/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

>Patch Notes:

>Patch 3.35 and Beyond (MSQ, Deep Dungeon, Collaborations and more):

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

>Previously on /xivg/:

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Are we gonna use this one or no?

Also crafting.

this one is less likely to be nuked probably

xth for soft soles

I'm gonna do it ;_;

i made this because people were bitching about the op in the other. idc if people actually use it

Please respond.

Christ almighty that's a cute picture.

Post rugged MEN, please

That's a big probably.

did you fanta from lizard to roe????

Are there any well written and detailed WHM guides for Heavensward?

No, post cute boys!


You have 60 seconds to be as cringey as possible.

Let it all out.

I play Lalafel tanks and mdps unironically

Post the SIXTH most recent picture in your ffxiv screenshot folder


You have 60 seconds to be as cringey as possible

Alright there I did it.

Do you like boy soles?

What's the leve for easy anima mats?

ada what do ur farts smell liieke

I'm going to marry Rock Lizard~!

So instead of a exclamation point I'm assuming you have a cock and balls floating over your head?







pic related

sure lets go with that

They've drawn even cuter


Did someone called for a badass?


>running Mhach for a specific piece

Also, where do you get On Windy Meadows?

The new glamor outfits are great and all, and the new gear from Mhach actually blends really well with a lot of clothes. But I'm slowly starting to grow away from Machinist and get into Monk because of it.

Are there any good outfits for Machnist that look good on a young Ala Mhigan?

Also I have a question for a general opinion. I have three main classes at this point - Monk, Ninja and Machinist. I only really have time for one relic weapon do to work. Which do you guys think it should go into? I've actually never put time into relics before, but I have enough crystals for one now.

Hey I just started back playing this game I was wondering if anyone was bored enough to run around with me, I'm level 13 or something on Balmung.

Very not rugged.

Basically for relics, go for the one of what class you really, REALLY love the most.

As for an outfit, go rugged and be a badass wearing a badass longcoat.

If i remember right the monk relic is the best of the three. Try for the Valerian set for something rugged. If i remember right the monk version is the sleeveless one. As for MCH, try the sky pirate set.

Anyone want to make me ironworks HQ gear for free :3?

Haven't grown the beard yet, but haven't taken off the jacket yet.

post butt and maybe

I can do it for free if you want, only if you're on balmung.


It's from the last floor of Aquapolis!

Does anyone know where to get the wink emote?


>an undertale fan
go fucking figure


it's default

Damn, thats an issue. I dont really like the way any of the relics look. Maybe NIN since its hard to go wrong with knives.

I'm pretty confident with my MCH look currently, its just that i've built my character including personality and shit around technology and just being a machinist in general. Due to me playing Monk so much, I've pulled away from that, and its conflicting. Kind of like a betrayal of character, and I feel kinda shitty for it.

Who here has the best:


>tfw /hknight

don't forget

well that's bittersweet

Agh! Thanks so much! I was looking for it everywhere but i didn't think it would be in expressions...


>Put up with tank queues for the need advantage.
>It doesn't drop anyway
Every catch up patch in a nutshell.

imgur link to uncensored right meow!

Best ass: Read
Feet: Naka
Tail: Read
Breasts: Milly


You guys need to realize that doesnt bypass blue board rules. If they were gonna post lewds they would have.

>"Although we will have non-raiders in the Free Company, we aim to mainly recruit people who have some raid experience and are not completely new. To qualify as a raider in this Free Company, we ask that you have killed, or are working on A7S progression. This is a strict requirement, a5s is easily killable with a pug, and anyone wishing to join the FC should be on at least a7s now that 6 has been nerfed."

I'm confused. if RareX is so anal about clears, why are people like Kiki in the FC? Is it favoritism?


the endless wipes for a chest piece
The ride never ends.

Is it already time for autism?

i imgur com cS7KuAw.jpg

>b-b-b-but muh trial members!


You look like a grandma

>It's from the last floor of Aquapolis!
Oh jeez, thanks. Guess I better make some DoL friends.

up for debate


>being this obsessed with an ebin
r u like jealous he eb'd briah or something

So how much Accuracy are the WHMs sticking on the White Russian? All the accuracy?



Mature! Not old!

>from June 14 through June 27. With a qualifying purchase of $19.99 (tax not included) or more from the Videogames Department of Amazon.com, players will receive a digital code to unlock exclusive in-game items including an original Fat Chocobo mount, Maid and Butler attire, a Titan-themed Crag mask, an Ifrit-themed Inferno mask, and a set of 99 Magicked Prism wings
Fuck us, right

>20 wingwangs for the maid costume
It's worth it for muh retainers.

What? I've bought things off Amazon.com. Spoof or get a friend to buy it.

Square doesn't differentiate between Canada and the US for NA accounts.

Grandma you should use hair that actually looks good

what's wrong with that, though? it amounts to about the same price

$15 shipping and $30 custom do


kys Nashu

Glad you went back to Midlander, looks way better than your Highlander.

You take that back. Right now.

Fanta'd into another Elezen. Feeling good about it, plus with every new update there's a new hairstyle waiting to throw on.

Why should he?

Grandma your hair is ugly as shit.

well dang

>haven't been /pet for a week

It's the best! Take that back!

Where are you? I shall pet you every bloody day.

he's autistic, probably suicidal and homolusting for the proc

>marrying a lalafell

>tfw pet almost every day and never know how to respond