/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

cyka blyat day challenge edition

>Steam group

>Teamspeak for Veeky Forums operations

The password is: Operations

>Official news



>Developer AMA Recap

>Maps and drawing tools for all available gamemodes

>Weapons and Armor damage comparisons

>Known Issues:

>Basics of CQB Pastebin

>Steam group player list

>Console group
PS4: Add dazint8 or Omegaplaya and join the /r6g/ community that way
Xbone: not yet made

>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.
techknow.one/forum/index.php?topic=69.0 (dead link)

>WIP /r6g/ guide for crosshair overlays, tactics etc

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for not adding IMadSpykeI to the op for xbone

Does the event count if you play as recruit?

I can help with the Xbone community once I get my copy. Nothing better to do at this time.

It probably does. Playing as a recruit for the CTU related daily challenges counts towards the challenge.

4th for fuck CS:GO's community

Everyone knows that no need to post it just one glance at their General is enough

>There are CS:GO players in the general RIGHT NOW

>TKed on purpose 3 times today
Are all the retards out today?

Start of the weekend so yeah.

Xth for Montagne is best shield bro.

>tfw when friend is montagne and you take left, your other friend takes right and you move up and feel tacticool

>Tfw a shotgun fag runs up behind and ruins everything

>duct tape ripping nearby

>valk puts c4 in the doorway and no one checks it
>montagne and 3 others die to 1 c4

>put c4 in the doorway
>shields too spooped to go in

>friend plays Montmeme
>I shit it up as Blackbeard
>moving cover for peeking
Sometimes I feel bad about.

What are your most played operators?

For me it's Thermite and Bandit.

>tfw I don't even like Thermite that much, it's just that for the longest time I felt forced into picking him because nobody else would

Fuze and Smoke for me

Is there an actual stat for this? I would be curios to see if it lines up with what I think is my most played. But Buck and Mute, mute may change to pulse or kapkan though.

Does the weekly challenge "Win x rounds with the JTF2 in multiplayer" means that I've to use them and win or I can just win with other people using them?

You can see your stat breakdown here


ex-csgo player here
this game is much more fun holy shit

Ash and Valk

even though I have no idea how to properly utilize ash having no armor

YOU have to play them and win others can't win the challenges for you

Tell that to the people in your general

Out of good will during the free weekend I went there to tell them about it, just as a heads up in case they were interested, and I got like 20 replies insulting me and calling me an ubisoft shill.

sheeeeet I might aswell just remove that then, no way in hell I'm gonna get the season pass characters

Huh, I was right on the money, Buck and Mute are my most played.

almost never went to the csgo general, because it's pretty much like the dota one, they only care about esports

So why do you think this is more fun? Just curious

I could use comparisons to convince people to try it out, but im not a CSGO player myself

Well, the aiming mechanics in CSGO are shit.

The destruction, the recoil patterns not going full retard as soon as you move a footstep, the matches not lasting forever, so if you get shit teammates the suffering ends MUCH faster
also shotguns are my favorite weapons in videogames and in csgo you can use them rarely

What am I looking at
I don't remember this map in the old rainbow six games

Custom maps, bro

Blitz and smoke now

Was twitch and Bandit for the longest time

The destruction and gameplay sells it for me.

The fact that you act and communicate like a real swat team would and the fact that if a nigga is at a door and we feel like were gonna get wrecked we just go to the side, blast a hole in the wall and kill the fucker.

This games a lot more team oriented then cs:go as well.

Why the 2 dislikes on my video :(

Or are they their just because I posted them, critiques welcome.

Frost or Valkyrie?

Mahchay and Serenity are doing ranked together

In case this sounds fun, go watch

Know where to put good camera locations and have good communication between your peers without having to mark them? Valk

Okay took mine back happy now?

Can confirm, I got it playing recruit all 10 of my round wins

Is the event only today?

Not totally sure, I just did all my gameplay as fast as I could in case it does

>last one left
>1 window he can breach since the thermites dead
>watching window prone in a corner
>I die
>he was about to breach
>saw my knee through the wall
>shot it and broke the wall and killed me

>don't have enough time to play consistenly due to exam stress
>by the time I'll reach the next 25k renown they'll already have nerfed CaptainMurica and his ridiculous peekshield into the ground

Will ubi care about this game at E3

Will they stop fucking us?

Will we ever get Blood Dragon 2?


Rook and Montagne.

Rook has great guns on defense (SG-CQB is a fucking monster at holding chokepoints, the P90 is goddamn bullet hose, and the MP5 is a certified laser pistol) and is almost never not a good option with his ability. Secondary is Bandit. He's just too versatile with his ability to hard counter TWO operators at once and his great roaming with a laser SMG and a scattercannon shotty.

Offense is Montagne, god he's my shit. I have 350 hours, 100 of those are idle grind, but of those 250 hours I have almost 60 hours with Montagne. He's a great pick in any game mode and can be multiple roles (flanker, disrupter, protector). My only issue is my love/hate relationship with the P9. I get so many whiffed headshots with that gun it's ridiculous. Second would be Thatcher or Buck, but I hardly play anyone but Monty on offense unless the team really needs it.

It seems like it's part of the weekly challenge.

>cyka blyat challenge as ruskies get purged from Veeky Forums



simbly ebic

Hello Spetsnaz my old friend
I've come to kill the hostage again

>SFM porn

Churuya is my waifu!


Airport map when?

But we have plane

Wait, what?

That's a plane not a airport.

I finished the challenge but I didn't get my fucking charm.

>games are now just 5 teams of Russian

Thanks ubisoft

>people seriously think they can win with two russian recruits, glaz and a fuze on fucking yatch

This didn't really happen with the games I played just now. Everyone still picked whoever with Glaz and Tachanka being picked a little more often. This is going to be a little more harder than I thought since I only have 1 round won so far with Spetsnaz. I just ended up picking Crook and Termite as usual.

>mfw 4 wins in a row as all russian teams

>Fuze and the two recruits gangban- I mean kil the hostage while glaz watches in the distance

>getting a headshot on Glaz who headshots you at the same time

>been playing Spetznas all day
>get nothing, not even a notification I did it or something
>"I wonder if I could track ho wmany rounds I won with them."
>check the news feed
>apparently I had to add the Challenge in manually
>do that
>Progress: 0%


you are me


>tfw not retarded

CS senior citizen here, you don't want /csgog/ over here, they're bottom of the barrel """ironic""" weeb memers and most of them are probably under 16 years of age.

> charm is just some dumb russian flag

>Visit the Ubisoft Club Challenge tab for more details
>These are the people on your team

>for more details
>Not to participate

Although I will admit an aspect of autism is taking things too literally.

>join a ranked game, Secure on Oregon
>it's 3-0 and the last round is already in progress
>level 15 recruit last alive
>secure container in Laundry Room
>miraculously kills three of them
>only one left alive
>has 1:30 left
>watches the stairs for a minute straight while I tell him to go through the tower stairs
>he waits looking at the door until 30 seconds are left
>"where is tower?" in broken English
>tell him to just go down because there wasn't time left
>15 seconds
>there's barbed wire to shit on the stairs
>keeps looking at the door until 5 seconds are left
>match point loss
Fucking hell

I've had some pretty brain-dead teammates as well
>Playing Killhouse defuse
>two teammates don't understand the concept of checking corners or flanking
>rush obj and die every attacking round or lurk in retarded places until rest of the team is dead and enemy is capping the obj and rush and die
>3rd teammate is good, but 4th is a slow reacting coward
>final attacking round
>enemy on 2nd floor
>2 retards rush in after cam time and die immediately
>good m8 working picks with glaz surprisingly well while applying pressure
>gets 2 kills
>I try to sneak down from upstairs
>Pick one but a second player lands a lucky headshot on me when I'm moving back upstairs
>Glaz manages to get in a point and tells the coward to come in
>He doesn't and has the defuser
>he's sitting on the roof next to the fucking building trying to snipe in windows or some stupid shit
>Glaz gets killed
>one of the last 2 enemies walk out to kill coward
>coward watches one walk right into his fucking sights, doesn't even notice coward prone on the roof
>takes him a whole 3 seconds to register that this valkyrie is 100% exposed and begging to get shot
>taps 3 shots, misses all of them
>valkyrie notices him now
>sprays a whole mag ADS at valkyrie while she just ADADADADA and spams spas shots
>he fucking loses to that shit
>claims the enemy is cheating and leaves

>2 to 2 after getting wrecked then their team mysteriously leaving for who knows why
>We both have 5v5 by now and its a completely different game than what we stared with
>me and someone else vs ash and i dont remember who
>we clarify from our own team deaths that the last 2 alive are at the front of plane closing in on hostage
>Make the sacrifice to face them and yell to team mate "Grab the hostage and go"
>heroic as fuck in my eyes
>I tag ash real hard but die
>we lose before killcam ends
>winning kill is blitz following me just shooting at ash right after I died with his shield down like a retard
>It was casual because Im not an idiot

Still annoying

>me and my friends kept getting mad as attackers by entering rooms we couldn't have known an enemy was behind
>me and my friends read a guide to utilize your drone
>we try it out
>it actually works
>we get 2 drones for each attacker and scope out the entire room

Wow, utilizing drones is one of those things that feels so simply to use yet I didn't and now I feel stupid because I win 70% more games because of utilizing drones more.

Games pretty fun 10/10

Im too drunk to know if you are being sarcastic


But why pick him over Bandit or FBI recruit?

His ability isn't very good because he gets so fucked up by C4.

Why the fuck does Doc STILL have invincibility when he's self reviving? I just downed a doc, and kept spraying bullets into him as he picked himself up and ran away around a corner

I just bought the game

Played a few rounds, and I'm facing literal level 150s+ who make up around 75% of the lobby. It didn't happen just once or twice, but again and again.

Is the game that dead that they're literally smashing a level 3 and 178 on opposite teams? It's really frustrating getting shit on

Maybe you should add that lvl 178 and squad up with him

too late now

I guess I'll just wait for peak times and play then.

I bought IQ and and the medic as my first operators, and I'm having a lot of fun with them.

It's 5AM and I can not sleep. That is all.

Sounds like you should be playing r6s.

That being said, why doesn't ubisoft let us choose our data centers in game. There's no body playing in my region at certain hours

You can change it on the files. Shit hold on I try to remember how.

My computer>Files>My games>r6>f033smthing>on the bottom of the gamesettings.ini file

Yeah but I want to do it in game and not exit out after 30 minutes of waiting and forgetting to set it back later

I've played plenty of ranked but it shows me I'm unranked still. I'm guessing its to do with playing with friends from different regions? They can see my rank but I can't see my own

I wish i would have bought the regular edition instead of the poor goyim edition.

>buy valk
>happens in some way or another every game i pick her

Probably because valk requires good map knowledge to properly utilize and it's very unlikely a lvl 2 has any map knowledge

whatteva nigga, that spaz is retard proof

How would Thatcher and Sledge be voting in the Brexit?

Might as well use frost pulse castle or FBI recruit in that case

>Is the game that dead that they're literally smashing a level 3 and 178 on opposite teams

this is a problem that never goes away

even when you're level 100, one or more of your teammates will be level 30, and the entire enemy team will be level 100+

nah sodium is a good part of a balance breakfast

>be lv 40 bronze 2
>play against lv 1-10 all morning
>do dumb mitsakes and barely manage 1 kdr
>get a match of lv50-100 and one gold 4
>4 kills first round 3 in the others and 0 deaths

World is full of dangerous amateurs

How the fuck you get the den rossii charm
I can't find dat shit anywhere

This is ubisoft we're talking about here user.