frequently gets words, phrases, and conventions completely, 100% wrong, and then tries to hide behind a cloud of Greek diction to hide from it when called out on it.
Orthodox is heresy
The synod of Jerusalem was an adoption of Roman heresies
Is this heresy?
Make an actual argument you brainwashed fool
Thank you for showing that scholarship disagrees with you
Is this heresy?
Is this heretical?
Read the Bible you insufferable heretic
The bible Sola Fide and one needs effort
Fucking summer fags it's like you have never dealt with a stupid tripfag before
You fucking ignore them and don't feed thier need for attention
They are like dogs, you feed them once and they will never leave
That verse doesn't say what you just said, retard.
>stand fast in the freedom given to you
>walk in the spirit's like Paul is saying you are an empty stone moved by God!
So what is severe autism like?
you proved yourself to have it by being unable to accept scholarship and Paul
If anything reprobate the only thing you prove is Total Depravity is true
No wonder God made all the Church fathers deny TULIP!!
not once did they, but if they had so what?
why are you so eager to worship men?
Except when they did ALL the time!! Even Augustine
Clement of Rome denies sola Fide as I had shown
This kills the PROTESTANT
All you have shown is you are unsaved
Explain this
did you pick the wrong spam pic?
Kill yourself.
All I have shown is that Calvinism is contradictory to Scripture and the Church Fathers
Enjoy hell
You mean pics showing work by Paul Hartog the Baptist scholar in a book published by Oxford showing the Early Christian and Jewish veneration of saints contra Calvinism?
>I love eating paint
>scholarship denies my beliefs so it's wrong because of that
>ooga booga muh scholars, muhfuggah
>proving my point
>proddies confirmed for niggers of Christianity
>bix nood kill prottey, muhfuggah
Sounds good, I guess we'll just dissolve the Roman church then
Protnigger afraid of truth