Why do so many people hate their jobs?
Why do so many people hate their jobs?
Because Ego.
Because jobs are fucking boring and frustrating when you know there's people making more than you do in a month by uploading pics on instagram or shit along those lines.
Here, on this mountain, I and my sons and my chosen friends shall build our
new land and our fort. And it will become as the heart of the earth, lost and
hidden at first, but beating, beating louder each day. And word of it will reach
every corner of the earth. And the roads of the world will become as veins
which will carry the best of the world's blood to my threshold. And all my
brothers, and the Councils of my brothers, will hear of it, but they will be
impotent against me. And the day will come when I shall break the chains of
the earth, and raze the cities of the enslaved, and my home will become the
capital of a world where each man will be free to exist for his own sake.
For the coming of that day I shall fight, I and my sons and my chosen
friends. For the freedom of Man. For his rights. For his life. For his honor.
And here, over the portals of my fort, I shall cut in the stone the word which
is to be my beacon and my banner. The word which will not die, should we all
perish in battle. The word which can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of
it and the meaning and the glory.
The sacred word:
Is ego the new keyword for coping with our shitty jobs?
They lack the will to make their jobs non-sucky, or to get a better one.
My job's not great, but at least people respect me and value me for who I am, rather than trying to make me like everyone else.
Mostly because I don't stand around texting/chatting/posting on snapchat when there's work to be done. I just get on with it and do it, THEN fuck about.
Because by definition, you're performing an activity someone would rather pay you to do, than do themselves.
All jobs suck unless they consist on making tons of money via passive income due fame.
this. unless your job is making you a shit load of money it sucks. Don't give this bullshit like "oh I love my job so I never work a day in my life". I guarantee you would love a job making you millions much, much more even if you were working like a dog.
and even then your job sucks because youll never have to time play around with all your money. the only way is to have passive income sources that are bringing you bank while you fuck around the world every day.
moral of this post: if you weren't born rich then what the fuck are even still alive for?
what are the benefits of being rich over anyone else with average income in america desu?
comfort, fun, and security. Do I really need to explain to you why money is useful? Why are you even here?
Have you ever worked a job?
Getting yelled at and making like nothing for lots of hard work. I hate work.
we would all be happy if we were hunter gatherers
until we got hungry
Does that mean getting ride of your computer and wifi connection?
>Frustration is borne from the fact that people earn more money than me doing frivolous shit
>ego = coping
No. Feeling like your deserve the same money as those isntagram people is ego.
No. It's just the root cause of why people feel bad.
Some people just need to accept their mediocrity.
If you're so much better than your job, then transcend it.
Otherwise accept that you're paid exactly what society/markets deem you to be worth.
if jobs were fun people would do them for free.
actually some jobs ARE fun, and people usually do them for free.
since work sucks, they have to pay you to do it.
so that whole "find what you like to do and make that your job" thing is utter bullshit. Nobody is going to pay you to play vidya and fap into a tube sock.
For capitalism to survive the weak must suffer.
capitalism survives solely because those on the bottom want to be on top and won't resent others for getting there first.
Capitalism gets hate because it's a race where at the end, there are winners and losers, and there are ALWAYS more losers than winners in a race when someone crosses the finish line.
But the alternative is much better right? Let's just slow down all those other people making an effort to be in front so that the slacker way in the back, not just lazy or incapable, but literally both since he's last, should keep a pace with this loser so we all walk a snail's pace together instead of actually covering ground. We'll get to that finish line possibly before our grandchildren die.
>/thread'ing your own post
back to re[spoiler][/spoiler]dd[spoiler][/spoiler]it
>just do what you love and the money will follow
Why did parents tell their kids this? Were they just fucking with them?
False dichotomy
Not an argument
unless your parents are self-made millionaires you shouldn't be taking financial advice from them anyways.
but parents say that shit because they want their kids to be happy. Rich is nice too, but you got a far better chance of being happy.
Are you implying the post I replied to WAS an argument?
A lot of people failed to predict what would happen to the job market and the nature of the economy. There's millions of people who've went from making 40-50k a year to making around the same or slighty more because their kind of work doesn't pay well anymore and they have no alternatives. Believe me, its great when your young and have options, because eventually that door/window will close and there won't be any more alternatives or options from your job and it'll just be a never ending void of working a job that you don't give a shit for with other miserable fucks who want to screw you over in any way possible.
That was my experience working for a union job from 2014-2016. There's some miserable people out there, I'd almost rather work in food service.
There's other reason why people hate their jobs, but jesus christ, middle aged people in a blue collar job are just a walking breeding entity of misery and anger.
Depends on the workplace
Another thing to consider is that blue-collars are more honest, they complain more about work related dificulties and they often speak ina fouler language for effect.
Office workers are the ones going down with stress and being available 24/7 on email and phone, blue-collars simply wear out at some point if they don't take care if themselves
Also, there is this fucked-up positiveness culture in office workplaces, say yes! Smile! Everything is awesome!
And everyone is miserable as fuck but cannot talk about it because they would get reprimanded or fired for being 'un-constructive'
It probably does, and honestly I wouldn't mind doing it again for a different company but I still think people put too much value in blue-collar kind of people, perhaps I'm putting too much analysis in that one job. Like your office example, I would assume this goes for corporate environments and I did work for a corporate company that hired union workers. Was a pretty shitty combo to say the least. To work that kind of office work or in many corporate jobs you have to tell yourself to not give a fuck or you'll be upset all the time. But yeah you're definitely right, office can be just as bad or worse.
because the people are shit
The problem isn't the jobs, its the people, the coworkers, the supervisors, the work culture. It can be summarized thus: people are autists, sperglords and retards. They have no idea how to relate to others. They cant empathize and lack the intelligence to understand what is happening around them. Most of them are not motivated to even try. Hence they make each other's lives' shit by reeing and sperging and whining non-stop. Now imagine being trapped in the same building with 50 of those retards 8 hours/day, 5 days/week.
Its all about the people. You can work any job where the people are good, and it is guaranteed to be a job you will not hate.
i think twitch.tv disagrees with you
Because with even the most curpsy introspection you realize you werent designed to do the o to 5 shuffle and be happy
Compound that with a digital age where neckbeards made millions on btc overnight and plenty of others have companies they run from laptops and can essentially automate?
At least in earlier times acquiescing to a life of quiet desperation - drilling the wife and the white picket fence and all that - it was realistic , now? Now youre just lying to yourself because your too lazy and / stupid / bad with money to get out of the rat race
That's not what a job is nor why you hire someone. Never run a business, you're dangerously naive
Daily, reminder. If youre not a NEET making PASSIVE income. You're a cuck-lord wage slave wasting your life in sheer misery
I hate listening to idiotic boomers and watching them type with their pointer fingers.
Working on it. My dream is to not work for the rest of my life and it seems I'll have to bust my ass to do it.
Because people have natural inclinations for certain types of job/life style but they have to accept what comes to them because they couldn't plan ahead or simply life dealt them shit cards.
I didn't plan and my parents influenced me a lot, so... Now I'm on a boring job that has a future.
>you're dangerously naive
I'm also dangerously retired already.
No, you can't have a job at my business, probably because I'd rather have someone else do it than pay you.
that's an idiotic answer but i bet you feel clever anyways
The same reason people hate their marriage and shit like that, because they made a long term commitment to secure short term gains without actually considering the consequences of their actions. That job that looks like a better deal right now may not be something you will feel motivated to do 5 years down the line. I had a change of heart at the last minute and took the less impressive job that I will still enjoy for the rest of my life, and people might look down on that, but I think it's preferable to having a trainwreck of a midlife crisis
literally this
He's literally right
Because the world is shit
because theyve gotten fat and content