/rgt/ Robinhood General Thread


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--FAQs for Robinhood--
Visit the website first - www.robinhood.com
If you're not into robinhood - stockbrokers.com/offers
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta ( robinhood.com/au/).
> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
You have found the right image board ;)
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, Yahoo/Google finance, or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?
Technical analysis
Fundamental Analysis- Finance lessons by Martin Shkreli

> If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free riding' violations?
No, its not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. memuplay.com/

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CERU my nigga!

Get in CERU quick my niggas, its going to 2.50 tomorrow.


A moment of silence for our fallen brethren

They made the mistake of holding a shit pharma through a drug trial and are now paying the price


TGT, yay or nay?

I have 3k invested at avg price of around $0.56. Should I try to even out and find something better, or hold out for some profit.

On a side note, I'm not too worried on the overall volatility. The company is in pretty good standing, and isn't going anywhere. The only potential risk could be if the FED raises interest rates in September, and gold tanks as a result. I personally don't see it happening before winter, but you never know.

Stop stealing HTBX poster's pepe! We don't wan't him to leave do we?

Do you retards actually believe CERU is going back up? It's tanking. Avoid at all costs.

It's just following NUGT even after a good ER. Hold if you believe NUGT will jump back to 175$ before that huge dip below .60 since last week. The ER didnt seem to affect it's price at all so either it will jump with NUGT or hope it will spike from investors buying this for the future gains and not from miner moves in general.

CERU going to $7.00 +++ !!

Yes they believe it... they don't see. to care that the stock opened with a gap that broke support.. right now there is no bottom to that stock. It could go all the way to .50 before finding any real support

Could we all just agree to go all in on NVCN?

kek at meme

Repost from last thread:

Next stop for ceru is dilution or bankruptcy. Dead cat bounce right now. Look at EARS. People come here to pump all kinds of garbage. Always do your own research.

Ok, so they are cutting costs... still too hot for me to touch. I think there will be a few pump and dumps of this stock before it dies though.

I'm not touching it either.. I think I'm gunna buy NVCN like some other user in the last thread

Careful of bagholding. Nothing else going on with the company for 20 more years.

Wish we would get some news on NVCN. The motions were Monday wtf.

What do you guys recommend moving to when you're ready to use an adult trading platform? RH has been good for learning but I'm tired of being stuck with mobile only.

You mean like trade stocks trough your browser?

The app is more native, it will get better. Just use an emulator if you are on pc

Zero commission trades? I plan on staying here for a long time. I will start a brokered account though just for access to research tools, but that is like two months off before I can put money aside for that. Until then I'm just going to be happily memeing.

You can switch RH with UStockTrade before you move to something more pro like ETrade. It's basically RH but with no day trade limits and instant buying power. Only "cons" are monthly fee of 1$ + 1$ per trade and no shorting or options ect.

I actually use wellsfargo for most of my trades/investments/retirement.It's linked to my bank account and makes it easy for cash sweep. RH is only for my fuck around money nothing serious when i use robinhood compared to my wellsfargo account

I have 400, give me the memes

$CERU hung itself, $SKLN lives out of a cardboard box, $NVCN is paying for coffee with nickels. $STEM is currently on a jet to the Middle East to hide the money. $TGD is basically two guys in an apartment with a couple gold watches it """""bought""""" from a kind Canadian hoodlum

Oh and $TSLA is still a Ponzi scheme and $VRX is about to box up and move home with Mom and Dad



Currently at .43
50 day moving average .41
RSI at 57

Good time to buy, keep an eye on that RSI

K im not gonna cuck you like these fags and their crappy CERU pennystocks that go down a dollar a day.

Buy SWHC. Smith and wesson, why? Nearing the election, gun prices will moon because people will be afraid that they're guns will be taken away, so they stock up. NRA buys bulk whenever Hillary's leading in polls, sadly shes leading now, it's a good time to buy. I'd recommend use all your $400 for SWHC. I've been an investor for 9 years now, just a tip from me. I got in SWHC in 1999.


Huge spike coming soon after IND clears for Cantrilix sometime in the next 3 weeks.

You're welcome

Going half in tomorrow.
Thank you user

ER is coming up soon, might want to wait till after

I'm going in on it as a hedge against my trump picks, it'll go way up if hillary is elected and still go up if trump is elected

td ameritrade, ur welcome

Yeah also don't forget that DOE contract and cosmetic product they recently announced for AMRS

>PTX pre-market

Ohhh, does this mean anything? Should I be excited that this'll reflect the price tomorrow?

Park $200 into MSTX and forget about it.

They have a sickle cell drug in the works right now. Phase 3 data will be released any time between now and Oct 15th.

If the data is good you'll wake up one morning and see that $200 turn into $800 ~ $1000

If data is no good you'll lose $100 dollars.

Nice. I made a killing on last ER with SWHC. Best in the companies history. Next one is sept 1st I think.

RGR reported 20% increase in sales and Revenue, but ceo fucked it all up with a political rant on cc the next day. Stock is boring as fuck. .49 dividend coming up aug26th.

DGLY was just upgraded to buy by some big firm with a price target of $15

Next Wednesday NUGT/DUST & JNUG/JDST (leveraged etfs) have big splits coming up. Hoping gold investors move their money into smaller companies to avoid dealing with it. Want out of TGD, got in too high. Hate holding gold long. Hoping for a huge cash-out in NUGT wed to buy in. Britain's hinting at lowering interest rates and as long as Yellen keeps her mouth shut, we're heading into good things for gold. NUGT will be about $30 a share for the poorfags. Might bring in alot more investors.

Dear all, please take advice from an absolute stock market expert:
PTX my niggas
Kindly let me also point out the reason why:
Shit's gonna moon today, that's why my niggas

Hm.. Sounds solid enough to ne. All in.

Do you know why it's up to 0.78ish premarket?

You convinced me, to the moon!

isn't September 30th the deadline?

DESU I don't have a clue. Could be news coming out, could also be manipulating. I've been holding these for a while now, got in at .63

I got in with 2000 at 0.54 and then sold at 0.69. Then I bought in again at 0.69 with 2500 shares. Exciting stuff.


dont jump in on PTX.

Gold tanking is seriously the death blow for me. That was my safety net.

I think I just need to sell everything and start all over.

Is TGD dead?

All gold related stocks are shitting themselves

HUSA to the moon. Gold is dead, long live Oil.

Thank you, WTF!


Are you guys high? Golds doing fine

When I read this, I imagine some sort of hellish stock market hobo shithole in an ihop parking lot. I don't even know why.

TGD should go up with the gold decline because the demand for gold will increase. A lot them have contracts to sell gold at a set price for 6 months so if a contract price is made during the decline they will make even more when gold recovers in November.

$ANY is at .70 and will touch .89 again. I've called it before I'm calling it again.

While that may be true that would mean holding for several more weeks. As of right now almost every miner stock has dropped in value and will follow the price of gold up/down until their ER. I do believe gold will continue upwards but for now it's taking a shit.

What do you think of PEY, any other good dividend stocks?


It's only a loss if you sell, it'll get back up there.

Why is no one talking about the meme that is AMD?

I'm red in every fucking stock

Big Fuck You to the cunt that made me buy RTPT

This shit lost me $7 instantly

I got in at 3$ enjoying my gains for this long hold

Bro, so am I. I invested too much in pump and dumps and got greedy

Should I worry about these high yield guys hitting their highs and wait to invest until they bottom out again? Or is SP pretty much unimportant for such a high dividend stock?

Should have bought AMD

made you buy it? isn't that your own fault?
It's only down 5%, looks like it may be a decent long.

As ever, kicking myself for not having bought more, sooner.

I'll concede he didn't make me buy it. But it was a shit suggestion.

That shit starting losing Money immediately.

Is there a good middle ground between trading meme moon stocks and longing for a month+? I'd love to keep my portfolio circulating week to week but I don't want to be in volatile meme territory

Put 80% of your port into blue chips and 20% into memes to get your gambling fix

CEFL and MORL are not stock they are ETFs (or ETNs) WHLR is the only stock

if you are interested in high paying stocks/etfs i would just start a position and start adding, i wouldn't buy all at once High dividends have high risk and if it drops BUY MORE


Suicide is a good one. You never have to worry about money or meme chasing.


it'll be WAY up after a 10:1 reverse-split ;P


True, but this inevitably turns into "if I had put my whole portfolio in MEME I would have been a millionare! This time I'm all in baby"

I feel like avoiding them entirely is the only way for the gambler in me to resist that temptation

I'm thinking about selling now. I have a feeling it will dip later in the day/tomorrow.

Its shooting up again

I don't have any memes but still red for today

Already sold it for 20%. Thinking about jumping on it again after reading some article about Zen


You have to think about it differently, enjoy the gains that you realized, instead of fretting of gains that could have been.

I took STEM at 1.81 Wednesday and by yesterday's morning, I saw 1.98. Got greedy and forgot it was a P&D

> month

> longing


Yup. I live about 30 min from cerulean hq in waltham. I should've popped in and hung out in the smoke pit or something during the hype. Instead I was lazy and lost 400 bucks like a retard.

You still deep in tgd? Some pr today...

Dollar seems to be rising, I'm getting out at my 1st chance.


Too late for SGY again?


Why would you sell when it hasn't reached the ceiling yet? You anons are too panicky causing you to make bad decisions and lose that wonderful $$$

Yeah, glad I didn't sell.

True. Maybe I'll leave 20% for memes after I clear out my portfolio

Any good alert accounts on stocktwits? I'm fine trading a pnd as long as I catch it on the p

When is this happening?

Lock in that 10%. I guess I'll just set a stop loss.

To be honest, I've been pretty shit at investing I've only made like 2% over the past year (though that's because I fucked up with MGT, would have been more like 5-8%). Still better than banks I guess.

Why are you betting on Trump?
He's really far behind in the polls and actually promising not to fix his image. The only way he'll win is if he convinces America that he was only pretending to be retarded in the next two and a half months, but he seems determined not to do that.

Fuck fridays, there are NEVER moon missions on fridays

is anyone else in NVCN?

No, should we be?

What about OGRMF and PRMCF. I have HIGH hopes for Canadian marijuana.

TGD price target updated to $1 and upgraded to buy rating