How did you beat laziness?
How did you beat laziness?
If people weren't lazy you would still be hunting for your food in the forest.
I didn't
>How did you beat laziness?
> Affirmative Action & hiring quotas.
As a nigger, I cry in the streets until white people give me free shit.
>How did you beat laziness
>Beat laziness
You don't seem to understand. Laziness is not a headache, and there is no simple solution or cure you just haven't found for it. Laziness is your fate. It's what you deserve.
You will never, amount to more than a pathetic slob, barely surviving in this world with nothing accomplished and nobody to remember you when you die. You will have changed nothing and left the world no better than when you came into it. You are erased from the universe entirely. Laziness is not an enemy or an obstacle, but rather the fate of those who do not understand that they are wasting their lives, only to wake up one day on their deathbed and suffer the regret of their "laziness", all before it's too late.
The universe does not care if you sit in a chair and drink beer all day, which is why so many people do. It changes nothing and therefore is easy. Success on the other hand is difficult, because you are actively changing your role in the history of everything, and should you work hard enough, you will be remembered forever.
So go ahead and do nothing - blame your mild exhaustion on the blanket term of "laziness" and allow you and everything you could have achieved in your short time on this planet to be lost in time.
You don't simply beat it. You manage it.
Concrete plans of action and visualization help, jeebus helps you if you are too lazy to do them.
read The War of Art (not The Art of War)
Careful with that edge kiddo.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle
Have a goal and think long and hard about how to get to it.
The sooner the better and it will only get easier in the long run.
What is innovation about my friend? It's about making life easier. The reason you have a phone in your pocket? Ease of communication. The reason you live in a house? It's easier than the woods. Supermarkets, convenience stores, he'll, the fucking wheel and the lever. All to make it so we don't have to work as hard.
>You will never, amount to more than a pathetic slob
>implying most rich people aren't inherently lazy.
>implying all the work we do isn't towards the goal of not working.
Which kind of dedication is required on your end for a self-helping book to significantly help you?
this is beautiful.
natural selection gets rid of the idiots.
laziness gets rid of the nobodies.
Your words excite me. Would it be too forward if I were to ask you on a date to /b?
You're probably mistaking laziness for procrastination like most the the population... research solutions to cronic procrastination.
>> Affirmative Action & hiring quotas.
I work in gov IT. The blacks we hire are absolutely worthless and need to be carried by everyone else on the team.
If it wasn't for quotas, our department would have a fraction of the useless blacks we keep on payroll.
>Careful with that edge kiddo.
Do you think lazy black workers is just a meme some guy made up?
Move out of your suburban shelter and get a job. Maybe you'll learn something about the work place and the real world.
you must be Mexican.
the blacks already did enough for this country, for free no less. give the poor guys a break.
Start exercising. Make that shit into your daily routine and punish yourself if you don't do it every day. This type of regimented work ethic will soon transfer over to real life and you'll be doing actual work efficiently. Also you'll get a fucking yoked body and that will improve your confidence with life.
These lessons helped me a lot in life. Gives you tips on how to make something out of yourself and valuable insights into your own soul. Whenever I'm out running I meditate on these passages and try to see how I can apply them to my daily life.
Lots of stale bait around here lately.
I think the ETH shills have returned to their roots.
By pulling my pants and boxers down and start tugging on it. I sure beat it a lot.
Sometimes softly. Sometimes rough. Depends on what I'm watching.
This is part of the reason I'm a neet. If know if I was in your shoes I'd see this and get disgusted and quit.
And it's in every job from the worst to the best
If it wasn't the nigger doing nothing and getting paid, it'd be a woman
>mfw that image is of Emperor Caracalla (the absolute madman), and not Marcus Aurelius
You know this fuck was lazy and just copy and pasted this from some self help book.
??? And then?
wow so many shitty replies
keep em coming boys
I started using google calendar
1. Got tired of the consequences of my laziness.
2. Did things I didn't want to do, because I knew I should. Positive results. Behavior reinforced.
If you don't lift, start and stick with it long enough to see results.
By manning the fuck up and doing something worthwhile. There's no more disgusting trait, nothing I have less respect for than laziness.
Those of us who work incredibly hard, have drive and vision always end up supporting lazy fucks. Whether it's with taxes, have to deal with panhandlers or a number of other ways.
Are you sure you're lazy?
If you're doing something else instead of things you should do, you're not lazy, you're just distracted.
If you're gonna tackle a task, but it seems so huge, and ends up not doing it, it's not lazy, you're not focused.
If you're spending 18 hours a day on the couch watching netflix or playing computer games, I'd say you're not lazy, just distracted, and it takes pretty awesome dedication to stay on like that for hours and perhaps you're actually a very hardworking and hard-willed person.
But if you're really spending 18 hours a day on the couch doing practically nothing like staring at the ceiling, yeah, maybe that's lazy.
Here's my remedy of what I usually do, if I'm feeling distracted, not focused, avoiding my task, not in mood for doing my actual work.
1) List down tasks that I need to do on a piece of paper.
2) Go somewhere else quiet without distraction other than my current place.
3) Sit down comfortably, either on the floor or chair. Not in the posture that I'll fall asleep, like lying down.
4) Sit down, don't do anything and don't think of anything.
5) Stay like that for 5 minutes.
5) Occasionally or I'm getting bored, I'll read the task paper, but I'll focus more the sitting and doing and thinking nothing.
Usually I'll get fidgety before that 5 minutes period and my brain will somehow figure how to proceed with the task.
But if you're actually lazy, then perhaps there's no cure yet.
you must be a nigger
One word people...
>There's no more disgusting trait, nothing I have less respect for than laziness.
t. someone who browses Veeky Forums at work
Holy fuck you're right.
Thanks, user. You brightened my day
>read number 7
Fuck. So simple yet so evasive.
I'm not good looking enough to do anything, so I might as well laze around even though I have the drive. Thanks, mysterious poster.
the logic :D the niggers are doing poorly at the job they're doing, so i'll just do nothing instead and be a complete waste of space and drain of resources
> You will never, amount to more than a pathetic slob, barely surviving in this world with nothing accomplished and
stopped reading here, stood up and got some important shit done.
Now I'm back here to say thanks.
Thanks user.
>I work in gov IT. The blacks we hire are absolutely worthless and need to be carried by everyone else on the team.
I've been saying this for years.
Affirmative Action only hurts blacks in the long run.
It creates resentment in the work place and hurts productivity.
All it does is put unqualified blacks into jobs they would otherwise never be in, without artificial quotas.
You've made me realize suffering does not create the experience. The byproduct from the suffering creates the understanding of the experience. The experience doesn't matter, as long as you can imagine it.
With that logic, the opposite of suffering, contentment, destroys understanding as it causes you to no longer have to seek to understand, but then at that point do you get to truly live or are you just waiting until the next time you suffer?
Your parasite is showing, buddy.
"I have the drive, but I still can't do it"
Yeah, you definitely have the drive there pal
You grow up, or live a slob the rest of your life.
>If it wasn't the nigger I'd be blaming, it'd be a woman
>the history of everything
>people remembering you
The universe will explode and everything ever done will be worthless.
The only way to cope would be by being a young good looking stuf that gets unprotected sex with beautiful young girls for no effort, or at least being born rich and cope with escorts and shitty hobbies.
>How did you beat laziness?
I didn't.
How's that one?
I didn't. I rebranded it as 'efficiency' and get shit done with minimum effort.
That means people give me more work, which I get done with minimum effort and outlay of time.
A lazy man does 4 hours work in 8 because he's slacking off.
An efficient man does 4 hours work in 3 and gets a raise.
I like this method. One of the hardest parts about working from home is the fact that the computer is always there. Meaning that I can always waste time online not doing my irl work.
It's really bad when you're lazy WITHIN the computer. Like, researching trading opportunities is just a few clicks away, but you prefer to mindlessly consume Veeky Forums/yt/whatever.
>researching trading opportunities is just a few clicks away, but you prefer to mindlessly consume Veeky Forums/yt/whatever.
It's the human weakness for instant gratification.
So would the rest of the workforce. Last company i worked at. We hired 1 black guy just because he was black. He was a drunk. I caught him making a drink, pushed his ass over, grabbed his vodka. And took it to the boss (where we both split it laughing because we were free from this black piece of shit lazy asshole) he called and said he was fired after work that day.
>mfw racial law suit the next day
>mfw we all go to court and everyone but me had the same story, nobody called him a nogger we arent racist.
>fuck yeah hes a retarded nigger but i never said that to anyone so i can keep my job. Even had to ride around with that smelly fuck a few times.
>mfw the judge muffles a laugh with incoherebt mumbling, bangs the gavel and just fucking walks off
> Mfw - i see his face
You are too comfortable, and this is what will kill you.
Set my threshold for success really low.
Sounds like you're projecting.
>the blacks already did enough for this country
blacks who's been dead for about 150 years maybe, the ones alive today should be held to precisely the same standard as white people and indeed anyone else.
>Affirmative Action only hurts blacks in the long run.
>All it does is put unqualified blacks into jobs they would otherwise never be in, without artificial quotas.
This. I don't know who the hell thinks Affirmative Action is a good idea?
When you give unqualified blacks degrees and accolades who then go out into the real world and are incompetent & fail miserabily at their jobs, it only perpetuates the dumb/lazy nigger stereotype.
The truth might be that blacks are lazy. They just aren't qualified or educated for the jobs they're handed.
But it took overcoming laziness in a major way to accomplish those things.
working smarter, not harder
you and 99% of other pps don't so the rest can be successful
the fuckers are right. you have to do things and experiences that you dont like. thats it dont be comfortable it ruins your life. just hate life until your like 50. thats how trump is he fucking probably almost gave himsleld dozens of stroke heart attacks and was broke for a while
>tfw black CS major but state doesn't have affirmative action
>make it to class, TA actually partners all the blacks together
>my partner literally smells like malt liquor and doesn't have an IDE installed
Fuck, being black is a meme. I can't win.
By being smart. Once you are smart, you can achieve amazing results with no effort. I got a 4.0 in uni playing video games all day instead of attending classes.
I posted this a few days ago but thanks guys. It feels good knowing I could inspire some people
ah yes it was all pasta. That's why you can easily search for it and find nothing on the internet :^)
Good for you user
At this point you may as well argue life is totally meaningless, that we are living in a simulation and may as well shoot ourselves to prevent any and all further suffering. But I prefer to think that even if our existence is totally meaningless, that we can still derive some form of primitive pleasure in success in the here and now.
See above post
t. first year undergrad
This inspired me to become a human and not an automaton.
Was about to get evicted so i had to get a job.
How do I get smart?
You need hardship in order to understand what you would rather be doing.
Einstein needed his patent office job in order to understand how he would rather spend his brain power and time.
A man left to his own devices will do nothing.
You beat laziness, procrastination, lack of motivation etc. by getting disciplined.
When you have a good discipline, none of these things will affect you, and you'll just happily work at what you need to do.
This picture represents if you get fatter,the fit and healthy guy in you will have more room.
We got a Joe Rogan fanboy over here...
>You are erased from the universe entirely.
Implying you exist, when you don't.
it is natural to do so. it is a way to promote your views, ideologies, interests etc. look at the amount of replies to that post, some people thanked him. it get even more magical than that.
Lots and lots of adderall. I don't even use it that much anymore, since adderall taught me how to not be lazy and what it felt like to not be lazy.
Same here but bronkaid and caffeine stack instead.
It's called delayed gratification, you work hard now because you know it will pay off ten fold iin the future, and you will have to means to be lazy as fuck. Its some deep inception style laziness.
to do lists work for me
>talks like he knows about the workplace
>all jobs are govt. jobs with quotas
But I guess if it wasn't for people like you we wouldn't have anyone posting on this board.