/kfg/ - Killing Floor General

Your favorite Perk is now shit edition

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>KF2 Steam group

Memetastic maps by /kfg/:
>KF-Mall drive.google.com/file/d/0BywcqXA0Kt4IS3pwMFQ2VVRHZ00/view?pli=1
>KF-ParkingGarage steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=642348804
>KF-DanceFloor moddb.com/games/killing-floor-2/addons/kf-dance-floor-contest
>KF-Fog_Rig steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646654523
>KF-GreenStreet steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646131633
>KF-Antarctic steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=644445723
>KF-LetsTryGas steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=677201858
>KF-Nuked steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=642313451

Mods n shit:
>user's weapon skins and modded Soundtracks
>Abandon All and Abandon All v3 music for Patriarch
>Engraveless 1911 skin
>user's guide to modding sounds

>Useful console commands for testing or goofing around:

>Spreadsheet with lots of stats about Perks, Damage, Weapons, Etc:

>Grind map for gaining xp fast:

>Mapping/modding help, Bugs, Tweaks, Downloads, and extra stuff:

>Old 2015 /kf2g/ pastebin info (old server IPs):

EU servers:
open no password

First for dead game

>Sharpshooter happened but I still feel dead inside


On paper it might appear that Berserker got a nerf but in reality it's just more focused and in some ways even stronger then before - Yoshiro

What did he mean by this?

They improved the fatality rate.

>Want to do some easy action on my 11 SS
>Jump into a Sui server
>Start the first wave, all is well
>Player joins
>Oh fuck
>A guy I recognise with 900+ hours and 1 HOE achievement
>Pretty decent but a massive tryhard for killcounts
>I can already feel him spectating, scrutinizing me to see how many kills he needs to reach before he's top dog
>As expected, he goes M14 and then spends every wave running off by himself to the other side of the map to try to farm kills
>Alright I'll play this one time
>Run around with a LAR & Rail, by pure luck all the zeds spawn on me so by Wave 6 I'm still topping kills
>He's trying harder and harder tho
>In Wave 6 I accidentally rage a scrake but it goes running off to his part of the map
>Shit I can't pursue because of all this trash. Oh well, he's got 900 hours he can handle one scra-
>He gets mad at me
>Tell him sorry my man, it got away from me and I thought you were good enough to handle it
>Silence follows
>Next wave he comes back as a 25 Medic
>Doesn't heal at all, just runs off as usual
>Wave 10, two FPs spawn on his part of the map
>Imagine my surprise when two raging FPs come charging toward me and he's miles away, watching us from a distance
>I wonder how this happened
>Holy fuck he actually wants top kills this badly
>Well I don't think so bud
>So I decide to ignore them and blast as much trash as I can while I kite
>Finally get caught and killed
>Tryhard suddenly comes charging in to fight at last
>Take a quick look at the tab board and zeds left
>He finishes the wave
>Only to realize he's exactly two kills below me
>He's not happy is he
>Switch to LAR M14 for the boss, a Support joins, we get Patty
>When Patty goes to heal grubs start coming
>See tryhard sprinting toward grubs
>I don't think so
>Deny him as much as I can, maintain the lead
>Support ends up getting the killshot on Patty
>Tryhard quits almost immediately

I feel kinda bad for being so childish, but it was such dumb fun.

'I don't actually play outside of hard mode or play berserker at all but trust me it's better'

The only takeaway here is that you can flinchlock big guys (think KF1), but the cooldown on flinch is inconveniently long, making this take way too much fucking time anyway.

i know who you're talking about

dudes a faggot


we grow closer

Assuming it's the same guy, I wouldn't say he's a faggot.

He just tries WAY TOO HARD.
I mean seriously. Think about it. On Sui, he's running around trying to farm kills on grubs while I'm having to solo FPs and SCs alone. It's a good thing I can handle that stuff alone or I might actually have been pissed.

I will say though, while not a faggot, he is a shitter. He sits around with exactly one confirmed HOE win, and then has the nerve to run around on a lesser difficulty piling up trash kills and then going HAH SEE I'M THE BEST I CARRIED THIS TEAM.
He must learn his place in the proper order of things.

What is that?


will they ever redesign the medic weapons? i thought they were placeholders but after this patch i don't doubt it's the best they could do at the time considering how fucking awful the current crew at TWI is

Is it just an EBR with no scope?

doing god's work user

it's the M14 the way it was meant to be used

As long as it doesn't have that god awful scope and shitty laser sight you'll have my approval

>TW didn't even make the laser crutch toggleable

For what purpose?

It would require too much effort on their part, TWI do the least possible work required to ruin the game

Will this be a replacement weapon or a seperate one?

>Sorry guys, we wanted to create a Turn off M14 laser MMB switch but there was NOT ENOUGH TIME
>Oh, but we did have time to program an auto-lock firemode MMB switch for the Railgun

Sasuga TW.
As predictable as my cock rising for some good booty.

trying to replace it, but if I get to the point where I'm happy I'll try to bitch on the forums until it gets whitelisted so it works on multiplayer

Is it even possible to add in a new weapon?
I know a few of the TWI devs are adding in modded weapons but even they seem to be having trouble with that.

I disagree.
I think if TW really wanted to add in those modded weapons they could have them ready by the next update in three months.
They just don't want to, for whatever reason.

yes, but there's code hoops to jump through.
There's an overhaul mod that adds a few weapons with new damage and effects.

I also turn into a malevolent child when I see a tryhard trying to top frag.

>Non-beta HoE Biolabs
>Be medic doing wave 1 scalpel only
>End up with top kills at end of wave
>Wave 2 team heads to processing
>Except the Support decides to zip down the hallway to fuckallville on his own farming kills
>I decide to weld the door because fuck him
>Later on he's running back getting his ass kicked by zeds
>Sees the welded door keeping him out
>We stare at each other through the glass
>Husk fires off the coup de grace.
>I toss a medic nade at the door and unweld it
>Pick up his DBS and proceed to finish the wave using it
>End of the wave I type "Whose shotgun is this?"
>Support and I stare each other down again.
>He leaves.

>Been waiting for Sharp since the closed beta
>It's finally out
>Don't even feel like leveling it up

They somehow made killing Zeds a chore, the one thing this game is all about
And I know they'll keep trying to push this retarded system instead of listening to people for once, or they'll fix it in like 6 months

>tfw you actively enjoy letting shitter pubbies get killed because you believe that their sacrifice pleases the malevolent being that you semi-ironically worship and she might grant you her favour for future HOE clutches and wins

>thinking that a malevolent god will be benevolent to you just because you're being a little bitch every now and then
Mortals are so gullible.


Good one.

Do you know if it's hard to do?
I've been thinking of adding in some new zerk weapons, that would use the current zerk weapons animations.

Would someone with absolutely no experience or skill in any form of code be able to do this?

I can tell you how to add skeletal models. Not much more. I don't know how to make animations work.


>New Survival VS
>Assassinate an entire team of 25s with a Crawler damage buffed by Alpha Clot
>Medic Pistol does jack shit to me
>Pump Shotgun hits me like a party favor
>Commando too busy to shoot me
>Everybody goes from full HP to dead in seconds from being surrounded like in Suicidal difficulty
>Next map, another Wave 1 wipe thanks to Bloat friend tanking all the starter weapons like a champ and finishing off the wounded Survivors


Now just remove the resistances for coop pls

You really think those lazy shits can be fucked to implement two different balance sets like Blizzard?

No, they'll just keep running this game into the ground and then years later complain that KF2 was ruined by player expectations being too high.

Which it will be at this rate.
Players expected a good game from a competent dev, I guess that was too much to ask.

Two balance sets TW.
That would've solved all the problems.
But no. As usual. We chose to do things the easy way. The lazy way. The shitty way.
Well now we'll see what will become of KF2 once that Early Access tag comes off.


Adding in the rig shouldn't be a problem, I can just attach the one from the weapon who's animations it'll use. Same can be said of the animations. It's just actually getting it into the game that seems to be the hard part.

>I can just attach the one from the weapon who's animations it'll use
How? I'm lost on how to attach 2 different assets

re you using blender?

AutoCAD+ 3DS

Then sorry friendo, wouldn't have a clue.
Is there not a shortcut for joining/seperating meshes?

in the SDK? or the editor itself?

In whatever mesh editor you're using.

Update so bad it killed /kfg/ in a day and a half.

tripwire actually ruined the fucking game

Don't worry guys they know we didn't like the resistances so we're getting another double xp event

this thread has weathered a lot of bad shit
I expect a lot of backpedaling soon
or it may actually die from lack of interest (again)

The backlash so far has been pretty unfavorable even on Leddit

So I imagine the resistances will get toned down a bunch, but not exactly removed

>called the bullseye update
>it makes rockpaperscissors more important than shot placement

I want to fuck Megumin so hard

>When you finally beat HOE on Hostile Grounds

Nice fucking try TW.
You threw all this bullshit at us.
The teleporting, the knockback, the resists, all the bullshit, and we STILL CRUSH your game .



Apparently they released an "update based on feedback" eariler today? Did that do anything?

demo was too op they had to nerf him

Is the eviscerator any good? The last time I played Zweihander was undisputably king and now I'm hearing they've halved the damage reduction of parry and made zerks super bouncy in the most inconvenient way possible.

>Is the eviscerator any good?
No, as much as TW make zerk and his other weapons shit, nailgun and eviscerator are the weapons that define a shitter or someone who just doesn't care anymore.
The only thing it does better is EMP scrake and getting 5 saw blade headshot decap on 6p hoe.

they unfucked the 9mm and some handgun weapons a little on like 4 zeds. no not husk

nailgun isn't THAT bad but it's bad when you use it as your main weapon. i never buy it since a med AR does basically the same shit but i can heal my team with it though


>unfucked a bit of what we fucked
>but just a bit

Yeah stalkers can still roundhouse kick you into a corner and shrug off headshots from the .500 magnums.

The nailgun isn't bad, but it's bad because it's a zerk weapon and zerk is a melee perk, little to none of the perks in this new rework even benefit the nailgun/evis.
If they want them to be more useful they should cut the price and weight of the evis in half and be made a tier 3 or buff it so it actually resembled a tier 4.
nailgun should've been a fireaxe and the nailgun given to supports as an extra tier 2.



I kind of like the nailgun. I don't use it all the time obviously but having some ranged capability with reasonable flinching is useful for bloats husks and especially crawlers, it's similar to how zerks often carried a LAR in the first KF.

i think it could work if they incorporated the homemade feel into zerk more rather than just melee
so if MA ever gets added he can be the strict melee perk but zerk has more versatility
problem with the nailgun is that there's just better stuff, why use it when you can use a medic gun
>and the nailgun given to supports as an extra tier 2.
it should get perk bonuses but still be a zerk weapon
which should go for any weapon of their "class" really, it'd make the game more interesting

Then they should just change "Perk weapon damage" to "shotgun, melee, handguns, etc weapon damage" for each class

that would be good, it would add more build variety into the game

>see Sharp returned to KF2
>still don't feel like reinstalling it
How's the interest in game so far? Did they fucked up with resistances thing or SS abilities itself more?

Shit's fucked.

Resistances completely fucks the game. SS isn't bad.

i uninstalled the beta despite sharp and play on regular early access

it's this bad

Not sure sure if this has been posted yet, but small PSA about sharpshooter's Rack 'em Up: You seem to only gain 15% damage per stack, capping at 4 stack with a 60% damage boost. It is not affected by the 9mm. Gunslinger's Rhythm Method (formerly Rack 'em Up) seems to be unchanged form what it was originally: 10% per stack capping at 70% at 7 stacks.

It's actually a pretty good update- LET ME FINISH.

It's actually a pretty good update, Sharpshooter is fun, the new maps aren't total shit, a lot of bugs got fixed, yeah it's actually a pretty good update UNTIL we get to Resistances.
My God. Then it's awful, it's a total disaster.

I managed to beat Hostile Grounds, the new map, on HOE today.
Let me tell you this, in 500 hours, it was the most savagely difficult HOE Victory I've ever earned.
Now I don't mean difficult as in "WEW lads, that was close, but with solid skill and a little bit of luck, we managed to persevere and overcome the threat."
I mean difficult as in "By Saint George, it is nothing short of a divine miracle that we managed to survive all that insane cheating bullshit and truly God himself must have been spectating the game to deliver us because how the fuck else did we survive that shit?"
I had an AA12 in that game. It took three rounds to kill a single crawler.
You think I'm playing? I'm not.
It took three rounds to kill a single stalker.
Are you shook up? Are you nervous?
These Resists have fucked everything. It's total chaos out there and people are furious. This update has been ruined by this single shitty addition.

OK imagine it like this:

You get a brand new car, it's a great car, it's that one car you always wanted.
Then suddenly you hear a whistle behind you, it's Gibson. Once he sees he has your attention he runs off and when you turn around, you see Yoshiro pouring a 10KG bag of sugar with the brand name "Zed Resistances" into the gas tank.
You run up and say "What are you doing?!".
Yoshiro is startled and exclaims "Oh, I'm trying to help!"
"But that's gonna wreck the car!"
"No it's not! It's gonna be great, your car's gonna run better than ever, you'll see!"

That is what TW have done.

>Tripwire still can't label their skills to what the actually do
What a surprise

>Gunslinger released in December
>You couldn't get blood on the knife
>Sharpshooter released now
>You can't get blood on the knife

Come the fuck on.

>MFW someone isn't playing in a 6-man team with fully-optimized perk choices.

wow great man you thought that up by yourself? you're such a special snowflake for having realized everything except the resistances was fine, i'm impressed

Resistances are fucking based in Normal mode. Git good.

>in VS mode

TWI is too stupid and stubborn to remove resistances.

Settle down bubbaboy, I just wanted to pitch in my two cents. I don't know what's up your ass but it sounds like you need more lube.


try guessing

healsluts dick

>1 day and 10 hours until E3

It's just flying past gents.

I wish

Too bad the update sucks shit.

You feel it too, don't you?


TWI managed to kill interest the game again while the latest patch is still in beta.

Well done!

to be honest all they need to do is to remove the fucking resistances / limit them to VS meme mode

Hey guys, we've noticed the complaints about stalkers and crawlers for players, so we made this change everyone should enjoy

Resistance to fire lowered to 1.2 was 0.3
Resistance to explosives lowered to 0.8 was 0.3
Resistance to shotguns raised to 0 was 0.25

Resistance to handguns lowered to 0.8 was 0.75
Resistance to shotguns lowered to 0.7 was 0.35

Stay tuned for more tweaks!

I agree, but TWI is retarded and probably continue to think that resistances are a good idea.

Ok i've been doing some testing with the demos damage skills, specifically the direct hit ones because i wasn't doing to damage i thought i would ingame.

This was tested with an Rpg-7 shooting the head.
Turns out armour piercing rounds only affect impact damage, making it deal only around 100 more damage to a fleshpound and between 350-400 more to a scrake due to its rpg impact weakness.

High impact rounds is even weirder, i couldnt get it to affect damage meaningfully at all, even if it was only affecting impact damage it would have been incredibly pronounced on a scrake due to the weakness yet i saw practically no difference, around 16 damage.

Can someone else test the high impact aswell? This is getting really retarded tripwire.

>crawlers, which firebug get bonus xp for killing, are impervious to fire
>literally all medium zeds are impervious to fire
>even trash has a 0.8 modifier, so a 25 firebug now deals as much damage to them as a lvl 0 pre update
Have we reached maximum retardation level?

>thinking the Early Access tag will ever come off
It's literally it's own genre.

>Sharp has no bolt action weapon
You fucked up Tripwire

>because of the bonus while crouching sharp is basically midget simulator

>stack all damage bonuses
>SS becomes a paraplegic man with a gun