Meme Esports: NA Edition
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Meme Esports: NA Edition
Join The Official /lolg/ Stream on eyoson !
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how does repeared do pick/ban for c9 if he no speako englisherino
I love Lissandra!
she's best waifu
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
He speaks through impact maybe? I thought he spoke english
>casters actually a little surprised by people building support Zyra how she's supposed to be built
no they lost spring finals because yolo$cam is a worthless shitter
Is LeBlanc crap now? Has she been played much competitively lately?
Best girl.
Best legs.
Best wife.
Two plants and a Varus Q on Azir, that's when you call the fight off?
>At least I don't have complete retards on my team anymore...
lol good joke my dude
>in a meta that heavily favors high mobility or tanks
her wave clearing is shit but that's it
Is Sneaky a homosexual?
I want to put Lulu in a bathtub filled with water, then throw a toaster in it.
Why do people give a shit about what's viable in competitive.
It's an entirely different environment compared to solo queue.
seems good
Because I'm watching it and want to know if people have picked a character, and why/why not.
>no Invoker
Invoker players are literally Yasuo mains
is this the dream, is brolaf finally meta cancer?
>jensen: no i'm just european dude
>comparing a pleb to Invoker
Hey, I can't find that Vlad vibrator game picture anywhere. Can someone post it?
>comparing a pleb to a pleb
what's the issue here?
Not that I'm aware of.
Control mages are meta at the moment.
Assassins have a hard time getting past that shit.
Especially something like a Zyra she just spawns her plants everywhere and you can't do shit.
>zed can't do shit to a zyra
oh alright
>Azirs soldiers are now "pets" like Tibbers, Shaco boxes, or Zyra plants
>You can now kill them
Is he balanced?
Can you do this in League?
if i cant get my last token for my kayle level 7 mastery i swear.
Yes. TF ult next to someone and zhonyas the ult so you dont teleport.
Zed just rapes everyone.
>flash into two people while half HP
>trigger a shaco box and Garen ults your ass
Can you do this in League?
I really regret dropping to d5, there were no winners in this game
Is there anything more fun than queueing for one last game at a bit after midnight to then have a one hour grindfest vs banner/portal heimer and teemo
steal content from reddit? sure
>tfw not enough essence or champion shards for rank 7
who thought this was a fucking good idea. I guess getting S/S+ wasn't difficuult enough eh riot?
You swear what? That you are shit? If you don't do well you don't deserve it.
Is that supposed to impress someone? Btfo Dota cuck
Either TF ult then Zhonyas to stop the ult, or Tp and cancel before it fully channels.
Can you select a Pikes Peak Escudo before a race in DotA 2?
I can't see shit it's too small
whoops second part meant for at least you can get them with IP now.
How is this game even still alive?
Okay but can you do THIS in League?!
>I really regret dropping to d5
did you drop down there on purpose?
kinda, I practiced a ton of new/random champions
Most players have been playing for 7+ years
I really like bunny's Bard ults.
Bard [All]: ?
wait why didn't he eat when he saw him turn around.
>Yasuo Q into R
what happened that reksai ult got interrupted? i didn't catch it
>friend wants to duo ranked
>I got time until the pizza comes so yeah sure
>first pick bans Irelia
>first sign of trouble
>no one bans Zed
>friend says he hopes they don't have a Zed
>they have a Zed
>our mid feed their ass off to him
>our top laner goes afk after dying twice
>we're up against poke duo Ez/Sona
>our jungler Lee Sin keeps ulting them out of range and gives Ezreal a kill
>Zed's taunting and spamming laugh now
>they're obviously far beyond what the skill level of our elo should be
My friend ragequit for the evening.
I just wanted a fun evening playing vidya...
Yasuo ult into Master Yi Q?
yeah veigar shits all over yasuo
Can you do this in DotA?
The idea is to tie 6 and 7 directly to your ability to play a champion well. It was kind of sloppily implemented but the intent is clear and noble.
nevermind, the second one is on a different device
I have no idea who made them and why
and why Vlad of all champs
are Vlad players notoriously sexual deviants?
My farm has been decent on any other jungle champions but not on the bear. Any suggestions?
any damage interrupts it
also fucking jensen dropping the ball with that mistimed stun
It cancels if she takes damage while channeling.
vlad is bdsm: the champion
When you get a kill or force the enemy back push the lane to the turret, that will help the laner and get you a few cs
damage from bard/wolves
>taking a game this seriously
>realizing that the enemy is simply better
>still not being able to kick loose and have fun
this patch is pretty rough for Vayne honestly, this season in general
she isn't really pick up and play since you have to play so aggressive to be useful due to the range.
i honestly like ghostblade because it actually makes her lanephase bearable, especially dirk + tumble is great a combination, just lasthit then get a tumble auto, keep doing that and whittling them down
if you're maxing W you should be a bit more careful with tumble usage, if you max it first you can use it much more liberally. use it to dodge, reset autos, everything
most of those things can't really be explained and you just pick them up as you play her honestly.
I suggest that you kill yourself_____________________________________________________
Okay. So I have an issue where when my landline phone rings, my internet dies (how do I fix this?). It happens on occasion and it happened just now, the only time in recent memory at that. And then I get this shit in chat. How long does this restriction last? Fuck, this ain't fair. I dc'd right at the end of the game and we won anyways.
you mean the hextech mystery champion shard?
I see, thanks.
I know she's in super shitty spot right now.
I'll just have to play her more.
How do you feel about the new triforce on her?
>it's a your team has ashe and they have rengar episode
i should just stop it for today, nothing good is coming of this
also taliyah is excrutiating to lane against
desu there's more explicitly BDSM ones like Thresh, Elise and Eve, but the ability to control your body against your will and some BL Vlad lines really make him stand out.
You're literally using technology that's maybe 20 years old. Switch to a modem.
If you can't, then just msg Riot support.
Fuck off tomoka.
My last zed went 1/8 to ekko mid and then afk'd.
thanks brah
buy a dsl filter famalam
deviant as in what way exactly
I'll look into that. That said, is the loot restriction just for that 1 game or what? This is the first time I've gotten a notification like that.
I can have fun no problem, but when it's ranked I kinda get invested in wanting to win and do a good job, especially with a friend. That's not possible when the enemy intentionally picks cancer champs like Zed and then gloats about how inherently strong they are even after snowballing against a champ they counter and a 4v5 team comp with me being the only form of CC and a Lee Sin obviously unsure of what he's doing despite playing ranked.
Can you do this in League?
I'm not sure, but if you message Riot support they'll probably understand. They tend to be reasonable with these kind of things as long as it doesn't have to do with getting banned for being toxic in chat or etc.
>leave as the game starts
>come back game is 1-17
>team with 1 just got baron
why is this game so fucking ugly
No, and i'm glad you can't. For a game that has better balance than league Dota has a ton of weird broken shit.
>be me
>playing bot game as veigar because too lazy to deal with actual people opponents
>draven + annie duo bot lane, i'm mid
>draven keeps spamming "ks" every time annie gets a kill
>ignore him for a while
>back at base buying items when draven starts getting kills, goes up to quadra
>haul ass down mid lane
>use entire kit on last enemy to deny him the penta
>he starts raging while i spam my mastery emote
Probably a dick move but that's what you get for taking a bot game seriously, was fun 10/10 would deny penta again
Ugh I'm trying to learn DOTO and turn rates are hell.
Throw in batriders tar and I wanna kill myself.
Everytime someone posts anything dota it's either a year long cc or a bitchslaps fight
GJ user.
how about i fill your ass with my foot
get incredibly fed and then shit on everyone? yeah you can do that in league
>be me
>play bots so I can get an understanding and feel of a jungler i've never played before
>10 mins in bot lane is legendary
>gets about 50 kills before the game is over because they don't push
i don't see the point of doing this
Syncing your gameplay with sex toys in you is pretty out there.
I myself am into weird types of BDSM and I very much enjoy watching people suffer tho I don't have the nerves or pain tolerance to go through it personally.
nevermind found it
Yeah, Dota bots are a lot more intelligent than leagues bots.
how about i fill lulu's womb with my semen?
>new player that doesn't understand the mechanics, builds, and counters gets wrecked by bots
It's like you want to make an argument of the most mundane shit.