I'm sorry edition.
I'm sorry edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah I do hope you're sorry.
Dotard 2 > KeK of LoLbabs > Overshit
>its a both teams are pussies episode and won't do anything
this is why i dont watch eulcs
Sorry about what?
best waifu
best husbando
best ship
best kink
best hatesex
best plot
best lore interactions
I only used LeBlanc so the person whom the apology is meant for can recognize who made the thread.
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
Oh how I hate games like this from the teams I root for. Fucking H2k let FNC come back and now If they lose 1 team fight the game is over.
>You DO have rank 7 on at least one champion... right user?
Nevermind, I guess I got permabanned for minor banter.
>inb4 hurr calling others toxic
I literally just attempted to fight fire with fire.
Ohh well, it was a fun ride to level an account and get 3 ranked games in, guess I'm back to Dota.
fuck off whore I'm not going to give these freaks money to get some pathetic blue essence
>Backing while you have elder dragon
You have 2 fucking minutes don't fucking back
that is a very kissable mouth
just play your champ in an off roll. easiest S's of my life
>permad for minor banter
it ain't minor if you get perma'd rofl
also holy shit nice throw rekklestar
>No good streams to watch
W-What do /lolg/?
>Yellow$cam wasn't the problem
>It's a trilane top feeds a solo enemy offlaner episode
How do I stop my shit team from feeding whatever lane they get into?
>permabanning an account for saying "Do you have brain damage?"
Reminder that Riot DECIDED to remove banter from the game and focused all their efforts into it rather than banning eloboosters, leavers, afkers, and actual trolls ruining games, which are all running rampant
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
play league of legends
What the fuck? You got banned for saying this shit? I legit spew shit more toxic than the Chernobyl and Fukushima incidents combined and the most I've gotten is a ten-game chat restriction.
>implying watching the shitfest that is EU isn't fun
Damn, you are one whiny faggot.
HOLY SHIT, people still play this garbage casual game? You retards realize Overwatch is out, right? At the very least just play Dota. Goddamn.
Protip: rush an early Force Staff. You can force that offlaner out of position and gang up on him.
Who is this hero?
The team that picks Azir...are pussies.
The team that picks Draven....are NOT pussies.
Hell they even picked Karma as support to be agresssive as fuck.
>unironically paying 40 US dollars for overwatch
I'm shit at dota and very good at lol
I have no monies for goyerwatch
my soloq rank gives me ego
oh wait soloq is gone and dynamic q rank is meaningless
I'm not sure what is holding me back then haha
jfc you talk too much.
like I understand your frustration at your shit team , but damn just play the game.
Nah, this is LITERALLY how every single Dota 2 match plays out in chat, people banter and cry and insult each other.
However, the only thing that matters there is your skill. If you go 0 / 8 / 1 you get reported no matter what the fuck you said or how much you tried to be an asset.
>dynamic q rank is meaningless
People still believe this.
talking too much is allowed though
I mean okay he did flame two lines in the chat logs but you can talk as much as you want
idk why do I see plenty of people in low elos crying out for reports as soon as somebody says more than one line per minute
Holy shit that is nothing
fuck riot. and Id had talked shit and gone nunu smite/clarv if someone had banned my champ too
I want Lulu.
That's diablo 2 sorceress? She's the one who blinks all over the place.
PoE Witch is a mix of D2 Sorceress and Necromancer.
>d2 influenced my preteen mind to the point of deciding my future fetishes
aka why I want to lick BL Vlad's armor so hard nowadays
>playing dota
>some dude talks over mic about how hes lighting up the sickest blunt
>we laugh at him so he starts acting all gangsta and insulting everyone, telling us that we couldn't handle smoking blunts
>say "nigga i bet u rolled a blunt of old dog feces in a piece of dirty mattress"
>entire team starts laughing
>we all spend the next 10 minutes making up funny ass things that he rolled a blunt of
>so and so has abandoned the game
try to spot Overwatch's release date with your finger on the following chart :^)
It would maybe have some worth if dynamic queue didn't allow (should I say encourage) eloboosters to team up together to boost faster than ever and increase their winrates
you can legally get boosted with dynamic queue and faster than ever
Why didn't Freeze build IE on Draven?
he whines constantly instead, thats more "toxic" than telling someone to get cancer once
No one cared who I was 'til I put in the mask.
>YellowStaR whiffing that Kalista ult
>I'm shit at dota and very good at lol
Does not compute
This is a very small amount of the player base and even duo queue still had the problem. Hell, if someone on the Enemy Team is boosted, it's usually a free win.
Boosting and Smurfing will always and have always been problems.
whining has never been forbidden
you don't get to define what Riot has decided their meme word "toxic" to be
>solo q rank wasn't meaningless below challenger
people still believe this
sjokz looking good
>>d2 influenced my preteen mind to the point of deciding my future fetishes
Why are preteen girls such sluts
I'm surprised Riot features this stuff on the front of the client. I mean I'm not complaining but, lookit dem nips.
> my main got permabanned
Pretty much all you needed to say m8. You're a fucking idiot
Because utility is WAY more important than just damage alone.
ok they permbanned him for teh lulz xD
>missed a pentakill
>best hatesex
actually yeah i get why you ship them now
>that huge dive at ~february 2016
>that minor hill early 2015
What happened in jan 2015? Did a patch come out?
Aw yeah fap material
>tfw i dont even play ADC and riot gives me 4 skins
>tfw probably going to buy High Noon Jhin and muhh dick nidalee anyway. and the kindred skin
i hadn't bought rpp for years too ;_:
I mean, I don't think you deserved that ban at all just saying my opinion. And I don't know about dota 2, but when I've played dota for over 5 years if you got too annoying with this shit you would quickly get on banlists of a lot of people that don't wanna read it because it gets old fast.
Well I haven't played much of dota but I didn't feel like my LoL skills were properly transfered to dota
You can put a very small amount of shit in a glass of water and it gets disgusting very quick
Back in the days of duoq it was only 2 players
You have no idea of the speed at which you can boost accounts by using dynamic queue
And how you can make it perfectly legal if you want it
Even though there's nothing to worry about anyway, Riot is way too busy eradicating people who say mean words on the internet rather than banning boosters
First time I tried watching one of those /all chat vlogs. It's absolute normie cancer. Even has that stupid ugly cunt, Nigri. I can't believe this garbage is a thing and people actually watch it.
I don't even have a main, some user told me to always pretend to be a smurf, so my team autorespects what I say and listens.
This was my very first LeL account, and I got permabanned after only 3 ranked games.
What a meme
i want to hatefuck her tbqh
When did riot start to put more attention in what reddit says than their own forums?
everything riot produces is cringe/10. it caters to high schoolers.
went to a couple lcs games two years ago and a third of the people there were kids with their parents
>>solo q rank was meaningless below challenger
yeah sure thing buddy you were worth diamond but stuck in silver haha right
he said two things that can be very offensive to people who haven't learned to ignore what people on the internet say about you
that's why he got banned
not because he "whined"
can you get chests and key frags in game modes? I like hexakill so i'm gonna be playing this shit over the weekend
Seriously, you can pretend to be a smurf and not get banned. But to say permabanned and then draw reports from multiple games being a whiny faggot that curses? Yeah you had it coming. Without that line youd have at best drawn a chat restriction
It's a Barbarian from Diablo 2 vs a Necromancer
>I didn't feel like my LoL skills were properly transfered to dota
Well they do transfer, not all of them obviously because its not an exact same game, but most of them do, you just need to learn how heroes behave in that game, where they go and why and how, waht to do and how to build, what items do and thats all.. Theres lot of stuff to learn aswell, ive been playing dota for years and i still learn new stuff
he didnt say nigger or faggot, the two big no no words of riot.
he shouldnt have been perma banned
>watch esports how teams play well and feel like going for a match myself
>when playing myself most games have some babyrager insulting teammates or just quitting
>I'm not just some nerd who spends all day playing video games because I'm diamond!
unless you can get picked up by a pro team, all ranks might as well be the same thing.
there isn't a huge dive. the way the graph is presented exaggerates the changes on the lower graph
the upper graph shows that it went from like 1.2 million to 1 million, the bottom graph makes it look like ow wiped out dota
dota players will get tired of ow very quickly as the game has no substance or depth
I was thinking of going with a friend to the Worlds quarterfinals in Chicago. Is it worth it? I figure it would be something fun and unique to do and we'd spend the rest of the doing other fun things in the city. I'm only about 40 minutes away.
Trying to find a 3rd jungler thats good
Right now I play Kindred/Fiddle im in plat5/4
Gragas, Rek'sai, Voli?
I sincerely hope you're being facetious.
Riven is so fucking annoying, and so are all her players. I remembered this game a week ago where she got one kill on me early then snowballed to fuck and spammed laugh/mastery every chance.
How do I fight her?
I ship river x jayne
Pantheon or Gragas.
don't play rek'sai She's mine
i bet he was playing riven or yas
my face when i got a triple kill last game
Pick poppy
TaricXKayleOTP. rioter confirmed
> go play overwatch
The exact moment you got banned after taliyah get off muh dick
You might want to add a tank that that repertoire to balance things out. Voli is a free win ATM since he just needs to stack HP, Gragas can be both a caster and a tank depending on what you need, TK is way better in jungle than one expects him to be as well (W is not quite Nunu tier, but helps a lot vs small camps).
regardless of what i said i would definitely go, it's a pretty cool experience. Also from what I understand not as many little kids show up to the finals games. Expect to see high schoolers though but if that doesn't bother you than you guys will have a good time. more people = more energy = better experience
he posted a firefly gif so I shared my firefly otp
Voli or sej. Always good to have a tank option