Pagoda edition
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>Total War Warhammer
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Old bread
Pagoda edition
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>Total War Warhammer
Mods --
Old bread
Need a break from warhammer lads. Going to do a SS6.4 late era campaign. Which faction should I do?
Ahhh /twg/… the eternal general
>tfw just beat Ikko Ikki shits and have begun conversion to Buddhism.
So I just started a new Oda campaign and notice that Nobunaga's pretty old.
Does he typically kick the bucket before a campaign ends? I'd like to have him alive the whole time without having to rush.
Any mods that improve age of charlemagne ?
I already got it so I might as well play it.
That's Nobuhide, my man.
It only needs a reskin mod and there are a few good ones. There's also age of vikings but income is miniscule so the game moves very slow and I wasn't that much of a fan. Neat rosters though.
I only use this one for propa rekins
Crusader states.
Which faction should I play as in Attila Veeky Forums? I have all the DLC including the last roman and age of charlemagne
Steam tank party bus when?
its canon he dies tho.
Oh. Well fuck.
In canon everyone dies.
Thank you kind ones
>gee let's check out this mousillon mod
>adds muh own original character Vincent Mercer, who is actually a good guy necromancer
>doesn't add Fucking Mallobaude, The Black Knight, leader of Mousillon in the fluff
>adds undead grail knights
>have stats twice as good as black knights but come in the building chain before black knights
Nevermind then i guess
Deus Vult
GG are just way better so zombies are practically useless throughout the campaign, as are dogs and bats once the Vargheist rape train starts rolling.
> Tomb Kings still not announced
>BotET crashes in 40vs40 when playing Lizardmen vs Estalian rebels
>Try playing Khorne
>Crash when sieging first rebel settlement with marauders
>Crash when figthing a 20vs30 against Nurgle
Patch 1.02 when?
I shall honor my ancestors
Did you apply the first patch?
Are you launching it through the .bat file?
Did you install the 4gb fix?
I can run it through the kingdoms shortcut with no problems, they still have a lot of shit to fix with the buildings and recruitment mechanics though.
>awakened tribes don't become vassals
Took me a bit too long to realize
Now they're fighting each other and shit
Rip.... ;_;
chaos gonna chaos
>christopher lee will die in your life time
once awakened, attack them and make them your vassals.
>Literally dead faction
Christopher Lee IS dead user
>bothering with tribes
Fuck those idiots, theyre worthless
Even if you vassalize them, theyll just fucking secede
Have you ever played Attila before? The Franks or Saxons are good for beginners as are the migrating factions IMO. Anyone but the romans your first time around and you will be fine.
...I have some bad news, son.
> he didn't awaken and then raze them all but subjugate one to be his gang-bang backup.
> he tried to be friends with everyone and got pic related
what was just posted and removed?
Vincent Mercer is from the base game Im pretty sure t'bh
Here, lad. Let the gods decide.
How are picts ? Nightbattles sound fun
i still didn't see it why are you doing this?
>the size of those weapons
No white spaces this time
What the fuck are you doing user?
Never played them but I've heard they have a pretty underwhelming roster. If you have all the faction packs and want to go that route do the jutes, danes, or geats.
Thorgrims already there baby
Neferata isn't glamours enough.
Truly this is the ultimate evolution of warfare.
>that spider-legged contraption under the manlet's throne
Yagrum Bagrum is that you?
>mfw i realized those things are the remains of the 4 dwarves that were carrying the chair
>How are picts ? Nightbattles sound fun
Not the best for first time since you begin with one province and then have to fight wre
But the celt gimmick of ambushing is incredible
tfw on my very first playthrough I tried to migrate the picts all the way to africa
>A single unit of goblin archers wiped out 2 of my quarreler units without dropping below 75%
I know I don't have any upgrades yet but jesus christ VH battle difficulty is bullshit. I'd be better off autoresolving until I can beef up my army.
Got a bonus from work, Game is downloading.
What race should i play first? I got the DLC.
Empire/Vampire Counts/Dwarfs
Greenskins and Chaos are for edgelords and GW shills.
Rescue me, brave knight of Bretonnia.
That is why you change the battle difficulty right back down to normal.
Empire, Dwarfs and orcs are nice first ones
lots of fighting immediately and obvious total war town building
I have played Attila. The Franks were my first faction. I ended up getting burnt out after stretching from Frisia to the the tip of spain. I got startled when I tried out Age of Charlemagne due to how similar my borders were. I'm taking this as my sign from Wodan to finish what I started
Yo in Attila there's a bunch of factions that form right near the start of the game like Britain
Are any of those playable?
>Greenskins are for edgelords
if you're talking about the Celtic tribes of Britain, they're only available as DLC
Is this mod good?
No he's talking about Secessionist Roman factions
No, there's specifically a faction called Britain or Britannia that forms a few turns in when the romans start to collapse
emblem is a red background with like a snake in it IIRC
>female Bretonnian Knight
Its pretty damn unbalanced, and also gives you bretonnian man at arms instead of zombos/skeletons for some reason
what if xe doesn't identify as a female noble
hmm, i do plan on focusing on vamps eventually because skeleton armies c'mon.
But i had planned on starting as something more total-warsy like basic humans. Are dwarfs more artillery focused? Do bright wizards exist/kick ass?
Doesn't really matter.
kek, my first thought too
Tamriel Rebuilt quarterly release when?
Am I crazy, or were there cutscenes in Shogun 1 where the foreigners would come and visit you for diplomacy, and would be rude the whole time?
I can't find videos of them anywhere online, and I need them, for reasons.
>rush to expand with VC on VH
>all empire factions dead on turn 46, except Middenland and Nordland who I'm best buds with
>dwarfs like me for some reason
>orks as well
>archaon shows up and has to wade through 70+% vampiric corruption and a shitton of provinces in the north I don't care about
>by the time he reaches Ostermark, the first province I actually care about, he's almost dead, as is his army
>beat him with an autoresolve stack of skeletons
>next round Sigvald shows up from the fog of war with 15 health left
>just dies the next turn
Alright then. I'm never turtling with VC again.
So this is what playing Skaven feels like
Kind of want to buy Attila but the fucking DLCs are expensive like hell. Anyone know where I can buy the whole lump for cheap?
They fuck off to the Empire of course. Then they can kill all the scum of the Lady they want.
How'd you manage the public order and economy? I could get behind an aggressive VC strat.
ableist shitlords the lot of 'em
Now start throwing bullets and poison into the blob.
Humans = have everything
Dwarfs = no cavalry, strong leadership in melee and good ranged options
Bright wizards are in the game and they're alright if not exceptional, Witch Hunters are the strongest heroes for empire
Low public order is literally free exp for your generals. I raid my own provinces if there is no one worth attacking.
They're cheap(er) on g2a
But if you wait a bit it's guaranteed to be in the summer sales on steam and humble
Only have 1 unit of guns at the start and they are not in this army
Humblestore occasionally has Sega products for dirt cheap like they did the week before TW:WH launch, and the Steam Summer Sale is only 2-3 weeks away.
Play a memetastic WEWUZ Garamantian campaign in the meantime.
the fuck happened to this unit
You dont even need the DLC
I didn't care about public order, rebels can't do shit when you have an army within 2 turns that can get to them. Even if you force march and can't attack, they will attack the settlement they're besieging automatically after one turn and lose if you've got your army into reinforcement range.
And apart form that nothing else happens with low public order.
For economy I sent a stack north to sack and raze the north, gives about 5k per settlement even if it's a bunch of shitty huts. I keep my regular income at only 2k, which means 5 full stacks.
>be dwarves
>rush Greenskin capital, capture it on turn 10
>it was the Greenskin's only province, I check them on the diplomacy tab and they are power rank 38, have no other province
>i assume I'm done with them and can chill out since I won't have to worry about Grimgor fucking my shit up
>the next turn they confederate with two orc factions and have a full stack appear on my border
I'm getting real tired of Grimgor's bullshit
right sorry for all hype and no actual shit, I passed out last night from sleep depravity.
I posted a few threads ago my first attempt at providing individual colours to units in the mods. I'm real damn happy wjtb everything but the black knights/graveguard so today I've been tweaking them. *because they didnt really look that dead with full bret colour scheme)
SO. whats everyones thought on this recolour I did to them, all manually tweaked finest rgb palette you ever see
wait for a sega sale on the humble store. I got all the DLC for $20
so somebody went around and put yellow clothing on all these dead guys from other nations, that is alot of work.
Not my screencap, sadly, but it was too good not to save.
Highest I've ever had pike killcounts go was c.300 when I was playing unwalled siege defence with Macedon/Epirus during Rome 2's hopelessly broken post launch patch-roulette.
Seriously? Two of Franz's epic gears are both weapons? And you can only have one equipped at once? That's stupid. Doesn't every other lord get an epic loot in each slot for their character?
Assume I do, what are the best DLCs for Attila?
Ooooooooh fuck, why am I not doing this?
I hate campaign Vampire Counts but love fighting battles as them.
>not getting the Ring of Combat Master that lets you wield two weapons at once