/wfg/ - Warframe General

Butt Prime edition
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FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: 18.13: TennoGen, Passives, & Reworks
> forums.warframe.com/topic/652752-update-18130-tennogen-passives-reworks/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

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1st for disappointment

2nd for memes

>no reason to play
>no reason to live

nth for Orphid Sayrn and Feyrach Oberon

Y'ALL ARE TOO DEPRESSED commence cute thread.

Get ready for disappointment monday.


Nothing is cute about DE's art style.

warframe pokemon collaboration?!


>DE admitted to ripping off rocket league
>doesn't even give us tenno cars

Are red crits just a meme?

Gotta buy more plat


I don't get what you are asking
They exist if that is what you are wondering. Whether they are worth it depends on the gun.


Wow... that looks boring as fuck.
I was going to ask how they messed it up that bad, but then I remembered that gif of that bucket being poured on the cake

Why does it look so slow?

Is this thing as shitty as it looks?

Also, is Vauban Prime SERIOUSLY going to be Vaulted? What the FUCK is going on at DE?

DE doesn't like fast or fun

>those stats
I bet fucking Braton prime or something in that caliber outdamages it.

Would be nice to know what "high crit" meant. Otherwise looks like garbage

Nezha with Rhino noble

I just traded away Rhino for Vauban, how bad did I fuck up?

>vauban prime vaulted
What the fuck are you smoking? He just came out.

Other than the mk1 shit, what is the worst primary weapon?

Not that user, but I now want this to be a rumor spreading around the forums

Harpak, Dera, Dera Vandal


How would you react?

Buy it now

I'd be fine if they introduce two new primes

Fine with me, I already have them

you take that right back shitter.

Ninjas play for free!

>harpak isn't shit
crispy meme

>Dera Vandal

>implying DE doesn't have an obligation to founders and supporters to create a good game

What an amazing subversion, usually it's pirates that play for free.

Hey guys. Remember when a group of anons were talking about Oberon and him working in a restaurant due to this image and I said I wasn't going to write about it?
I lied.
I hope you like gay.I know I do.


Where do I find cuties to play with?

Too bad her ass is identical to Excalibur.

What will the Fairy Frame be like? Another pointless support frame?

>Corpus has 3 different enemies that can dispel powers

>Sooner or later DE will make Grineer enemies that do the same

If anything she'll be interesting for a while.

I am hoping that there is flight and that the shrink allows for new sleek

>private pastebin
nigga what are you doing?

>Reminder: Every shitter in this ded will be spending plat and playing Tenno Ball.

WHOOPS I fucked up.
It's public now.

>I was one of those anons.

What have I done...


Congratulations, you've contributed to an act of homosexuality.

For exactly 3 hours and never touch it again untill DE adds rewards that can be used in pve

Been hunting this Ivara Chassis for what seems like an eternity.
Is there NO other possible way of me getting it other than doing the mission myself? Any missions where I have a slightly higher chance of getting it?

This general would be better if it wasnt full of homos, honestly

Moon has has about a 50% better chance for getting it (7% as opposed to the usual 5) you can also plot into recruiting chat and get 2 other anons to join you.
Just say something like "Ivara chassie farming"

>doing the mission myself?
You can have others, but if it comes down to solo or pubs in spy go solo.
If you have 'friends' play with them if you want, but dont blame anyone but yourself if they suck.
>Any missions where I have a slightly higher chance of getting it?

I'm not into gay, but I read it anyway, cause I like stories.
>His job in getting paid is 2 plat per hour

The fuck is this? McDonalds?

>implying it isn't
Have you seen all the ember, nezha, etc... posters?

Didn't read it, but if he is a waiter they are sometimes paid worse than McDonalds, relying almost exclusively on tips to make money

He's a waiter.
That would be a raise, not what he gets paid. He earns an hourly wage but due to the nature of his job he makes generous tips which is what he really works towards.

Ah yes, I forgot about how waiter and waitress are paid.

There's already one.

>tottaly not a ripoff of blitzball from FFX
>or from those overly violent movies also called blitzball based off rugby
>the best of all wait for this punchline
>steve called it


There is one, DE is just lazy to implemented it better.

are you ready for the e-sport?



Nah. Grineer have much stronger troops with armor and Bombards and Ballistae, but Corpus fuck with your shit to compensate for being weaker

Speaking of Ballistas, has anyone noticed ANY change in how they act since the change that supposedly made them charge up more?

Grineer are only stronger because of the way scaling works in this game. Corpus remain about the same in difficulty no matter the level while grineer are easy at low levels and become almost impossible to kill at high levels without some sort of armor reduction or insta kill



You forgot tierqueen. Anyone that post that anime girls is extremely insecure and is just in denial.

ASIDES from the Ivursa stuff, does anyone have any requests for writefaggotry?
May not get to them now, or even soon, but assuming this as an example I'll get to them eventually.

Ivara Loki incest story

As in Ivara and Loki are siblings?
If so, right on.

Okay Steve the little nigger posted that right after almost getting banned from the subreddit for leaking info frequently

Feyrach Oberon like your bin and Orphid Sayrn?
I imagine there would be constant bickering and banter between them that sounds harsh to other frames when they're just being sexual to each other.

Oberon comes home from a hard(puns are the worst form of humor) day at work at the Diner and takes out his frusteration on his wife Saryn?
Be it both vocal and physical, except not in the wife beater sense.
I have a thing for open bisexuality.

It's 20% crit chance instead of 10%

>Shitters try to tag team spy room
>Says he is back up if I fail
>fails on purpose

Somewhat, like that. Both him and her physical and banter.
Yeah, not trying to beat your wife though, not okay with that.

Its shit in both firemodes and outclassed by most things in both firemodes. 3 forma in and it isn't even getting better.

Also anyone down to play or what? I still need to get some Ivara shit so if anyone wants to farm spy I'll be around here or in /dsg/.

What said they can vault all they want, especially if it'll improve drop rates.
But the self absorbed and worthless sheldon could never do anything that would benefit the players.
I might hate him more than any other de staff.

Fuck no it would be so many 0.2% T4 drops, sheldon could never do it proper.

tell me of a focus to learn asides zenurik

what was the memelee one? or is the only other sane option the IPS buff one?

zenurik and naramon
memedurai MIGHT become good when dmg 3.0 hits and every direct damage increase mod bar auras is removed

Naramon with shadostep is the melee. IPS buff doesn't really matter in most scenarios.

wolf frame when

>instead of fixing the game they do this
I wish Steve and Scott would die already

after the game is oH WAIT

are puncture mods on weapons still good? or should I use the mod slot for something else

puncture is only viable on high end shotguns during elemental resistance sorties.

otherwise, always go for elemental damage.

Do you mean Puncture as in the damage type or Punch Through the ability to shoot through multiple enemies, because I have heard people mix them up quite a few times.
If you mean the damage type then not really, 99% cases you get way more damage out of slapping on an elemental thing instead

>let's add pvp
>it's shit an no one cares
Now they do this. DE never learns from past mistakes

ehh I mean punch trough

>Not wanting content
>Thinking you're everyone's voice
We're just giving what people are asking anonymous. We are however are working on the scaling problems as said countless times.
Do not worry! We are making U19 and Lunaro to be the best experience you can get.


My fucking Limbo fucking rework fucking when?
Or at least some news about it, like it's actually in progress and not put on a "fuck it all, I'll do it later"-shelf like the frame itself.

Then depends on the enemy but unless you are going into super high level content it's going to be useful, just make sure to get one the variants that gives punch through + something else, not just the plain punch through ones.
Rifles have Wildfire which isn't too bad since it gives RoF + Punch Through and you can easily hit 4+ enemies with it.

Again this is fine for 99% of the content but you might have to swap it out for more damage for superendgame content

But user, it was just released.

alright, haven't touched high end late content yet, because I am grinding at everything at all times.