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What we lost edition


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I want to fuck this gremlin.



How do you stop a torb, rein, and bastion on the payload again?

sleep tight reaper

are au servers down?

training mode put me in a 200+ ping server as did my first qm

Just got my pixel spray for Lucio

grats me

vigilante is easily the highest tier hat in this game

i cant wait for mccree nerfs so i can play him without people whinging


>join a game
>1 second later

99999999999999999/10 matchmaking

>winston gets 30 elims with 59% kill participation
>everyone commends lucio with 21% heals


Someone post that photoshop of Roadhog strangling Junkrat

hey guys i fixed the roster

>barriers on you, go!
>instead or running out with Zarya I hide
>zarya still runs in and die
>move in to mop up the winston and rein

>McCree is supposed to be overpowered
>I suck ass with him


DVA should be offense.

u wot

rockets dont have nearly enough knockback to be worthwhile and you can do that with your e anyway

i wouldnt mind pharah having some extra hp but shes already fine as is

widowmaker nerfs which we know are coming indirectly buff pharah anyway.

360 no scope pharah from across the map. Where was that Lucio even going?

>McCree getting nerfed
>Widowmaker next

she's an offensive tank though
so she's still a tank
roadhog just fucking kills people

Not with that shit damage she does

>it's a "widowmaker hides until people run into her and and misses every shot" episode

Is Overwatch like an onion?

Does it have many layers?

post Tracer

More hot opinions:

Mei's freezing power should be slower the farther her spray has to travel.

does mercy damage boost apply to all damage a hero is responsible for?

e.g. does it boost traps which were already placed or projectiles already in mid flight?

This meme needs to stop.
Why do I find it so funny?

which thread do we use

Well... Guess what I'm trying next time I play that map..

Tracer is second worst girl.

>get this in my second loot box

Is this any good?

This one, it was made first.

Report the other one

Why does S76 look so old while everyone else looks the same?

No fuck you, I guess I'll take it off of your hands though.

I fell in love with Genji's ass yesterday and now have 12 hours on him. He's such a strange character to play though. His two skills are what define him and make him strong, so his right and left clicks are poor compared to other offense heroes. They should make his ult able to be canceled like McRee's as a slight buff; refund 2.5 or less ult charge for eah second left.

cheers love

He's been through a lot of shit, including supposedly dying.

Stress ages you horribly.

probably the weakest of the four legendaries but it's pretty good. 5th best skin for rein, who is in the top 5 himself of best skin selection

>22 hours total playtime
>21 hours as Mercy
Should I kill myself?

How many matches are you guys playing until you ragequit now? I swear the number is getting lower and lower for me everyday because all I do is get paired up with biggest mongoloids I've ever had the displeasure of playing with.

It's getting really hard.

Post character themes. I start:


I won't let you die. HEAL UP HERE.

Don't worry, Mei always exists to be worst girl.

Torb turrets do have a maximum range, so in theory you should be able to fly up and blow it up from a safe distance. In practice, you'd be making yourself widowbait, and on a lot of maps there isn't enough room to fly far enough away and still have sight on the turret. The Route 66 thing works so well because if you place your turrets before the first bend, anything between them and the attacker's spawn is in range.

What do you use to edit videos that don't bloat the filesize to kingdom come?

Any Zaryafriends? I made you a present

Suggest different lines if you want, I'm not very creative

I envy you if you aren't bullshitting

Is the dude who got his $5 Overwatch Coke cup today here?
Let's see it man, warm up some milk for it.

>gold medal eliminations
>as reinhardt
>with seven kills
>on defense

>not Sabaton

can't complain about IM tho

His turrets do have a range?


Either that or





Because it's the harsh truth - even in a fictional world we know that a SC2 MLG champion would be a socially maladjusted shut in.

Roadhog can be attack and defense.

Usually enough to get the next lootbox then I'm done

>it's a "premade barely beats your pub and then shit talks" episode

I always give the healer the check. Heals is boring. Cept for Zen man.

Who livestreams all of her battles.

Face it, she's a nut. Even if respawn is canon somehow, she's a nut.

>It's getting really hard.

I know what you mean

The fact that she's not fat and/or covered in zits is misrepresentation.


>you're attacking a someone on your team is playing Symmetra

should be

Just putting my post here from earlier

40 meters. As an example setting the turret on the river flank in Volskaya wont reach the right side spawn door.

>Not playing Reinhardt as an offense character.

>zarya throws her graviton thing down
>genji does his ult
>iceberg mei teammate in the center of it all
>rocket boost as reinhardt
>immediately as I hit the genji and zarya, mei fucking makes a wall
>completely stopping me as reinhardt and getting me and her killed

Who has the worst playerbase and why is it Tracer? Literally every Tracer that wins always spams some Twitch or Reddit shit trying to be funny

I guess retards with ADHD are drawn to her


Mind control is one of my larger fetishes but I feel no one in this fandom is going to do anything good with it.

>not appreciating protection from flankers
>not appreciating speedy returns to the objective

im enjoying this random character playing, but fuck when 4 bastions on egypt. shit aint right.

You would THINK it would be Reaper because of the loledge appeal but his players are pretty based as long as they don't go LOL LONEWOLF and complain when they die.
Tracerfags are the worst.

Veteran/Aryan is best ship.


You know it's a good choice because I don't even have to post anything else for you to know who I'm applying this theme to.

>It's a "They try to play symmetra on a payload" episode

That's a pretty ludicrous range.

It'd make more sense for it to just actually have no range, since it effectively doesn't anyway.

I haven't seen many vocally obnoxious tracers, but they have the same problem as scout players.

>Zenyatta still in support

Anybody else have problems with this game mode and enemies not showing up right away?
They're underground and I get killed by invisible enemies at the start.

Sometimes my own HUD doesn't show and my teammates are also underground or invisible.


just work your way killing one each push, eventually they'll all go away. hopefully.

tracer players are the vuurst

What's taking so long to roll out WM nerfs.

I had a match where I did 15k fucking damage as Reinhardt. Shit is cray yo.

is it widowmaker?

Pretty Tracer toes

>"XxXPussDestoryer2005XxX has switched to Torbjborn(was Lucio)"

>watch our Reinhardt get an ult down on literally their entire team that could easily lead to a Team Kill as I'm dead
>no one else on our team helps him
>swap spectating perspective to our Mei running all the way past the checkpoint we're currently defending to grab a small HP pack when she was at 85% HP
>Torb is busy smacking on his new turret, also past the checkpoint we're currently defending

This is the angriest I've gotten at this game in a while and it wasn't even my play.

Literally happened to me 3 times today.

Forced 50% is real.

This happens to me too but it might just be because I have a shit computer

>shitter mains mcree
>switches to widow one round
>gets owned
>switches back to mcree and proceeds to e + m2 all game

bootyblasted desu

good thing the sniper character has a full blown assault rifle as backup

sure is fair right


>That feeling when you make enemies switch to your counter and you still decimate them

Is there a better feeling?

>weekly random
>volskaya on attack
>4 syms 1 lucio and 1 mccree
>2 syms suicide in the water to get new characters
>both return as sym
>mfw I was one of them