/twg/ - Total War General


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>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation

Other urls found in this thread:


I for trve roman bread for trve romans

second for the ELECTOR COUNTS

what is the chance of demons of chaos making it into the game ?


Fuck the elector counts

Crack when ?

OLD THREAD 100% but they'll come in one of the expansions


>as soon as the game releases the top-tier community team goes silent.



Increase Demigryph cost from 1400 to 2100
Greatsword armour from 100 to 65
Accusation doesn't do direct damage and instead increases damage taken, moreso from the witch hunter than from other units

but how would they play ?
a second invasion faction seems kinda redundant

Never you fucking useless piece of shit

dunno, maybe they invade the western continent or ulthuan when warriors of chaos invade the old world

The Warhammer cucks came, and thus, the /twg/ posters of old were scattered to the wind.

Some took up refuge in Veeky Forums but were driven out by the xenophobic inhabitants

Some went to /pol/ to shitpost and make fun of greeks. But it did not last and they too were driven out.

Without a land to call their own the Veeky Forumsfags and /twg/ posters of old wandered the world, looking for a place to call their home

Conan:total war wen?

Aquilonian knights and Cimmerian swordmasters would be sick units. Hopefully the film won't suck.

Alright then, gift me the game and all it's DLC, both present and future :^)

Actually since they like historical inaccuracy Veeky Forums would be perfect for them.

Historyfag here, we've just gone into horde mode and have camped up in the thread owned by fantasyfags

Eventually they will fuck up and then we will capture back our thread.

Until then we will just be comfy and accumulate growth and money slowly.

I don't even have anything against warhammerfags here even though i don't own the game or intend to, i just like all TW players.

>pirating games
>being a poorfag
>not having killed yourself already
Only you can end it

>not paying for good products

>being mean

Truly top quality bants


how's that eviction notice going?

>>being mean
I'm sorry :(

Still find it funny how historicucks were still arguing up until a week before release that history games would somehow be relevant past launch or even discussed at all. Never seen such wanton delusion.

are you poor? Or in some distress? I'll buy the game for you on steam user

They'll surely be discussed again when the new game is announced, until then history is dead

>>not paying for good products
Reading both /v/ threads and this general, "good" seem to be very subjective.

Also the full price of a full game for something that isn't even remotely complete doesn't help.

Suicide is the coward's way out, got a lot of reason to do it, but fuck that.

Pretty badly m8, being a yurocuck is less about being rainbow-y and more about having that big, throbbing despair ramming you everyday.

history games are still discussed, it's annoying autists like you that make people without warhammer want to leave

Is there a Saints Row general or thread on /vg or /v?

>being a yurocuck
Where are you from, central europe is doing 'great' atm except for all the refugee crimes

Why in all fuck are you asking us?

Guys, whats the most Veeky Forums approved faction? I really dont want to play a campaign and then post a screenshot and have someone call me a redditor like I saw earlier to some dawi player

>Pretty badly m8, being a yurocuck is less about being rainbow-y and more about having that big, throbbing despair ramming you everyday.
...i'm sorry

i'm european too, from Italy

France don't let the news fool you, it's a parade of clown, and seeing you people losing hope in your politics, news outlets, or society give me a feeling of deja vu.


can this meme die already

Italians are descendents of some miscgenating lombardian gothic scum, not sons of rome


Play whatever you want

>he decapitated that orc with a hammer


go back to /int/, or /pol/, whatever, just get lost, you're just trying to pick a fight, where are you from? slovenia?

Sounds like scaven are right for you.

Do you think all the Romans disappeared when the Germanics moved in? They are as Roman as they are anything else because of their mutt ancestry.

is there a mod to put that faction in warhammer?

I'm worried I'll have to play the empire since they are the only Veeky Forums approved faction that people dont hate here

Are you really caring about that?
Play whatever you want, I'll play Skaven once they're released and I guess they are the most reddit race just like Dwarfs, Vampire Counts, Empire, Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Kislev and Elves in general

Perhaps you'd care to point out where in the thread history is being discussed, other than the new (and welcome) /pol/ contingent? There were whole threads of historyfags swearing warhammer would crash and burn and now glorious silence whilst fantasy reigns supreme.

>Veeky Forums approved

Because shitters can only use OP factions

Romans got genocided and didn't breed, much like europoors today. In fact, declining growth rates were a reason why gibbon said rome fell, I'm sorta a history pro around these parts, YOU DON'T want to mess with this IMPVRATOR, heh

Are there long term punishments for not having enough food in Attila?

Because the drawbacks don't seem that bad

Figured someone would know

Vampire Counts

Fuck off back to your steam group and stay there.

Yeah, the malcontent keeps piling up

Sorry guys I get really nervous and /twg/ is the only friends I have in the world, so I dont want to lose you guys by being a redditor basically I want to fit in and post cool memes haha




Legend of Total War is the best.

Just play and post screenshots god dammit

iz da best*

Play VC on legendary or you can't come here anymore.

my steam group are all on here my friend

This is some advanced shitposting


what do you know, it's 10pm in australia

Jesus Christ Archaon is just rape

>popesan shares my fetish

No that's Sigvald

Gibbon is a meme author and a historian. What the fuck would a historian know about birth rates in a time with no census and complete disinterest in dmeographics?

You wrote Mannfred kinda funny

tfw only got 70 hours clocked
tfw only just branching out of Empire campaigns

this game is still so shrouded in mystery to me

so you like unwashed brown feet? I know some zoo exhibits that you'd get along with.


its 3 am you shutstain

it's not a fetish you heathen


Should I go for the Frogs or the Stalin-people next?

inb4 tomb kings guy

Then you can rek shit in the badlands.

>stalin people

who are you referring to?


His fetish is cuckoldry, not feet, the feet are clearly the bull's fetish in this instance.

I wonder if vampire have good feet?

Roll for my next campaign.

Did anybody save the picture where it's why I'm antisocial and its archaon saying something

As bony as the army they command

They have good teef

Current campaign progress at turn 76. Sylvania continues to stabilize and I've done some ork stomping in the mountains in preparation for the Ghal Maraz quest battle. Chaos Warriors are active and the first chaos event has obviously happened, norscans are a bigger threat though, they actually sacked one of my towns before I got some armies in position to deal with them.

based radious with another amazing update to his lore-friendly units mod ;)

So what, is it just thunderers, but using the Dwarf Lord models?

Why the fuck is Nuln not yours?

That's what every total war unit "mod" is.

>Playing Empire
>Norscan tribes coming down
>Somehow they keep winning every battle
>The rest of the Empire is literally just ruins, only Hochland managed to hold on a bit and Middenland was getting sieged in Middenheim (their last city) when I confederated them and managed to defend it
>Vampires fucking rekt every southern province and are spreading corruption like crazy even in Altdorf and Nuln

How the fuck will I be able to salvage all of this by the time Archaon feels like plowing Karl's booty.

>watch youtube video of Warhammer
>He disengages units from combat
>they break off and run immediately
>go into game
>try to disengage
>they continue fighting for like, 15 seconds before moving

I've seen people do this in other games as well, how do people make these instant disengages happen?

Doesn't that Empire unit mod have a bunch of unique models and junk?

Bog down the unit with another one
now attack the flank

>norscans are a bigger threat though,

They always are, Chaos generally gets gangbanged and stomped a bit past Kislev. Meanwhile, the Norscans rampage around your northern provinces with 10+ full stacks they've somehow managed to raise from a loose collection of tribal villages. It's fucking bullshit.

No. Every "new" unit utilizes CA created models and animations that are already in game. "Modders" just glue them together.

Working on it, I have one army sieging it already.

click repeatedly and fast and mutter 'hurry the fuck up, cmon wha tthe fuck are youdoing, get the fuck out of there' under your breath

So I didn't remember any dwarven god or hero called Ullek, so I googled it.

Please tell me Radious didn't just make a unit based on Runescape. That's just fucking disrespectful now.

Any good battle mod to slow the battles down a bit ?

not even REMOTELY close to answering the question