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you fucking wot

Overwatch is


Jesse McCree! What kind of sense of humour do you think Jesse McCree has? I bet he's a pretty funny guy, I know I always laugh at being skillfully taken out by the best overwatch character. I want Jesse to whisper jokes in my ear while rubbing that long hard gun against me. What kind of jokes you ask? Here are five fun jokes about Jesse McCree!

1. What's McCree's favorite pokemon?
2. What do you get when you cross McCree and Reaper?
Die noon!
3. When is McCree's paper due?
By noon!
6. McCree!

>Hook someone
>After they are pulled they simply walk away
Okay then

Did you forget to
You know
shoot them?

how do i play a support that isnt lucio without dying all the time

i dont understand

hope your teammates know how to protect you

I have 1000 gold what skin should i buy?

goth zarya

Don't listen to get industrial Zarya

>Enemy team goes 6 zenyatta.
>Go widow maker and shit all over their fun
>mfw they all switched

shit op

Clownfuckers please go.

woop woop u mad?

>hook through ceilings and walls

Is it possible to git gud with Symmetrical Curry Woman on offense? Or is she a forever mediocre defensive hero?

Also why did they nerf her shield?

she can work on any offense long as your team is dominating. if your teleporter isnt getting destroyed immediately it's like having a mercy ult for the first 6 people to die, but as they die. again, you have to be winning, which kinda defeats the purpose all together. though the final pushes on most payloads are infinitely easier with a teleporter.

fuck off shill

When are they going to patch out forced fiddy? This is getting really tiring since it doesn't actually matter what I do.

Would you be embarrassed if you got potg ko'd by a 40 year old woman?


Lucio is literally the only worthwhile support playing right now since the other three require your team to not be completely fucking retarded. With Lucio you can just passively support while shooting shit.

who cares?

What does Lucio say that sounds like "This payload is FUCKED"????

"This payload is BUMPIN'!"

Thanks mate

>tfw grandpa doesnt make you biotic field for supper

Man, I just wish pubs would be better at playing. Half, if not all of my games are built on training wheels. I'm getting tired of tryharding for >leaderboards yet only having like 12 hours into the game

unplayable on PS4 because the players are fucking retarded.

What can he do that tracer does not do better?

Vertical Mobility

Is there a different thread? This one is so dead


Overwatch is a dead game m8

>Go widow maker and shit all over their fun

Fixed your post.

As Mercy just zip around using your shift and remember that your beam remains for 2 sec even if you break out of sight, so you can duck in and out of cover.

>someone starts shittalking
>oh, it's a mcree "main"
Surprise, surprise.

What that other guy said. Also countering Bastion and Torb as well as making teamkills with his ult.

Reminder that a company worth over $2 billion thought a turret with infinite range, perfect accuracy, and high damage was a good idea.

>traveling to Nepal

>hook tracer
>she ends up behind me
why does this keep happening?

I've always found Tracer mains to be the most cocky.

Imagine choking Tracer out from behind

mei nerf when

>still bumping and linking a 4 hour old duplicate thread

translation please

Genji does a lot better against turrets than Tracer without ult, but he's not nearly as great at them as Bastion since deflect does piddly damage. He's good at taking them out with shurikens though.

man these threads are really comfy
it'll be really sad to see this general die whenever BATTLEBORN GETS ITS FIRST MAJOR UPDATE BABYYYYYYYY

play more, you'll escape the braindead level

Reminder this game is so unbalanced it'll never be ESL ready.

>game set in the future
>has tons of countries represented
>the only African country in the game is fictional

I only play solo because I have absolutely no friends whatsoever

My friend was complaining about this last night.

Are tracers just mashing their teleport key when they get hooked or is it a bug?

He really wanted everyone to see his shit image filename

i feel like this is pasta but its damage is awful

I keep forgetting that's a real game and not just a meme

>zenyatta is bad

my favorite meme

>cheaters talking about whats fair

Ooppps accidentally told my whole friend list I am am a girl gamrr lol now they all give me attention and no I don't have a mic! ^^ so stop asking! tehe

>S76 gets announced
>I think he looks like boring generic COD shit
>After playing the game for a few weeks now I see him as a lovable old grandpa clint eastwood and love him

>no damage
>melts in seconds
>slow as fuck
>ult takes forever to charge
>ult also does literally nothing

how the fuck did D.Va even get shipped out the door like this?

ching chong give mei your dong

>pick Mei
>do everything in my power to sabotage my teammates
>still win the game 50% of the time


D.va's only job for now is to make a better distraction, but Winston does this perfectly anyway.

>people believe that Blizz actually fucks with damage numbers to achieve forced 50

Why is this game's community so awful

>the only american characters are cowboy, calladooty, and school shooter


As long as Widowmaker exists in her current form, he is.

>Soldier 76 is old clint eastwood
>McRee is young clint eastwood

>yet no John Wayne character

you see you need to play listening to lil yachty

She does damage, just only at the range where anyone who can crit does twice the damage back to her.

Also I have no idea why her ult charge is so long, especially considering you can't charge it directly while in Zero Suit. If you're going to make it absurdly counterable, at least make it usable often to make up for it.

>it's going to take blizzard over a month just to reduce widowmakers damage a bit

Make it stop.

>You... still our Hero Jack

How barbaric

After every other hero get's nerfed.

>All those gold and white skins
>All those black and gold skins
Thanks blizz.

Wow, I thought I saw a very sudden drop in aimbots. No wonder.

Fuck those people, I hope everyone who cheated got a permaban and is short 40 bucks + the money they spent on boxes.

Where do you think the place with the pyramids is set exactly?

76 reminds me more of Bruce Willis than old clint

lucio is american

oh did you mean north american?

is this what the kids these days are thinking?

Only retard think that something like this happens.

But the forced 50% is real.


>double mccree on enemy team
>every game

can't wait for those nerfs senpai

A lot of them are down more than that because they rebought the game and were banned again because it's a hardware ban

yknow I'm actually happy to see that you guys aren't dead or anything

Something about the pleasure of being cummed inside.


>only american characters in tf2 were 50s paper boy and retarded war veteran

the middle east (egypt doesnt have black people ya dumb)

delete widowmaker

Are you actually upset about getting three characters?

>mfw Reaper and controlling a choke point

I want to have sexual intercourse with D.Va

Man, I saw this twitchy fucking soldier and just assumed he could get a shit ton of head shots on my as tracer from a distance going up/down stairs. And I gave him the benefit of a doubt.

>attack on dorado
>no support so decide to fill with mercy
>realize we have two snipers (hanzo and widow)
>pharah disappearing off to bumfuck wherever
>welp, gonna stick with the zarya
>zarya has no situational awareness and leaves me to die to the mei that flanks every single time
>the genji that filled the last slot decides to switch heroes
>to another widow
>Would you like to leave the game?

all you have to do is add my battlenet account

I have been playing hearthstone on my phone at work even when I dont have time to shitpost

>forgetting engineer

>join match
>on defense in Anubis
>no one is picking, get Hanzo
>like 5 seconds later, someone picks widow
>"meh, it's fine, two snipers on defense"
>someone picks a second Hanzo
>call them idiots and switch to reaper
>the hanzo switches to reaper
>keeps switching to the hero I pick to purposefully fuck up our team comp
>just run in circles in spawn until we lose
>he and his buttbuddy get mad at me and report me
>starts stalking me and spectating my games

How do you even do that last one though?

I got Hayseed in a box ages ago, but I'm thinking Junkrat's base model is the best. Should I get Jailbird or Toasted? I can't decide.

you sure? blizz normally just do license bans. thatd be hilarious if its true