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I hope the DLCs will have lots of new fashion...

first for dlc trailer hype @ E3

>failed to get Yuria
>killed Patches
I feel like I'm failing my dark souls run here.

So /dsg/, how's the global restart been for you?

reposting since some lucitard made it early
booted up ds1 and im experiencing some bullshit. i don't have a good pc but i could still play ds1 relatively smooth, with some jitters in blighttown or when seeing lots of particle effects (i've been framedrop-kicked because of the hydra's projectiles once or twice). But now i get no jitters, just constantly shit fps, to the point where the character would skip commands from idle or do them a bit later. what gives? im updating drivers as we speak

the worst part is that despite how often he loses nobody in the chat is like "lol this guys sucks, goodbye" or anything.

or at least, the people who do are immediately banned. perm banned.

Too busy actually having fun in DkS3 instead of being some nostalgic delusional redditlord

At least he's not DSP.

Who else wants to cut out oroboro's vocal cords?

Could someone please redpill me on DS1?

DS3 was my first DS game and I loved it, mostly do duels (did a few invasions and they're complete shit in terms of balancing unfortunately). I own DS:P2DE and I'm getting pretty close to ready to play that too.

How fucked am I with this reset though? Am I getting the actual DS experience or am I just going to get shit on by cheating faggots?

What am i missing on my dex hollow build?
I have
Bleed Dagger
Poison dagger
Chaos blade
Manakin claws
I also have moron blade and barbed i can upgrade if bleed SS are worth
Any weapons to add?

When you are holding the knife with Farron GS, can you still get parried with the regular R1 and R2?

it's been great, my favorite area in the series is finally active enough to invade again.

been having a lot of fun there with a golem axe executioner miralda cosplay

>Am I getting the actual DS experience or am I just going to get shit on by cheating faggots?
Getting shit on by cheating faggots IS the actual DS experience senpai

Remember to post Bloodborne because I need someone to talk about it with that isn't /bbg/


idk but it doesn't matter. the only people who are going to try to parry you are professional parry kings and they'll parry you when you do the breakdance.

DS1's pve is good (well like 60% of it) but I'd just play it offline, the online is shit.


Cause he is kind funny. People don't watch him because he is "good". They watch him because he is entertaining.


Regular claws?

you're going to get twinked hard, but that has been part of the dark souls experience since DeS

otherwise, it's active with summons and shit going on everywhere. make sure you get the DSCM thing or it will seem dead

I haven't played it yet!
I'm looking forward to it though like i was about eventually playing demons.

>It's fully automatic


Anyone want to help me with consumed king oceirous?

PS4 SL62 +8 scaling upgrades, pw: trundle

Thanks. Just wanted to know if the PvP was going to be as unbalanced and shit as I expected from the /dsg/ posts I've seen thusfar of people using cheat engine.

I mean if I was gonna get invaded by people on my level fine, but if I'm just gonna get cheated every fucking time then forget about it.

Fucking fuck. Why even bother making a cool looking UGS that is completely parriable.
Fuck you From.

just go to /bbg/, user. what are you afraid of?

brety gud

worse than manakin unless the meme jump L2 is actually good
Even after the buff still less bleed/damage/range/fashion

dead angles are still unparriable


I wish there was a covenant that rewarded you for fending off invaders, like Company of Champions. Maybe, exactly like CoC, so ganking wouldn't be encouraged (because it won't be done)

>Mound-Making as a mad phantom at early-level

This is the life

Please, do me a huge favor and describe to me in detail what is "kind funny" about him.

Seriously. I'd like to know.

>89 DBs hotkeyed
End your life

>FUGS requires 10 dexterity
... y tho

played for 15 hours straight
need a break now

Nah, you either like it or not. No need to get mad.

memejump actually headshots now, like 2kats.

>not being a piece of shit to show everyone how trash this game is


b-but a friend gave them :^)

gotta heal that fall damage mate

I played for like an hour on an old character and it felt really good mechanically but I wasn't getting summoned or any invasions in anor londo so I kind of stopped

>the game is trash because I cheat in it

I've been gone for two days

How has the friday patch been to you /dsg/

Or is life as miserable as ever

If you are already using a DLC weapon, why not just use the Bowblade to effectively kite that boss.

>oro top streamer for DS3
>okay, let's check this out
>abusing some glitch
>when he dies, "welp" no big deal barely acknowledges it and moves on
>when he wins, acts like he is hot shit, like he is the best PvP'er in the entire fucking game

what the fucking shit? you guys were talking about it so i checked it out and... i don't... just... what?

>the game is trash because EVERYONE cheats on it
fixed there for you, m8

Streamers are shit. What's new?

>89 DB

It made some minor changes, pvp is still fundamentally shit.

I like magic so every patch has been a little good to me.


not him, but i also have DB's on my hotbar to quickly heal between fights/any other out of combat healing needs

humanity is just so slow

Oh shit is that an edit of Marcille from Dungeon Meshi?
I recognize that distressed expression anywhere.

It doubled by fist build's damage

buffed some things like fist weapons
magic got buffed in a significant way instead of AR bumps
nerfed some things like rapiers and CS
fixed the 1fp WA exploit
some combos are not true combos anymore

The game still needs a lot of work, but this is a start

Who /estus vial farming/ here?

>Am I getting the actual DS experience
>or am I just going to get shit on by cheating faggots?
Yes to both.

And most people aren't cheating, they're just twinking. DaS didn't have any sort of "weapon memory" system the way DaS3 does, so you could stay low level, get maxed out weapons, and still invade other low level players.

Don't go human for the first half of the game and you should be fine. Also, learn backstab and counter backstabs.

>missing the visceral
For shame user.

>cheating against new people with a twink I didn't even make isn't enough, I must optimize it
The only people taking in on this memevent are DaS3 newcomers frustrated they can't just effortlessly shit all over hosts as an invader.

Literally the worst part of every character creation.

>laugh as your opponent pulls out an offhand caestus to counter your ugs
>get your rolling r1 parried

I'm asking what you think of it yourselves anons

I can't join Sirris world at the bridge Craithon invades. Do I need to do certain things before I enter Irithyll? I thought I only needed to not spend ears on Rosaria (haven't even joined yet) but I can't see the summon sign despite triggering her first appearance.

Did you kill the beast on the bridge? Have you spoken with her twice?

best sl for sen's funhouse invasions?

That is what I think of it. I don't understand what you're hoping for here.

>99 humanity
>89 blessings
>lightning weapon
end your fucking life my man

Which weapon has good scaling as Chaos weapon?

I want to use something else beside the whip as Pyro.

No Astora Tryhard greatsword.

you might need to light the bonfire across the bridge and go back

not missing vial """farming""" at all desu

Rest @ the bonfire

Can the Boreal Valley bridge be used to fix people with red soapstone? It's such a cool location.

Pig genocide got old very fast

>doll's face when hunter wanted to eat red jellies with her


Remember to pack your greatbow and greatshield.


How did magic got buffed?

Lothric SS

that's not true. iskys for example is pretty damn legit, i've also watched some of the smaller DS3 streamers like Querns or Haeze and they're good watches as well.

Oro is a fucking faggot though. he just had some evangelist cosplayer who even waited for him while he freaked out SCREAMING over a $100 donation and then backstabbed the guy during a bow animation, chasing him down at low life and killing him.

I'm fucking done. I'm just fucking done, I hate humanity now that people donate this much to this guy. I just fucking hate humanity now, all of it.

Welcome to Dark Souls!

>you guys were talking about it
Nobody here likes Oroboro, what are you even talking about? He's an annoying memespewing little faggot with a terrible voice.


Watching DSP play Bloodborne brings me back in the most beautiful and horrible of ways

fuck off nerf

>Rolling R1
>Not a rolling R2 to bait his parry

>cant get fanmail ingame
>go to r/dsg



casting speed, FP cost, cancel frames, and projectile speed all got tweaked for a lot of spells. Black Serpent casts faster than a Fire Orb, Great Deep Soul and Dark Edge went from "useless" to "actually useful" and Lightning Spear spells are really fast now.
I still haven't tried all the spells, but it's an improvement overall.

I need more
I need all of it

>some combos are not true combos anymore
Can you make a list?

Also Warmth does 35hp/s.

Use Gargoyle Flame Spear. Decent reliable weapon for just poking people, but it also has a fun WA even if it's kinda bad.

Gargoyle Flame Hammer is also somewhat okay, not really a fan of it though and the WA is generic "makes fire that hits nobody ever" trash. Demon Hammers are better though they require more strength. Apparently Demon Fists aren't complete trash now, but last I checked they don't scale with pyro stats.

In terms of infusion your other real option besides Astora GS is a Murakamo or Carthus Curved GS, but you'll never really feel satisfied with the damage because it's still pointlessly split.

The japanese pyrogod has switched from Astora GS/Rapier to Carthus Curved Sword, but it's hard to tell if that's for scaling reasons or just because it's a strong one-handed weapon regardless.


Don't hate on humanity because of a couple of retards.

He did Bloodborne too? Gotta watch a TIHYDP.

Can I use CE while online in Dark Souls 1 or could I get banned?

What SL are you doing?

I'm getting tired of stomping Londo and curious if 50 is appropriate for Sen's