/simg/ - Vehicle Simulation Games General

W I L L Y Edition

A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

/fsg/ Steam Group:

/fsg/ TeamSpeak:
Or whatever is on the group's profile

BMS download links

Planefag pastebin:

Silent Hunter 3 pastebin:

Dangerous Waters pastebin:

FPSchazly's Dangerous Waters tutorials:

Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims:
Falcon BMS
DCS World
Rise of Flight
Combat Helo
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Euro truck sim
Assetto Corsa
rFactor 2
Live for Speed
SAM Simulator
Steel Beasts Pro
Steel Armor: Blaze of War
Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum
Silent Hunter
Train Simulator
Farming Simulator 2015

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm* 3
Ac* Combat
W*r Thunder
World of ____

Previous sortie:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for cool planes.

first for gods plane


>Gods plane with gods NASCAR driver


Blueflag OPS When?


>he takes 7.6G's like a boss and giggles like a school girl after

How do I SAM simulator

>you will never be that happy
>you will never have that much fun
>you will never get a thrill like that in your entire life


Are we back?

>Sukhoi putting spic-tier hydraulic suspensions in fucking fighters
Truly the russian Lockheed Martin.

>going that fast on the ramps
serves you right

Seems to be. I kept getting SSL failures for the last hour or so, it didn't want to let me post with the pass.

Oh I am not denying that i fucked up.


Hey is there a specific button or switch i have to press for the synthetic runway overlay to appear on the M2000 HUD in DCS?



APP mode on the PCA and I think you have to have a waypoint set on the runway. I'm not exactly sure.


Does openttd go here, or is this just for vehicle operation sims?

> /simg/ - Vehicle Simulation Games General

The Combined Community Codec Pack, more commonly referred to as the CCCP, is a collected archive of codecs (video compression filters) packed for Microsoft Windows, designed originally for the playback of anime fansubs.[2] The CCCP is developed and maintained by members of various fansubbing groups.

>The CCCP is developed and maintained by members of various fansubbing groups.
That explains the retarded five year plans and shit.

Servers woke up? Good.

Rather new to DCS, is the SU-27 dlc campaign worth the 10 dollarydoos?

I'm still missing how this is related to God's plane in anyway

>pretending this hard

I actually really liked it.

Ok, but it's a tycoon sim about vehicles, so does it belong or not?

From what I read it's the best payware DCS campaign.

Neat, thanks. Guess I know what i'm doing tonight.

>rocket pods
>a-a missiles


>arma 3 tanoa
>steel beasts 4.0 which includes based jews
>CMBS marines and vdv
what a time to be alive

is there an easy and obvious way I can upgrade my computer for better DCS performance or is it just
>my computer is shit
I'm wondering if it would be worth upgrading anything here or if my bottleneck is just the processor and I might as well start fresh

Start fresh, repurpose that PC as a web machine or something.

>>>CMBS marines and vdv
Woah really? Any screens yet?

Follow up question: what stats do you need for 60fps at 1080p in the mig21 in multiplayer?

>needing 60fps to absolutely tear ass in MP

Bend your mind into being an absolute air combat deity, and fps will no longer be a concern

I don't need 60, but if I am building a new machine, I wanted to use DCS as my reference point.

Why would you do that, it would be pretty asinine as DCS is an incredibly unoptimized mess, as far as I know it still runs on a single core in fucking 2016.

>DCS is a difficult game to run well on a system
>why would you want to use a poorly optimized and resource intensive game to design a future system


It's not that hard to grasp f-a-m, DCS is the crysis of our day

Sims are filled with optimization issues so you're better off with a mid to high end rig, at least. I'd recommend an intel processor because a lot of vidya is meh to bad at handling more than 4 cores.

>I wanted to use DCS as my reference point
read the recommended specs and add a bit more of raw power to the mix

Are you genuinely retarded? Crysis was a benchmark because
1. it looked good
2. it required not only a beefy CPU but also a lot of graphical power.

DCS is bottlenecked by the CPU first and foremost, then storage devices, and also RAM.

Oh and for the record Crysis can run with decent FPS even on toasters if you play with potato settings, the same can't be said about DCS.

>crysis of our day
It could run well. But can eat more when asked to.

DCS eats everything, then shits out 2 FPS.

so what I've gathered from the comments so far is that none of you have 60fps. no need to be salty

what the fuck is CMBS

This is the first time I've heard of it and I googled it and it looks intredasting



I can get 60fps in MP with most of the settings turned way low. Old ass Core i7 920, GTX560ti, 12GB of RAM. For whatever reason DCS seems really limited by non-sequential read speeds, adding a cheap SSD made a world of difference in performance.

good job buddy

Looks like we have similar specs. I used to have a GTX560ti and side-graded to my current card. I thought the SSD only helps with nevada---you also saw a boost on the caucuses?

I can actually get 40-60 FPS on max graphics if the situation is right, such when there's few things happening

Now if I'm in a situation where there's a large presence of objects it might dim down to 30-40 range

>small smoke puff

Also would like to not this is with TrackIR running. The shit in my case include 16GB RAM, X4 965 and a R9 380

Though then you have cases such as this were the game just straight up says "No fuck you enjoy your 15FPS" for the smallest of stuff. Also cases when the game had a memory leak before some patch fixed it and I couldn't play MP/large instant actions without the game freezing.

So basically, don't base a computer off of DCS specs.

Yeah SSD helped a lot, I was having major stuttering problems in multiplayer that are all but gone now. Also download the mod that removes tree shadows, it makes a massive difference.

I'm also running in Windowed fullscreen which eats a few FPS, and using Opentrack which eats up some CPU cycles. But overall this old rig is just fine, but none of my screenshots are ever going to be pretty.

you running the camera at it's lowest resolution?

Are you supposed to see the AoA lines like this or even CCIP lines outside the hud? Is this a glitch or 4th gen fuckary?





With the camera at 640x480 I can run with less software smoothing which makes it feel smoother.

placebo, wiki recommends 320x240

I'll give'r a go. I never noticed a difference in performance either way.


It's a glitch, user.


>tfw having to engage two F-15s with only heaters after killing choppers and Su-25s with s530, always get killed by one while I focus on the other because my squadron mates are too retarded to be of any use in a dogfight
>one literally spent 4 lives just crashing his MiG-21 in stupid ways

comfiest plon

the fagot is actually a super nice plane to fly. I keep coming in way too slow on final and having to dump the throttle on to keep from stalling out. Below 350km/h she bleeds speed like crazy.

I love pressurization effects on it. Should be in every module.

>Going slow
if you aint wheeling the thing you aren't doing it right.

Is there anything other than just the usual hypoxia shit?

Sound effects of air ringing when changing pressure.



>not going tot he obviously superior sim
War Thunder


I can get around 100 FPS no problem, even flying close to the ground and near trees, but my system is a beast.

Waypoint on the runway, APP mode on the PCA, tuned to the ILS freq, on the glideslope and within 10nm are the requirements.

Check out chucks guide.


What's this new 10 meme?

>Page 10

Thread is dying, user

>What's this new 10 meme?

Why are so many new as fuck fags attracted to this particular thread

I bet it's because of the blueflag shitposting and not keeping our fresh memes to ourselves

Well done assholes

>m-muh sekrit club!!!

It's not about being a sekrit club, it's about trying to slow down the decrease of threadquality over time


Why not take a screenshot of a a more shit tier IFV?
Oh wait, there isn't one in DCS

>Spend time creating new models for airfields, no one cares
>Guy recolours fucking building roofs, which is a 5min job, everyones sucking his dick

pretty salty desu.

Live broadcast of an airshow in the Netherlands.


Chill, it was just a fellow user which makes skins presenting that particular huey skin.


It was a joke, not like it matters.

>that accent
Makes me feel better about my own.


Damn right!

You're alright, user.

Grass when?

it's pretty good, that accent though

>Get IL-2 1946 on GOG because sale
>read that CUP mod is the way to go
>part one of the first module is 2,9GB large and takes 8+ hours to download
I guess I'll stick with DCS and BMS for now.

>takes 8 hours to download 3GB
Fuck off Aussie cunt.

Slovak Mig-29 is coming up.

Get in here miggers.

No their servers are shit

>giant tiger painted on the back
Fucking lmao. So tacky.

Just fucking torrent it.
