Older White Guy on train observes my Black Lives Matter tshirt. Stops reading his book and asks:

>Older White Guy on train observes my Black Lives Matter tshirt. Stops reading his book and asks:
>Man: Can I ask you a question, sir?
>Man: Why do black people get offended when we say All Lives Matter? I really want to understand.
>Me: (Observing the book on his lap about climate change) Do you think climate change is important?
>Man: Yes! It's the most important issue of our generation.
>Man: Do you not agree?
>Me: Why is it the most important issue of our generation?
>Man: Our planet is being devastated by fossil fuels. The hole in the ozone layer is heating up our planet. In a generation some places in the world will be uninhabitable and our children will suffer if we don't step up and do something about it to save our planet!
>Me: (with just pinch of shade) All planets matter.
>Man: That's not fair. It's not the same thing.
>Me: How so?
>Man: Because it completely dismisses the fact that... Oh...
>Me: Yup.
>Man: Oh.
>Me: Yup.
>Man: .....
This moment was brought to you in part by the Black Lives Matter Movement
::cue reading rainbow theme ::

Do your part to support BLM. Help us by buying BLM merchandise and t-shirts to support the movement. We shall overcome.

But we don't live on other planets. And if all the niggers died, the world would be an objectively better place.

Apes lives are shit.

>But we don't live on other planets.
That's the point.

Why do black lives matter?

What have they contributed to the world?

>13% of the population commit 50% of the crime
>complain about being shot by police & being jailed

Even if black people have not made one single contribution to society (which is obviously false), their lives still matter. What contribution have cats made to society? Should we let cats be butchered in the streets?

Cats don't commit 50% of the murder in the US while being under 15% of the population

>implying all black people are criminals

Ok I see the comparison. The other problem is that there are no problems facing the black community other than themselves. So don't tell me blm, tell that to each other, you subhuman, anti-civilization, criminal, ugly, useless, easily-manipulated, stupid nigger.

That's not what I implied at all.

A disproportionate amount are

I don't get the story

So you are complaining about people getting butchered in the streets, yet you point the finger at police officers and white people when a disproportionate number of murderers are black. Please, explain to me why there isn't a white lives matter or Asian lives matter movement everytime your people riot a kill hundreds of nonblacks? LA? Baltimore? Chicago? Cincinnati? Your people suck the life blood out of society and complain when criminals get shot.

Bro you can't reason with an animal


How is that the point?

Global Warming isn't specifically about Climate Change it's about the fucking Climate Changing.

It's literally the same thing as All Lives Matter, no where in "Climate Change" in those words refers to Earth. You could be talking about any planet and or area.

>Should we let cats be butchered in the streets?

Black people kill far more black people in a week in a major city than police officers kill in an entire year.

Go tell gang members and youth involved in drugs and senseless violence that BLACK LIVES MATTER, STOP THE VIOLENCE STOP THE HATE

this is worse than a food analogy

Obviously when you are talking about climate change you are specifically talking about the earth and how it relates to us as people. We say "this planet matters" because this is the planet we live in. If someone tells you "yea, but all planets matter" they are dismissing all of the issues that plague this specific planet.

Preach on brotha.

Preach on brotha.

Wow eth is really a mess

At least he was receptive to the knowledge you spit at him. Most old people are close minded.

>Our planet is being devastated by fossil fuels. The hole in the ozone layer is heating up our planet. In a generation some places in the world will be uninhabitable and our children will suffer if we don't step up and do something about it to save our planet!

Of course, this is all bullshit. The average temp hasn't even risen anywhere on the planet in the last 25 years. You Marxist retards are so full of it.

take your shit to /pol/
reported, saged, hidden.