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Azura is shit

Azura a shit

>3 posts early


Reminder that your slutty cousin will literally cuddle and sleep with another guy even if you're married to her.


What is the strongest Nintendo character a Fire Emblem unit could defeat?

Charlotte is shit

Is there a chart somewhere of kidnapable units?

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever actually once invited her to the treehouse.

I hate Azura and so do you!

Which waifu would be okay with Azura as a concubine so long as that waifu is first in Corrin's heart? Maybe a domineering one who likes restraining her.

It's no use my man, these darn conniving waterfags are untriggerable, we've tried every trick in the book and it never works, they just keep trooping with their headcanons

Dori is a-dori-ble!

>falling in love with Scarlet
>letting her break your heart then die
>not being in a romanceless friendship with benefits
>not having threesomes with her and your wife

>trying to start thread drama this early
Everyone's waifu is great. All waifus should be treated with respect.

Except for Solel
A Cup

Does your waifu like the view?

Not a chart, but here you go.
In fact, thinking about it, any non-generic but not-otherwise-recruitable (your siblings, Shura) boss is capturable.



How's Mozu for Conquest? I kind of want to start using her after seeing others pull some decent results, but the thought of babying her in a route with limited resources has kept me from doing it until now.

This includes capturable bosses.

At first I thought that was a tongue and I was looking at a lizard Peri.

>Play new DLC
>Now trying to figure how the bad ends in Conquest and Birthright happened.

Great growths.
She's your only sniper.
Bows are great.
Do the math.

Oboro makes my sword hand tingle.

This. Solel is literal shit

Waste of time, resources, and efficiency. Listen to your heart. There's a reason you've been dropping her.

I just realized there haven't been a lot of Oborofags lately.

Felicia because she wouldn't have the spine to say no, Setsuna because she is too scatterbrained to mind it, Camilla and Elise because it was the norm with their parents.

>mark told anankos to attack
>he does
>the weakened kingdoms are worsted

She's fine as long as you get her going in her paralogue. If she isn't lvl 4-6 when it's done and not an archer just drop her.

Ophelia is pretty cute.

Cutest family

No, user, we've been over this. It's "I love Pieri and so do you!"

She's fine if you're not going for "efficiency". People seriously overstate how much you have to baby her and make it sound like you'll be hobbled for the entirety of the route if you bring her along.

Birthright doesn't happen ok user

Just fucking use Niles

Seriously what has he done to you?

I just beat Royal Royale with Xander.

Man Hinoka was such a bitch to deal with and she started right in front of you. Leo's team was pretty scary too.

Worst unit in the game, don't even bother

Yo that is cute as fuck.

Mozu is garbage. Shit bases and requires investment, babying and playing extremely slow. D-rank unit. Only good for giving a kid you like aptitude.

Plausible yeah, but my headcanon doesn't want to accept something as simple as Anakos just walking up and going "yeah, your shit's fucked".

Camilla, with a silent understanding that if Azura steps out of line Camilla will END her. She's done it before.
Flora wouldn't be able to stop her honestly.
Soleil would complain if she wasn't occasionally invited to join in.
Scarlet might object but she isn't saying "No."
With as absent as Kagero is, she better not complain.

>but the thought of babying her in a route with limited resources has kept me from doing it until now
You barely have to baby her, though. Slap on a Heart Seal, give her a Bronze Bow, and let her clean up her paralogue. She's absolutely lethal after that, especially in Chapter 10 with the faggot fliers.
And use Niles too. Niles is a bro.

Only good on casual like runs.

he's a fucking cunt, fuck him.


For best results, give her an E rank bow, Heart Seal, and Paragon during her paralogue and feed her every kill while stagnating the boss with cupid bow

Literally Level 11-12 by the end of it

Don't bother. She's like Donny but shittier.

>you don' have to baby her
>just baby her

>Flora wouldn't be able to stop her honestly
>the most jealous girl in the army wouldn't be able to stop Azura
She'd probably turn her to steam.

Some waifus you can't post about here without incurring the wrath of shitposters, it eventually just becomes not worth doing so

Lack of divine weapon wielders. In Conquest this is especially egregious since Hoshido is without them so the country would fall fast followed up by Nohr. In Birthright, Nohr would fall, but not quickly since Leo is still around with his divine weapon to somewhat stem the invisible tide.

F!Corrin really messed up. At least M!Kamui has the ability to hold out a little longer than his female counterpart with 3 divine weapons.

F!Corrin is a dadcon compared to M!Kamui who is a momcon.

I want to serve her

even if it means I die

She's great when trained. The only downside is investing in a seal early game with limited funds, but it's still a good investment. Having a Sniper in Conquest is super useful since Niles unfortunately falls off lategame. She can also pass aptitude to someone like Velouria and have her good as well.

>you don't need to baby Mozu
I love this meme

Well it's not like I have much to say. She's my favorite girl in this game but I'll keep things low until I feel like it.

She's completely redundant, anything she does is already done much easier by other units.

Now tell us how Effie is only good as a backpack for him


>the most jealous girl in the army

She could easily "talk the talk" but not "walk the walk", and there's in-game proof to suggest that Flora is likely the type to stay quiet and seethe from afar

At most I see her actually believing that it's *her* fault

thanks fags, you've made me succumb to the last titty monster

>Killing her husbands most trusted adviser and confidant
Flora'd get upset and demand constant "I'm better than her, right?"s but she ultimately wouldn't kill her.

>being a cuck

what does Severa smell like?

>S Rank Kana
>She has a letter explaining she isn't actually your daughter
Oh man


I said you barely have to baby her. Learn to read, moron. And it's not like you have to do whatever bullshit this shitter is recommending you just have to give her kills like you'd give any other unit.

>Effie being good when Silas exists

People still post Azura, Flora and Camilla, though those latter two may mostly be falseflaggers.

Actually, this is probably more correct desu
She definitely wouldn't be okay with it though, and I'd imagine Corrin respects and loves whoever his waifu is enough to abide by their wishes.

yes, she's lewd


>the latter two are obviously falseflaggers
>grrrrrrr but those canerous azurafags, those are genuine

She's not a titty monster

She's just a monster

If you give Mozu kills at the same rate as other units she's still going to be behind permanently, especially if you're wasting an early seal to reclass her to something with no enemy phase.

She proposes to you though.
You're actually stealing her away from Takumi if anything

>latter two

uh oh


Which waifus propose to Corrin?

That last part makes her sound like the perfect girl for me. And that makes me sad.

Ah, there's the cuckpost. That was quick.

She's shit. Niles is far better in every way.

>cuckmemers shitting up the general
go back to 9gag

All the gayfates dialogues do

>woman proposes
That marriage is doomed.

Rinkah, Felicia, Sakura, Orochi, Hinoka, Setsuna, Oboro, Selena, Caeldori and Camilla all confess first.

I only said it that way because I'm pretty sure some of those are genuine Azurafags. Also because it's notable that they are in their own little world.

Why do people get so fired up over Mozu?

Use her, give her a cupid bow while she fights the stationary boss and rack up exp.

Why do I find this hilarious?

Though Camilla's proposal is more like a means to an end than an actual confession of love. We're talking about a support that probably makes more use of le wacky meme music than any other.

Selena completely bullies Corrin into marrying her.

Not confess first, fucking propose.

>If you give Mozu kills at the same rate as other units she's still going to be behind permanently
Why would you do that? The enemies in her chapter are below your level, it's more efficient to give the kills to her.
>especially if you're wasting an early seal to reclass her to something with no enemy phase
Enemy phase isn't as important as it has been. You need a strong player phase now to counter shit like Poison Strike, its variants, and Inevitable End. And who else is going to use that Heart Seal? You get Camilla's in Chapter 9, and it's not like money is ever an issue in Conquest.

Seriously, when someone calls Nyx a shit unit people go "yeah" but when people call Mozu a shit unit suddenly it's "SHUT UP SHE'S AMAZING YOU JUST NEED TO GIVE HER A BUNCH OF SHIT FUCK OFF AUTIST"

Because she's shit. Why waste resources and play unefficiently when you can just use Niles?

>two of the waifus that confess first are the 'cuck' waifus
But wait, why would they even bother then?

Nilesfags hate her because most consider her to be a better archer than him.

>the waifu proposes first

uhhhh this isnt a good thing guys


Of course, the shittiest girl would do this.

Who the fuck thought those supports were acceptable? They're easily among the top 5 worst in the game imo