Can someone with aspergers make it in the financial services industry?
Can someone with aspergers make it in the financial services industry?
Idk op. What currency discrimates? Didn't know money walked away from people with aspegers. The more appropriate question is how likely is it for you to even break into the field. I personally don't have experience in the matter but as everyone says. Do you have the education or proof that you'll make them 10 or 20x what they invest in you back to them?
There's a recent music video that uses this image as a background for part of it. It's like 80's throwback video with silhouette dancers and everything. I saw it at the bowling ally but no search term I put in can find it since the lyrics were muffled by the lanes.
how many aspergers does he have?
some of us can't make it a block from home.
"aspergers" is just classified as autisms n0w
there are too many too count
Not autistic, but, people have asked if I have autism (so lol I have some bad social skills), I interned at a finance place and got a job offer afterwards. In saying that, I worked my fucking arse off. 4.0 and I literally saved their clients hundreds of thousands of USD in total(they have lots of clients) because I wrote them some pretty advanced math program.
When it was the last day of my internship (before the job offer), alot of the partners and seniors would make jokes I was a genius, savant, computer hacker etc etc.
If you have autism or terrible social skills I would suggest trying to play the highly intelligent-just doesn't get social stuff card. Worked for me, the downside is I'm not super smart, I just work hard so their expectations of me are going to be high.
If your aspergers is relatively low and you are a smart STEM-fag you can make it. You just have to prove yourself. Also, don't look like an autist. Have a normal haircut, don't do anything childish like bring in a poster of your favourite anime, don't have unkept facial hair like a monobrow.
I had a normal accounting fag friend with normal GPA from a decent school and he didn't get hired in the accounting/related world because he had stupid dyed hair, tattoos on his forearm (visible), spacers etc. He looked like a weirdo, of course HR aren't going to hire you. Imagine being a client and getting that when you call up EY and ask for them to do your books.
i'm a sperg and i work in investment management. the main thing you will struggle with is getting your first job, because it will take a long time to find a hiring manager/boss that likes you. most hiring managers want someone who will make eye contact and are social and are good "team players". it's uncommon to find someone that actually wants to hire someone that's weird, wants to work alone.
when you find them, latch on to them, because that's where all of your future jobs will come from. they will be your advocate, because you probably suck at interviewing (i do) and need a lot of help to get decent jobs.
i do. i know my biggest problem in interviewing is that lying is something that never even seems like an option for me. when i am doing the interviewing, people are lying to me all the time - it's very easy to factcheck.
one guy i went to business school with had on his resume that he played varsity football for his D-1 undergrad. 3 minutes of googling and you find out he played intramural football in college.
Turbo-aspie here. Adding something to user's answer, try acting classes. Helps you learn how to comunicate and relate others feelings. Also you learn how to answer that input in a standard way. I know it sounds a little pycho, but over time you will geniunely start to understand social situations and be yourself without judge every action you do.
i have severe social anxiety and do tax consulting work. i usually just sit in my office and build financial models and write reports. my interaction with clients is 90% via email. i am starting to hit a bit of a ceiling though because i don't go out and generate work. i hate networking and i hate having to meet clients in person or even talk on the phone.
What is meant by spacers?
Not this big, but, still, wearing edgy ear shit to job interviews....
What if your aspie if just average intelligence, but passable social skills?
If you can talk to clients and they like you and want to do business with you, then you may make it. If you can't hold up a conversation or "make a sale", it'll be hard.
But depends where in "financial services". That's just for your average agent/broker/rep/advisor type. If you do computer stuff, then you should be fine.
Damn sweet dude
>passable social skills
Then you won't be detected as an aspie unless you make it obvious.
I will offer the same advice as I do to everyone.
Get an internship and impress them alot. Do a STEM degree (if u can cope to math) or if you go to a top tier school do business/law if that's more your thing. Network, see if your parents have connections or friends (>implying an aspie has friends) parents and be totally normal when you are at a career fair.
If interning means working for free, i'd suggest you do it during a short break in uni (like a 1 month break) just to say you have experience. Try and work as much as you can.
fuck that is disgusting
looks like some greasy calamari hanging off her ear.
Get Lucky by Daft Punk
Help an aspie out with his IB M&A interview fellas
just make sure all your shit is formatted and looks pleasing to read. Avoid spelling mistakes.
I assume you're interviewing to be an analyst. They know you don't know anything about m&a
especially make sure your excel spreadsheet is formatted and easy to read. I put a cover page on my spreadsheets with a brief explanation of what's inside each tab, and maybe even a summary page with all my formatted tables and charts that I use in my presentation. Plenty of ways to do this, just make sure it's easy to follow
Make sure your graphs and tables are in the same font as the rest of your presentation and follow the same color palette. Assuming your bank didn't give you a template, use Arial font for your slides in 90/90/90 RGB color (ALT + H + FC + M + right arrow + 4x TAB + 90/90/90). 90 grey is easier on the eyes on a white background than 0/0/0 black
also quadruple check for spelling mistakes
and don't hardcode anything in your tables. Always refer to a cell in your model. Quick Excel formatting tip: 0/0/255 blue is the universal font color for a hard-coded number (the numbers you are given in this case). Black font are for formulas. Green font is optional and is for formulas that refer to other tabs or another spreadsheet.
What tier of uni do I have to go to for BB IB in London?
Like, LSE or would Manchester suffice?
Thanks a lot bro, appreciate it
Yeah I'm interviewing for an analyst position, but I'm from a STEM background so I talk forecasting with them mostly
oil & gas?
Yeah, also privatizations of public assets etc
Interesting, I do the same thing except I am only in A&D. Have done plenty of decline curve analysis, PDP forecasting, development plans, etc. for companies. I know ARIES like the back of my hand and am familiar with PHDWin. Let me know if you have any questions