Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Puffy nipples.
what's the best free to play fighting game on windows 7?
>still no footage of her from the 36-character build
>t minus 2 months before release
>0 word about the netcode
they can keep it. I'm not wasting any more of my money on unplayable garbage netcode
stream source?
>Mike Z is the furfags pet boothbabe
makes sense
Update your putdated shit.
There actually has been some, but not tons.
is injustice 1 worth picking up just to fuck around with?
t. windows shill
why is mike z there?
Foxy Grandpa had no one to walk next to him ;_;
Is it true that the Nash vs Guile match up is in Guile's favor?
I think it's bullshit but the person I train with insists.
presumedly to suck Boons dick for funding.
>That feel when an alien memer loses
On a scale of 1-10 how fucked will ItsJustShit 2's gear system be?
Whose gonna make the new windows now that windows has opened the market up for a new OS
yes as long as the guile knows what hes doing
>the person I train
>stop using windows and use windows
Get the /v/g/ shit out of your head.
Sure it's a nice singleplayer.
What else do you call it when you and a friend lobby up for the sake of improvement?
How do i find a dominant fighting game gf who will sit on my face and force me to lick her butthole?
Is it just me or did you guys also see snake eyez sitting in the front row?
>the most single player rytjm game in the game
>hard to hit
>p-please use this new version of windows that has less features and support than the one you're currently using:^) I MEAN IT'S FREE.. PLEASE?
>filipinoman just graduated highschool
wow i didnt know he was so young
and he is sponsored by a porn company
Is Alien the new tanya? I only ever saw him now in 2 matches and am already bored of it.
Just playing together?
>less features and support
Literally retarded or do you just spend 17 hours of your every day on /v/?
then boy oh boy do i have a winners final for you. madzin save us
HBR will shill the game even if the netcode is terrible
sf4, sg, or ah3 eu?
Thanks for the nightmares.
Come the fuck on Jupe.
Style on that overmemed whip faggot
So bros there's seriously NO Dizzy or English voices at all in Revelator? I was fully planning to buy this shit.
Is there any plan at all to bring English voices to the game?
No. ArcSys hates Americans. Just play SFV, at least they respect us.
Dizzy comes later as DLC
English dub never ever, which is good because it FUCKING SUCKED
>being a westaboo
DOn't be soft onii chan
Is the city a skymap?
Welp already got bored. Fuck all this esports pushing. For fucks sake we are all just some nerds pushing buttons on a piece of plastic. Why do they even set up an arcadeliek cabinet whe the game is not on arcade and have the usb controller cable hanging at the side?
How hard is it to netplay with pirated fightan games? Hamachi?
Yeah I guess I'll just do that. Both me and my bro were planning to grab Revelator. If they update the game with English voices I will probably buy. Or hell if they just release Dizzy that might be enough to make me drop my shekels.
English voices was the best part of Xrd. I loved so many of the voices, Slayer, Bedman, Elphelt, Ram, Millia, Zato and Eddie. If they're never going to put in English voices then I'll probably never buy the game, even with Dizzy.
Is the storyline even good or is it just more retarded shit?
This game honestly seems like the definition of ArcSys countering the "No Jam, No Buy" fags.
"Oh ok, so you don't mind paying $60 for Jam and 4 other characters right?"
it just seems like Arcsys is trying to jew us too hard. For this kind of update it should have been like $30
goddamn jewpanese
The meat is probably delicious but leaving the head compleely on is just savage that ruins my appetite.
Because people play with different controllers you retard, you made me say it, you happy faggot?
>English voices was the best part of Xrd.
>plural was
>the best part of a game isn't the gameplay
End your life, kazoku.
>English voices was the best part of Xrd
Is it possible
to have this shit of taste?
Fuck off and stay in /pol/.
Never use hamachi, that program adds a ton of delay to every connection.
Anyone want to play something on Fightcade?
I'll play whatever you want.
No dub.
Dizzy will be DLC that everyone will need due to her being top tier like Elphelt, Kokonoe, and Valkenhayn
For as much as people bitch about Capcom, ArcSys is FAR guiltier of squeezing players out of shekels with rereleases
And so the Canadian numale arrives
hamachi sucks dude
just play on fightcade or w/e
Just go back to /v/ already, you fucking rat.
Exactly, it's a console with very restricted controller choice so why pretend it is anything but that?
save us from aliens and takeda madzin
makoto in sf5 when
it's hard deciding which is more boring and common
shit is zero-may-cry tier
Please no, makoto is so fucking boring
So is SFV online unplayable? For the past 5 days I've been playing against stupid people and winning constantly
Yeah no. The Japanese voices are lame. Seriously I grew up playing Guilty Gear as a teenager too but it's just annoying listening to some shrill Japanese banshee screeching every time she does a special or something. At least Western voices are tolerable to being actually amusing. Even though I love Guilty Gear's gameplay I hate weeaboos and Japanese language is like nails on chalkboard.
I'm not buying this game. I'll just watch the story on JewTube and wait for the next overpriced update with like 2 characters.
Also for the record: West = Best. Weeaboo = Doggy poo.
i want to kiss it
>makoto is so fucking boring
Then she will fit perfect into sfv.
Is this SZ costume supposed to be Ed Boon or a black guy?
>Misse Makoto
Did someone drop you on your head
For the past 5 days I've been repeatedly disconnected from the server or my match data was not sent
my internet is actually good though, at least for US standards
I want to eat it.
gotta tip my fedora for this one
>buying games in the first place
Shill confirmed.
Reminder to report and not reply to the /vol/tard.
>At least Western voices are tolerable
I agree, I love the english voice for Rashid and Cammy in SFV, japanese voices with english text sounds too weird haha. g-d bless
You've been asking this shti for a few threads now why dont you fuck off?
Its one thing pirating a game, you aren't taking away money from anyone. But trying to play it online is next level scumbaggery because the people who make the game pay for you to play it on their servers
>man pretending to be polturd getting reply from man pretending to be cammy x rashid poster
this thread is too meta
>meanwhile in germany, UK, and sweden
Eh sorry but it's too late for me to play eu-jp connection with fun.
Potemkin's voice was hilarious in Xrd. I grew to like the character a lot more as a result.
Cammy's English voice actress is always a treat. even the cheesy voices for Ryu and Ken I enjoy. Capcom didn't even force out the lame Story mode, just focused on the Eng voices.
Well if it makes you feel any better I threw away my hard earned cash on SFV and OverWatch
It's been possible to shut pirates out of online for years. If they don't that's by their own design. Pirates are still content for consumers to play against.
Yeah, when you think about it, capcom tried to be more consumer friendly, but fucked up on execution.
For $60
>22 characters
>combo trials
>shitty prologue story and cinematic story mode
>survival mode
>shitty tutorial
>cross platform
>pc release
Meanwhile rev is $120 for guilty gear fans, albeit the tutorial, and matchmaking is much better. It honestly sucks for competitive players ss now the playerbase is split up online between xrd and rev. Wouldn't you want the biggest playerbase possible?
>now the playerbase is split up online between xrd and rev
All the people who were serious about guilty gear have bought Rev, so it's not that big of an issue.
Why are you listing random countries? This is not a geography general LOL.
>Cammy's English voice actress is always a treat. even the cheesy voices for Ryu and Ken I enjoy. Capcom didn't even force out the lame Story mode, just focused on the Eng voices.
I literally couldn't agree more, impeccable taste anonymous.
>Another taco-ta memer advances
well at least a lot of the other matches today where passable
SFV might as well not have crossplay with how capcom designed their rollback netcode.
>tfw when guilty gear fans were always dudebros
i'm not a cuck nor a cuckhold but i'd let rashid fuck my waifu
Meppz vs slim ft 5 grudge match runback in 2k2 on fightcade going down.
People will call troll but english Elphelt and May are way better than the original
Tell me when SonicFox won. I watch smashnsplash in the meantime.
makoto is ugly and not street fighter
>vega is sf
>makoto isnt
this is why no one listens to you mate
That shit is exaggerated. All you have to do is look at streamers to see how little it occurs. If it happened all the time, you would see more laggy matches on stream as the chances of having a laggy match should increase by sheer volume. Or is it just the non stteamers that get fucked over by the shitty netcode?
No stream?
play me in melee