/fgog/ Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >[Shuten-Doji gacha until 15.6]
- Limited 5* assassin Shuten-Doji
- Event CEs
- 3* Benkei CE: blocks debuffs (1 time) | gourd drops (+1)
- 4* Kiyo CE: +25% damage against males | debuff success rate +12% | gourd drops (+2)
- 5* Tamamo CE: NP gain +20% | gain 3 crit stars every turn | gourd drops (+3)

>[Xuanzang event starts 15.6]
>another genderbend

>[Oni raid event until 15.6]
- Raid boss Berserker Ibaraki
- 5* assassin Shuten-Doji temporarily added to gacha
- Event CEs help to defeat Ibaraki; Ushi can be purchased from the shop, Kintoki is part of the damage reward pool - both can be dropped from 1-3 BP quests
- 5* Ushi CE: Quick cards +10% | upon death: ally Quick cards +10% | damage vs. Ibaraki 100% (self)
- 5* Kintoki CE: NP charge +30% | battle start: +15 stars (1 time) | Party ATK (includes support) +50%
More information can be found @fgo_english

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
- Siegfried, Spartacus, Stheno, Darius, Memeaxe, Kintoki, Nero, Gilgamesh, Saber Lily, and David have lvl. 10 bonds now
- Stay away from cheatAPK, as damage is being tracked


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


xth for clown!

I guess the first sprite is too lewd for cosplayers.

Siegfried could beat all of the rounds in single duel, discuss


Nobu a CUTE.

Yeah probably, none of them have anything that is a good counter for his dragonskin + Balmung.

Forgive my shoddy editing work. Cu Alter looks ten times better without the tail.

Clothing aside.

That bed looks lewd.[/spoiler

>Siegfried is a dragon
>Siegfried is good at killing dragons
>Siegfried is the one who kills Siegfried in apocrypha
Is this pottery?

I want screencaps from the streams! I NEED REACTION IMAGES FROM THE VAs

Reminder that Robin is best hero ;_;

Plus point if he have his invisible cloak.

>Balmung out of thin air

Gawain thread.

Best knight!

Looks better definitely, he would looks even better without those spikes in his knees
>assassin siegfried balmungblasting people out of nowhere

What a shame, she is too old to cosplay as Shuten, she isn't flat enough either.

I will make my daughter cosplay as shuten and post her pics here if people want it

How strong would Robin be if he had UBW?


Reminder that Tamamo and Nero don't love Guda

I love my emperor!

Reminder that they do and claiming they don't is 100% baseless

>how strong would be this servant who likes to hide and set traps if he had an open field RM

Liar, I won't believe you until you post her.

What the fuck man.

You shouldn't believe until I do, but I will


She is a whore.

You really want some fat sweaty neckbeard fapping to your daughter?

That's just... not surprising.
How unsightly.

Not that I give a fuck more than," meh, shit character not worth exploiting whore for."

Best archer

Not really, but okay.

They have no affectionate lines anywhere in My Room

The only lines they do have that convey any affection are in Valentines, and neither shows that they love you. Just that they care about you a little bit maybe.

Nasu is on record as saying Nero doesn't prefer you to Hakuno.

Tamamo does not show any affection to Guda in the way she did to Hakuno

t. jalterfag

What am I supposed to do with 3*s that I don't care about earlygame?

Are there any worth keeping?

I will wait then, but be sure to say the truth, because until then you are liar, and the gatcha won't give good things to liars.

>They have no affectionate lines anywhere in My Room
Arturia has no My Room lines for Mordred, therefore she has no idea who Mordred is.


We broke the 5 trillion mar more than halfway through.

Nero shows concern over you being too much of a bitch to lift a sword
Go fuck yourself.

And I have a Tamamo so you're full of shit there too.

It's objectively true that Brynhildr is the most beautiful servant.

She better be young user, Shuten should only be cosplayed by someone of very young age.

>jobbed to Vortigern
>jobbed to Tiberius
>can only match Lancelot for 6 hours a day
Funny how Gawain is always the one jobbing, meanwhile Lancelot is probably visiting his fairy mom, banging Guinivere or spending time with Galahad.

Not with that hair.

Amem to that brother

>jobbed to Vortigern
He defeated him together with Saber.
It was the work of both of them.

When will I be able to roll for her again?

Gawain didn't job to Vortigern. He was right there with Arturia fighting him. Who else was with them? Oh right, nobody else because every other knight, including Lancelot, was knocked out. Only my boy Gawain stood besides his king.

She is eleven I hope it is still good

More of a Boudica/regular french girl type of guy to be honest.
Most alters are trash, not counting the future Alter EMIYA.

It's subtle how the bit of info revealed today exposes Lancelot as the weak shitter he always will be. While the other knights that are much stronger than he will ever be are fighting a worthy opponent, that weak cowardly nigger is nowhere to be seen. Conveniently.

Rip thread

I started today after reading a lot of wiki and faq but i have some stupid questions left :
Can i get Shuten Douji with the event gacha as a noob via rerolling?
If you get an event servant only one time, does it mean you will never be able to max his/her NP ?
Using friends from friendlist is really important or can i use random people without problem ?

Stop beating me up!

Fuck you Ibaraki stop putting us through your shitty event

Save them. Some 3's are great, such as David, FSN Cu, and a few others. The others you will want to level up once your main Servants are maxed.

>Can i get Shuten Douji with the event gacha as a noob via rerolling?
Yep. Enjoy your rerolls and make them quick.
>If you get an event servant only one time, does it mean you will never be able to max his/her NP ?
Unless they do reruns or some other way for newer players to play the catch up game, that'd be a yes to that too.

Friends give you a bit more of friend points and you're able to use their NP. Random people have their NP locked and give less FP.

Yes you can for as long as she's there. You have a week.
Pretty much.
Using a friend's Servant lets you use that Servant's NP.

I have her My Room lines right infront me me, none of them imply affection for Guda and certainly not more affection than she had for Hakuno

>Nero shows concern over you being too much of a bitch to lift a sword

I wanna pinch her taatas

A bit more than my ideal, but again, Shuten is also a bit more old than what I would like.
Thinking about it, she is actually the perfect age for Shuten.

Don't dare to go back on your word.

Do you think everyone is as autistic as you?

Depends. Vast majority of 3* is shit you can do without, but still worth a few ascensions to get their interlude quartz before burning them.
Some are legitimately good.

Might as well ask, which ones do you not care about?

Not him, but i've never understood the whole "can only use friend's servants NP" thing. Haven't had this kind of thing happen in any other mobage i've played.

>had to be saved by Arturia

>including Lancelot
Sorry bitch but GoA says only Gawain and Arturia had holy sword during the fight against Vortigern. Lancelot was not there unless you are saying Arondight wasn't a holy sword.

If he was there, there would be no conflict. It's like how everything is going to shit, then Saitama arrives and ends it in 1 punch.

Lancelot was the Saitama of Camelot, Gawain agrees, materials agree, Saber agrees.

BASED Gawain OP.

It's a sin with no name
Like a hand in a flame
And our senses proclaim
It's a dangerous game!

I feel like a jackass for not immediately getting the reference in the name of Jekyll's NP.

>having an annoying voice
>being a piece of shit that crits every time
>putting on that stupid face paint that makes you look like an old hag
>and fix your snag teeth too while you're at it
>being part of a scrooge scheme that exists to push the same fight over and over while offering close to nothing in return

And then I'll stop hate beating you, you little shit.

If you are going to bait and shitpost please refrain from using meme anime as comparison, it makes it really obvious, good luck with your future endeavors

The only thing that needs to be removed is that fucking hood.
Everything else is fine.

You are misunderstanding the situation, this is like everyone being tsundere for you, they only hit because they like you and want you with them.
The difference is that this isn't an anime and no matter how much we love you, DW is shitty enough for you to not be given to us,

Hmmm... In terms of character, Robin is not the type of hero who would have UBW. He does not have the high thaumaturgy for a Reality Marble in the first place, and he doesn't have anywhere near the same identity as a "sword" or "blacksmith hero" to manifest the whole "projecting swords" thing.

If he had a Reality Marble, it'd be a very advanced extension of his poisonous Bounded Field--probably based off his operations in Sherwood Forest, and be like a labryinth of traps or something.

Anyway, I like Robin for being an underdog who keeps on going even though he knows he's outmatched

I want to _____hug her.

>Lancelot was the Saitama of Camelot
Then the version of history we've been told about it was wrong, since if Gawain had told Saitama not to save Camelot Saitama would have just gone ahead and done it anyway.

I want Carmilla to get a third skill and then rape some lolis. Or rape first and then add skill. Either way is fine, but both steps are important.

>likely about 24 more hours before Ibaraki is ded
Soon the secret about what we get for victory shall be revealed

>kyoani shitter butthurt about people not watching le fun thing LOL
Fuck off moeshitter.

Incentive to make friends, maybe.
Pretty dumb incentive when you can't even communicate anyway.

>Always there during the major battles as the first line of defense. Willing to lose as long as he's the first to fall in the name of his country and brothers, puts himself on the line.
>Conveniently missing during any important battle. Didn't feel like showing up for Vortigen, or Tiberius. Pretends "Oh hey, guys need a hand" after showing up at the very end of the final great war, after betraying both king and country, like this shit is okay.

What are the chances that the shit that is going on in the Melty Blood manga is building up to a crossover event in F/GO?

After all Olga is still there and IIRC Alter Roast Beef is there

one quartz

The dream is over user. Even DW is moving on to the next event. There is nothing.

That's too much hope there, it is a quartz, there is no secret.
Stop hoping, you will only hurt yourself.

It's possible, but I don't see it happening until after the main story is finished.

>Have all 68 rewards
>Got 300 M DP
>7 Golden Onigiri left

I really want to use them to clear the shop but I am afraid DW will do some bullshit when we get Ibaraki down to 0 we get some bonus quest.

Lancelot remembered there was a sale that day so he fucked off.

It's not rape if she wants it.

user, this Ibaraki has 5 times the HP of the first Ibaraki we fought, naturally the reqard shall be 5 times better. That is to say, 5 quartz.

How do you have 300m DP but haven't cleared the shop yet?

>faggot fake jet is using JETS' images
>not even correct filename
True JETS here, this faggot better stop pretending.

>Richard Baxter for example described Paracelsus as a 'Drunken Conjuror, who had converse with Devils', and he rejected the natural magic which was so often associated with Paracelsism on the grounds that it's exponents 'give us neither Reasons with Aristotle, not Miracles with Christ . . . to cause us to believe any of their new Revelations'. The presbyterian Thomas Hall attacked Paracelsus for much the same reasons referring to him as 'a Libertine . . . Drunkard' and a 'man of little learning' of whom it was frequently said that he conversed 'constantly with familiars' and had 'the Devill for his Purse-Bearer'. Hall much preferred the traditional authority of Aristotle and Galen ('the Father of Physitians') as did the presbyterian physician Robert Wittie. Of Paracelsus, Wittie reported that he 'never went to church . . . and seemed slightly to regard God and his Ordinances.

Man, Dr. Evil was causing severe analpain among nerds even five centuries ago.

Shuten a best!

xth for awful prototype event DW used to test the waters on us as if it was month one

I have none of the gacha CE besides the free one and I can do 3 BP.

I got most of the shop.
The only left I really want is the dust.
Besides that all that is left are the 3* EXP, statues and monuments (already have 100+ of all of them so no need), and the Fou-kun and I already have 4 sets in my gift box I'm not using.

>Gawain accepts Lancelot could have soloed the whole conflict but his butthurr didn't allow him to forgive Lancelor until him and his king were already dying
Great job, Shitwain

What does Caligula say when he uses his NP?

You got a problem with swan hair?

His Origin must be buttpain