League of Legends General - /lolg/

"We can't let Lulu marry anyone"

.-Riot Games

Old: Eyosongive.us


>but you can have poppy's hand in marriage

xth for Hecarim


>Last thread 8 hours


>tfw I still have that Roosterteeth .gif

Why would you play ancient amateur top-down 2D clickshit when Paragon exists?


xth for ded game
xth for Vladfag PORCELAIN ROD
xth for tripfag bronze 2
xth for I want to swim in lulu
xth for Lissfag VS Ashefag
xth for Cute Vi (________) edition

The Vlad permaban is rustling my jimmies.

The graphics are bad.
Top down is more enjoyable to play.

I haven't played it much due to the shit graphics.

no generals.
dead game.
literally who game.
i don't know a single person that has played it.

Dota 2 Manila Major Grand Finals is up LOLBABS!

Got out of tilt and managed to get Diamond 3 by playing my one true waifu for 9 games straight. I'll be answering any questions about void waifu now.

>in promos
>pick irelia
>Counterpicked by voli
>Power goes out
Not sure if I should feel good that it dodged or bad because now I'm a loss down.

>but you can have poppy's hand in marriage
He though he was being slick and punking us with that comment, but joke's on him because that's exactly what I want.

you like the color red

just kidding the game didn't actually dodge somehow
thanks riot xDD

do you team fight or just split most of the time. i play reksai as well and im around your rank d4 right now just failed d3 promos last night I usually end up just splitting because it seems like every1 on my team feeds every game and I have the most gold on the team almost always. Also what do you do first clear? do you full clear or do the greedy no buff shit or 3 camp and scuttle/gank or what.

an entire night of trolls, yet i am still que'd with said trolls




Fuck off Tomoka, don't you have a fotm dick to ride on while being unable to climb due to negative winrate?

why are you playing videogames on a saturday night when you could be killing yourself?

>you are not allowed to play champions that are good to win
What a pathetic mentality you have. And I'm still playing Poppy (harder now to do due to the rotation from top to jungle again)

im not a reksai player and I can tell you that reksai is a great teamfighting champ. aoe knockup and she's tanky as fuck

fuck off you literal no friend no brain cancerous piece of shit

Did Overwatch really kill League?

>be janna
>ult fizz away, shield adc, exahust him when he jumps in
>still kills my adc
>"wtf no peel???"




Uh, no. A thread being dead on Veeky Forums doesn't mean anything. There's plenty of popular games that don't even have a general.

Fuck off tomoka.

but he died so the whole thing was pointless

Not really much else I can do about that.

>it's a tomoka posts stupid shit episode

piss off nigger

Pinche pendejo, nadie te quiere, ni tu mama te quiere, matate a la verga y abrete al pito de aquĆ­.

>replaying to any tripfag

beside Welding

Nice edgy you have there. I'll never leave.

>resourceless tanky sustain mage with an escape and does damage while building tank
Vlads reworked designed is pretty unhealthy.

The problem with using fotm shit is that you don't learn anything out of that experience.
Games are pretty much on cruise control and you don't get better at the game.
That's why you can't climb nor keep a positive winratio.

>MF named "need bbc 4 wife"
>Clan name "cucks"
>Keep spamming "it ain't me" jokes in chat

*green arrorw*[green text]he doesn't jump from one fotm to next fotm[/green text]

kek epic cuck

I've never seen anyone enjoy being called a faggot or told to fuck off as much as you. Not even /v/ faggots get as much hate as you.

I really fucking pity you. i really do

You eventually have to learn at some point. Playing more than 3 champions actually doesn't improve yourself neither. As far as I know, playing at least 3 makes you understand better the game, so you can later play more and more stuff.

>unironically arguing with a shitter who couldn't get plat ON LAN

Just let him play whatever he wants, he will never get out of gold.

No, it just made the (You) hungry shitposters move the their thread, most of them didn't even play League and most likely don't even play Overwatch either.
Did you notice that we're mostly actually talking about the game as of recently.

What the fuck is this post?

Taliyah support or Ahri mid

I'm going to buy one of them. I greatly enjoy both and I have no good mid and Taliyah spices up supportand I'm really bloody good at Taliyah support I win lane every game

Is it that time again?

fuck off tomoka

Ahri mid.

Tali is garbage, ahri is cheaper, get ahri.

I don't know, it's so ironic it ends up looping around itself.

post mains and judge each other

Riot needs to delete Vlad from the game.

>Only 3 deaths

Yeah fuck tripfags.

>tfw keep getting first blood level 1/2 as trundle

is this normal. its happened 4 games in a row

I passed over Ahri before so it's fitting she gets her time now.

Taliyah is seriously good as support though. No bullshit. She is a lane winning machine.

Welding put your trip back on.

>check stats against vlad after game
>high damage
>high damage taken
>high healing done
fucking retarded

tripfags are okay by me, tomoka just happens to post especially stupid shit

why are leaguebabbies so retarded and dicksucking towards riot?
I can easily shitpost in /d2g/ with league of legends related content and at best I'll get like what, 2 (You)'s?

Now in /lolg/, holy shit, I've been reposting the same webms over and over again (while in ranked queue lel) that I grabbed from reddit and jesus christ you people give me at least a good 12+ (You)'s over 3 images/webbums.

what webms

>d2g is dead
>lolg is not (relatively)
it's not rocket science

What really grinds my gears is that without fail, when a Vlad or Swain make it through bans, the ADC is too retarded to know what grievous wounds is and completely refuses to build an early executioner's calling or even building it at all.
It's like 900 gold you retard, you don't have to build the same shit every game.

>Start in G5
>go on a sprint all the way to GIII promos
>One win
>one loss

And now I'm all burnt out. Guess I'll play ranked again in a few months.

>IM literally meme picks Darius cause Dyrus
I want to see how this turns out.

what stream?


trundle is an old champ from the age of violence that used to be the norm for top lane. His level 2 powerspike resulting in first blood makes a lot of sense.

>last d2g thread had 231 unique ip's and thread lasted 1 hour until it was autosaging
>last /lolg/ thread had 164 unique ip's and the thread lasted for fucking !!8 hours!!
what the fuck are you smoking

>not a footfag
>syndras feet turn me on anyway
god damn what is this. the same for nidalees maid splash. maybe it's the stockings that make it

vayne a cute


last /lolg/
last /d2g/

>Farming for Mastery Shards
>Team keeps sniping kill after kill



>froggen bullying nerds with anivia adc

Ok, come back after esports end and tell me how much did your thread last.

guess champ

>did your thread last
I bet you're the average retard who indulges in console wars on /v/ or some shit

Fiddle Mid?

>Open LPL
>Darius into Trundle

Absolute madman.


maokai mid



I went 0/5/18 on udyr and got an S once mate, git gud

Someone post that one pic of Ziggs, Renekton, and Twitch being sexy as fuck

support lux

>go against smurfing khazix with 100% winrate in 26 games on him
>outjungle the fuck out of him and countergank every attempt he makes as reksai
>we end up winning and I get a quadra
Feels good
He has 4 losses on that account and I'm 2 of them guy was salty as fuck

>there are people who unironically build relic shield over coin
im lmaoing at your life
wow a piddly shield vs team-wide big movespeed


Does anyone know the secret to meeting other autistic people to play with.

>/owg/ is laughing at us again



post your ign a bunch and ask for people to play with you

Uzi don't give a fuck holy shit.

>my mans is whore himself out for views and memes

>enemy team picks shaco
>shaco ganks all the lanes over and over again and basically 1v5's the game

well designed champion

Haven't ever heard of that board name friend