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Second for Halloween Mercy skin soon!

>D.va main sends you a friend request

i want a widowmaker highlight intro where she sits on the camera

overwatch girls need to show more skin

it's sad that the only one who does is the poo in loo

>widow main on the enemy team that tells people to fuck off and kill themselves when they try to kill her

Xth for literally removing widowmaker would make the game better

JSR skin for Lucio when?

>My brother, Mondatta, did much to improve their lives.

[/spoiler]>But it was not meant to be.[/spoiler]

would you bury your face in her ass?

fuck waifufags

Pudge shows plenty of skin.


I want a Widowmaker pic related highlight.

>same fucking post again
fuck off

>bully enemy Widow as Lucio
>again and again and again
>and again
>and then some
>asks me several times to kill myself
>whenever he gets a lucky kill on me he goes all YEAH HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT LOSER in /m
>continue shitting on him
>he quits
Where do these people come from.

Who wouldn't?

>Widow is doing good
>give her the HMD
>"wooooow u switched just to counter me noob"

Well excuse me princess, I'll just stand still next to the payload across the map and fire at you, would that be more fun for you?

I'd rather have a wedding day Mercy!


Widowmaker with that alpha preview ass

widow mains are fucking degenerates

Do you meditate?

Honeymoon Mercy would be awesome.

balance changes WHEN

The mantra I use while playing Zenyatta is EAT A DICK.

What the fuck did you just fucking type about my main, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I was the best in my team in the Overwatch Beta, and I’ve been involved in numerous Weekly Brawls, and I have over 3.0 KDA on Genji. I am trained in Winston warfare and I’m the top Widowmaker on the entire server. You are nothing to me but just another kill. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this game, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on /owg/? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of posters across /owg/ and your match is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your win ratio. You’re fucking pwned, kid. I can be any hero, anytime, and I can teabag you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my Mercy. Not only am I extensively trained in Fan the Hammer, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Ovewatch roster and I will use it to its full extent to counter your miserable ass off the face of the map, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit my ults all over you and you will drown in them. You're fucking pwned, kiddo. Ez.

>maining characters in a class-based party shooter


I don`t know what you are talking about.

probably within the next 2 weeks along with ranked mode

Isn't this the guy who draws glittery pussies?

>Already nearly halfway to July
>No June Bride skins
M-Maybe next year

How do I beat 47 elims?!?

> implying I main Widowmaker

you said you mained genji you autistic faggot

I love this guy's art but this picture is disgusting

Dva should not be slowed when shooting

Play more Mccree before the nerfs come

Or pick toblerone

Daily, keeps me off tilt. Zen buffs back to usefulness when?

here comes dat rat

haha epic bantz you sure showed that cuck

thats what makes it good

o shit how d'ya do?

This autist again

>you have to be a widow main to appreciate perfection

wew lad

You filthy newfags need to stop using webms in the OP image.

here comes that stolen normie meme

o shit g'day mate

New heroes and maps when?

Lets hope Blizzard doesn't make the same mistake, that they did with Heroes of the Storm, were they waited for 5 month to do anything.

oh shit g'day

Is there a counter to a halfway-aware Hanzo that isn't 'pick Widow'?

Keep in mind he one-shots anyone that engages him at close range and will accidentally headshot everything at medium and beyond

o shit blow up!!!

Everygame, first blood, trap bomb combo at spawn.



someone pls webm

Mei is the least fun to play against character created in a game to date

No, she's not broken, but holy fuck is every single encounter with her annoying as shit.

There are plenty of "counters" to Hanzo like Winston and McCree and shit but there isn't really anything that can't get fluke headshot repeatedly wihtin seconds

I feel in love with D.Va, got better and racked in too many hours with her. I can't call myself a Genji main anymore : ^(

its even better when the doors allow them to watch you plant both bombs in front of the doors and someone STILL FALLS FOR IT

So, what do you think the Halloween skins will be?

>retards running in 1 by 1 against a 6 man defense
>I'm just waiting at the chokepoint while they all run by in chunks of 2-3 to die
>"X you're fucking useless you didn't do anything"

Jesus fuck I can't wait for ranked. Quick games are fucking cancer.

Let's hope they do so all of you flavor of the month shitters get bored and leave.

>Can only have fun as support with Zenyatta
>He doesn't really function as a solo support, or if they have a widowmaker at all

feels pretty bad, man

Damn shame they wasted greatest booty on such a shit character

Would be neat. Or hell, casual wear heroes would do well.

>playing Pharah
>trying to capture the last point of Hanamura
>other team is spamming junkrats
>only 10 seconds left
>both teams are on the point
>kill the entire team, get potg and get this spray

Feels good to get some proper success with her ult

What's up with all the Pony, Fatgirl, heroes as animals, D.Va. as little girl art?

plus I keep going through shit like this

>no Mercy/McCree interaction where she nags at him about the dangers of smoking

News about them later this summer with plans to "frequently" update the game.

How do we fix Thorbjörn's country?

where did the dad 76 meme come from?
the animated short?


Beachside RoadHog xd He will wesar a coconut bikini xD

Why does it feel so good to be aggressive Reinhardt, anons? They never expect it.

>you can put Torb's turret on top of the Attacker's spawn in Route 66
This is fucking hilarious.

A Reinhardt once got caught in the trap but i shot the mine before it exploded.

Sombra this summer.

get off my lawn

guess what blizzard's definition of frequently is
>5 months

Speaking of Widow, I much prefer her Noire skin.
That ass may not be huge, but it's sweet.

Daily reminder to avoid licking McCree's teeth
This will guarantee that you don't get hit by flashbang
Daily reminder that there are still people bitching about flashbang and these people are on your team

good taste my man, her purple and oranges are shite

See Mei isn't evil!


You're supposed to shield us fool while we shoot bullets at the other team.

>that ass
Goddamn I love Widow can't stop playing her and love all the salt she brings.

>no McCree flirting with every hero interaction

112 lvl
10 skins in which 2 I bought.

Does anyone else experience this?

>pick anyone else: no Zenyatta in the game
>pick Zenyatta: always a Zenyatta on the other team

I don't even play him much. Had an opposing team switch to fucking THREE Zens after I had a decent, but not great, start.

It shouldn't bother me as much as it does.


>trained in Winston warfare

>bitching about flashbang
I never understood this. Flashbang is annoying, yes, but fine.
The problem lies in FtH which they specifically said is what they were tackling.

>if it didn't hit fan the hammer anyway and hit 4/6 of your shots

Something that cute could never be evil!

Doing it right

She is fat though.

>KOTH playing as Reinhardt
>Enemy team has TWO Reins, Pharah, and a Genji all attacking on the point
>Mercy dies to Soldier 76 gunfire
>Asks me why I wasn't acting like a walking shield

He's old

Has D.Va autism?