SRL never again edition
SRL never again edition
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for xboners
First for ghost a cute
>Once your Team is locked in message DonthyDong so he can make it official
I worded this a little wrongly. so let me rephrase this. Once your 100% sure about who you are raiding with message Don so he can lock it in.
BTW, that's a male exo on that sparrow.
official retard of the thread
>buying a game that is moving on to the next gen
The next expansion is PS4/Xbone only so your better off moving to Next Gen.
The game is a wasteland on PS3
testing webm
>Accurate summary of my Destiny experience
Also shout out to moose and cellphone. You fuckwits are alright
720x480 resolution.
Fuck you faggot
just kidding no homo
Drinniol called you and the rest of alpha team shitter in the last thread
>this fucking raid
Anyone else excited for contracts and playing as Blackjack?
Why do we care what someone who tries to validate 2+ hour raids thinks?
Stop trying to start thread drama with irrelevancy.
He said in a party chat that his raid team was better than alpha team and theyre going for world's first and dg first
He said they're "the new alpha team" and are better
SRL come back to us. FUUUUUUUCK
who cares
Fuck off alpha team fanboy drinniol told us how you kept saying "zippy doesn't do that" in a raid whenever you lot wiped
i miss srl so much
here are your options
Vogs n Crotas
what? I've never played with drin I think, either way who cares about thread cred?
You weren't even good at it
i guess i can always do coe
its not like its a heavy time investment
alright let me boot up my calculator
and get c u c k e d out of a crux of crota???? no thank you
Here are your options:
Hi =3
No thanks I have to graduate in 2 years.
You guys have an open slot in your party?
nah fampai, I want to see my family for christmas
oh lawd
fuck it come anyway
>tfw its over
at the boss of NF, room for 1 l3ean5
>deathraid finally over
Variks is so an ass man. You can just tell.
>Variks is so an ass man.
More like "Man, Variks has an ass" amirite?
This better?
Me too especially since I mist basically all the shaders.
>Got the 3 shaders that were preview-able in the kiosk.
>Think that's it
>Stop playing
>Decide to get back to it
>Find out event has ended
>Find out there are six more shaders I missed
Fukken ey.
Never mind, roommate took the tv
The cunt
Size is a little more important than quality at times
obligatory DELET THIS
how much is Raisu of Aironu going to cost? 20? 40?
>finally 320
>light level raised so I'm still fucked
>9 - 24
damn are you me
>Raisu of Aironu
stains/goth pls
Mayhem indeed.
Is this how your gameplay looks all the time joff?
rules of nature, my friend
You can get to 330 by ranking up with variks/vanguard/crucible/factions.
Court of oryx now drops Artifacts up to 335 on ter3 (Guaranteed to be your light level or higher) or on tear 2 (super fucking rare)
Challenge of the elders reward weapon at 30k score (one run) or armor 90k score (cumulative). That are guaranteed to be your light level or higher up to 335 max. As well as at the end of the run (end of round 3) You have a chance of getting a ghost shell, class item, or exotic PoE special (Queenbreaker's, Dreg's, Lord of Wolves) which are guaranteed to be your light level or higher as well. Again, up to 335.
On top of that same goes for every exotic engram, it is guaranteed to be your level or higher when decrypted so you might wanna save them up until you get to 332-334 as they'll give you those last few points quickly.
You don't really need 335, but its very possible to reach now easily.
>Is this how your gameplay looks all the time
Like what? Blurry and nonsensical?
is this gaem enjoyable solo
If you don't want to do the endgame (Raid for PVE and Trials for PVP)
Then yes.
Anyone doing CoE?
Not unless Freelance is out
Ye, but its way more fun with friends.
i ask because i want to play on ps3
me and joffers
its not even enjoyable with friends
Kind of. You will find that in order to be a successful darkness death dealer, youre going to need a fireteam. Strikes are matchmaking so theres that if youre implying you dont have friends.
How does matchmaking work if people on the fireteam are different levels?
Like what if I take two sub 0.5 shitters and three 4.0 gods with me, how would matchmaking work?
There's like three of your kind left at best.
You wouldn't know, you're Mexican lmao
mind if i tag along?
Well, not only is the game ded on PS3 as far as players, bungo is also about to kill it september on last-gen so you're fucked if you want to play the new content.
get in here already
You'd get 4.0 gods.
Remember when people left this general for "a better game" and told people Destiny would be dead?
Use Telesto
Remember when everyone left and said bloodbourne and dark souls 3 were going to kill destiny?
>implying we all aren't already dead
>LL 291
>namefagging for no reason
I've gotta go get my local alpha team enforcer on this one...
>killing him when there are still adds
So what are the implications of PS4 / Xbone only? Only good things can happen.
>not even 45k
Not implication, it's confirmed.
he means the consequences
yeah, i fucked up. that's on me.
No dedgen.
Probably slightly better graphics.
Better performance come destiny 2.
Possibly better performance come rise of iron, at least for current gen.
I would love it if the reason that rise of iron is current gen only and splits it into current gen and "legacy" is an engine update/swap that is incompatible with dedgen, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
This will never fail to be satisfying.
>swapping engines
Yeah you're a retard
>engine update/swap to get snowing compatibility
say it is so
>that futile backpedal when they see you coming
love it
>You'd get 4.0 gods.
Did you see nKuch tlaloc review from a couple days ago? I ran into it while browsing youtube today.
He borrowed a friend's account because he didn't have the weapon, and his friend was a 1.2 KD average (I checked)
Dude melted the fucking crucible, ended the match with 7.0KD and 9k points.
That is some bullshit man, how the fuck can one person make that much difference behind the trigger? I played Tlaloc the same way on the same map against the same group of 1.2KD people and I still had 2.3 at best.
Is this roll any good? Stormwalker if it matters.
Even just using a new version of the engine would be an engine swap dumbass.
Do you think you throw an 8 cylinder into your car to replace a 6 cylinder that it would be the same engine?
2.0 would be a different engine from 1.0. Or really any other engine.
Also thus why it was update/swap.
It could easily be that they are updating the engine with RoI and it won't be able to run on older hardware.
I doubt it will actually happen as it will probably come with destiny 2.
I fucking hope so.
Walking around in a full on blizard with deforming snow would be fucking rad.
Exotics always have the same roll
pretty much garbage with stormwalker. trade to your titan or shard it.
Not him, while I do agree chances are slim to none of an ew engine for RoI. D2 is going to use a new engine, that was confirmed, high moon studios is helping bungo make content updates like TTK and RoI while bungo is mostly focusing on the new engine.
The fuck is a stormwalker?
And its an exotic bucko, its gonna be the same roll erry tiem.
I know. I wish Destiny had an instant replay function that lets you switch between characters views.
>engine update/swap
Man you people are stupid, they would never do such a slow process mid game development. There will most likely be a new engine for 2 since the current one sucks.
The no last gen is clearly just an implication they want to have more stuff/effects/enemies/bigger areas/more animations etc etc.
oh now i get it lmao
sorry senpai
>Did I watch a literal who play easy mode crucible with a shitter's account
No. If I played on joff's account I'd get him to 3.0 by the end of the day
>analogy about cars
fuck off Mustang