Is this man generating wealth?
Is this man generating wealth?
Yes, people will need to be hired to repair those windows, he is creating job offers.
Only if the glassier industry is in a slump.
However it looks like there's a riot, so that's unlikely to be true for much longer, so in this situation, no.
no this is an edgelord anarchist heroin addict
>mfw the featherbedding is just right
NO! Just the oppossite, he is costing those companies thousands of dollars in damages that they will have to pay (out of their pocket!) to repair that window, assuming they don't have Vandalisation Insurance
At Genins we will pay for the damages done by vandals, which is not often covered by burglary or thievary insurance (nothing is stolen so the claim is tossed out!)
Make sure to be very careful when selecting the insurance for your business, you want protection from these Vandals
No you stupid fucks
EVer heard of the broken window fallacy?
>The broken window fallacy is often used to discredit the idea that going to war stimulates a country's economy. As with the broken window, war causes resources and capital to be funneled out of industries that produce goods to industries that destroy things, leading to even more costs. According to this line of reasoning, the rebuilding that occurs after war is primarily maintenance costs, meaning that countries would be much better off not fighting at all.
we know dummy. this is an economics board.
anyone not familiar with Bastiat should return to reddit
Someone's history teacher just told him about the myth of the broken window...
the people above aren't familiar
This guy is familiar
This guy is shilling for his insurance business which you should totally use to insure your business btw
This guy seems familiar
This guy is questionable, drugs aren't related to the topic
This guy is questionable, doesn't seem to know economics
This guy is questionable, doesn't seem to know economics
you know we have IDs here right?
no, but he is creating an opportunity for someone to sustain their wealth generation
People that work on repairing windows need broken windows, someone has to do the job of breaking the windows.
good goy
How much of the federal budget should be apportioned to subsidizing window smashing hooligans?
No they don't. The overwhelming source of their income is installing windows in new buildings. Replacing broken ones is a tiny fraction.
What? How does that make me a goy?
This is a bot that responds "good goy" to random posts.
If the company that owns the building is public, he is generating wealth for anyone who has shorted their stock or has shares in an industry competitor.
zero sum tho. no net wealth created.
Can any net value truly be produced in a closed system?
Think about it :^)
We need more information.
Is he planning to loot? Or is he just smashing windows?
Does he own the business? Is he comitting insurance fraud?
Does he own a window repair business?
Is he being paid to smash out the windows?
More details, please.
Broken window fallacy is wrong in one way.
If the person who's window was broken was saving/hoarding money with no intention of spending it, then breaking the window will help the economy. Otherwise yes it just becomes an opportunity cost taken away from better pursuits.
the amount of wealth generated is up for debate, obviously
what is his ROI?
He's transferring wealth, which is what most people think of as generating it.
op did not ask whether the wider economy will benefit from that window being smashed though, he asked if it would generate wealth. the answer to that is objectively 'yes', for at least one group wealth will be generated
>saving/hoarding money with no intention of spending it
Without even investing it? Absurd assumption.
Yes, because value is an abstract, imaginary concept. You can generate wealth by picking up a rock and getting all people to believe it has value.
No, he is transfering wealth from the shop/office to a window repair company. These guys are also destroying the economy by increasing the crime/vandalism rate in this location which drives business away.
He is generating demand, which is good for the economy. Income must be equal to spending so he is increasing total income.
Dont fall for that nonsense about household spending being equivalent to a countrys spending.
He could be an agent provocateur making a cop wages maybe w some extra for undercover work idk
when you add everything up we're just losing those fucking windows.
According to Krugman, yes
If the Shop keeper had invested his savings in other businesses. Then no.
If the Shop keeper had stuffed his savings in a mattress. Then yes.
It's possible to spoof them. OP is very obviously samefagging but changing his ID. The post timings and on the spot bait responses are just too obvious.
with fiat currency it doesn't matter, the money that goes into mattresses gets replaced by new money created out of thin air
Well how do you think your worthless dad convinced your mom to have sex?
He's a job creator.