Final Fantasy General CCX - /ffg/

Blue Mage Edition

Previous thread >General info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki:
"What version should I play?" Information:


/ffg/'s RK FAQ:

>FF XII: The Zodiac Age

>World Of FF

>FF Explorers
Discord room:

>FFIX released on PC & smartphones

/ffg/ has a linkshell on Asura: "FearTheVoid"!
FFXI June Update:

>FFXIV (3.3) on June 7th

>FF Brave Exvius

>Other game information

Other urls found in this thread:

When you start the game and when you end the game. That's it.

Did you faggots watch the WoFF livestream?

>that single

It's triggering my autism

No, but I'm waiting for more cute Light-sama. Getting her BSB and her sister's 7* gloves and SSB really made Lightning the undisputed number 1 in my heart again.

What are they saying? Translate you weebs!

New FFXV poster on display at Microsoft Theater at E3.


is there an RM that increases spear damage by a lot?

They're just a couple for the beginning and end
This is the opening one

BE launch after the SE conference?

Hopefully they increase the rates. Its rather annoying how hard it is to get decent characters from the 3* and up roll.

There are rate ups for certain characters during events in the jp version, but these days the good characters start at 5* meaning that even with the rate ups you have less than 1 % chance to pull the character.

No, I can't stand people saying "hai" in Japanese streams. I'll just wait for screenshots.



Gee, they're really planning to get every last cent out of their customers huh.

It wants a Diamond but i don't have one
can i use a regular gem?

Don't do anything. It's a trick enemy. It'll just attack you and waste your diamond

ya, it fucked me up with comet

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

what did he do right?



pls no


Dark Souls 2


First job, Knight...sure, why not

You can kill Shinryu!

Everything, especially that goal yesterday.
Can you even name one thing he did wrong yet?

how can they be head over heels for Faris when they thought she was a guy just moments before?

>tfw best DRK only has one good fanart

They'd fuck a dude if he was hot enough.

I still want to know what exactly they saw when Faris turned over. If it was her tits then they'd know she was a girl so that can't be it. They still refer to her as a girl after.

The bindings came undone and the 'dam' burst.

btw, anyone know how to make larger screen shots with mednafen? can't seem to find it in the documentation

There will be tomorrow-ish when Edgar gets his MC2.


They must've seen her beautiful face (or mistaken her tits for massive pectorals) and were unexpectedly smitten. Anyway they can't even suspect she's a girl, since they need to be downright shocked about it afterwards.

oh neat

>you'll never sneak a peek in a wet Lenna changing

why would i?
she's disgusting

You have terrible taste

your mom is disgusting but I still fucked her

i can identify shit when i see it

>I got bm for my wind crystak
>secretly using thief to steal element rods to break on enemies
Also, can I unlock all of the classes Ill have by tweeting gilgabot 3 times in a row?

Some WoFF gameplay. Looks good for what it is.

Might wanna get your eyes checked then

>for what it is
What do you mean?

Barret MCII when?

Itching to out that Gun Arm to good use?

In like a month.

you know it

Cute mid-budget fanservice.


Do you think Barrett's Gun Arm gets pretty hot? I'd imagine it would burn the shit out of him after a few seconds of sustained firing

>FF1 town music

Starting my fiesta run. Name my characters. First come, first serve.



Waiiitttt, I can only name Bartz?

how much darker can his skin get though?

Well /ffg/?

>Daily Dose

thanks doc

Butz and Lenna

>not Bartz and Krile

More excited for this than pokemon s&m


That's because Pokemon S&M looks shitty

Heya dude. Hows it goin?

I would be more excited if there was Pokemon SFM

Oh pretty decent. I am afraid of falling into magma right now. You?


It's cool. I started my 4 job fiesta run, named my character Fartz and and tweeted for all of my jobs early. I got 3 magic jobs and a Equip spears, the job. At least I got Carbuncle, death, break, odin spam and ignore tile damage.

Garula's shy, so don't tease it, okay?

Is FFV a fun game? I keep hearing about the 4jobfiesta thingy, and assume that it must be fun enough to replay. I am looking at it and stuff, and I really don't like the art and the "cuteness" of the game. Also pic related was one of the first things I saw when I looked up FFV...

What's the definitive version of FFV to play for a fiesta run? I mostly played the PS version but I've heard the GBA version is pretty bomb. inb4 steam version.

And is there a good way to figure out a random run for fiesta without having a twitter handle? I don't want to make an account just to mess with Gilgamesh.

why the fuck would you save this you sick fuck?

FFV is a fun game, but you shouldnt play it first through 4 job fiesta.

Steam version with mods

FF V is the best one

What's the worst FF and why is it FFXIII?


>I'm going to flood this thread with Astronaut pornography until it derails

Seriously what did he mean by this?

All the Bravest

Is that game still running? I haven't played it.
Not that I want to, but I'm curious.

>Recommending Wolfenstein over Doom

It is I've played it and finished it. It's a very jewish game. There's "bosses" that can wipe out 10 units and you're forced to either pay up to get your party back or wait 3 hours to just resume. You can't really lose in that game.

My team is going to be hard.

Two wind Crystal classes
A berzerker and a ranger

>and finished it
Wait, what? It's not like RK which constantly adds content and such? Or are they just not doing that anymore since it's a shit game?

Which two wind classes?

Literally none of those are correct but I guess it's good shitposting material.

You can play it offline, you start from Cornelia and you go to the void to fight Exdeath who is the last boss. if you want to play more you can buy the 3 expansion zones which I didn't mind you. As of now that game never got updated and RK is like its spiritual successor but much better.

It's one of the best Final Fantasies in terms of the Job system and gameplay. Bosses have all kinds of interesting gimmicks that you can get through with more than pure equipment damage output, too, Grinding doesn't directly power up anything but HP/MP, AP to unlock abilities, and gil, so you can't _just_ overlevel and stomp on things because your power will always be somewhat relative to the point of the game you're at (though having higher health and mana pools are always a reliable fallback). And most of the jobs are fairly viable in and of themselves, but you can also mix and match abilities after learning them.

Due to these mechanics, it's very friendly to speed-running, low level runs, limited job challenges, etc. The Four Job Fiesta are a set of self-imposed challenges to randomly use a limited number of the total jobs in the game and see how well you can do with the restrictions.

Little should actually be impossible, but luck might be more of a factor for some situations (one of the classes, the Berserker, is permanently... berserked, so you have no control over the character- despite this, a 4-Berserker Run IS possible)

Hmm, sounds fun. I might try it out after VIII


They never really went beyond "DLC". So basically, you had 3-5 fights a piece of land. There like 10 of them. You got core class people for free and you had to pay a dollar for a premium character. There were like 40 characters. The DLC was like a realm dedicated to a whole game. There was vii, xiii and one ther DLC.

I actually played and bought everything. Wanna see?

Overall, people prefer the GBA version (preferably patched with the music/slowdown fixed) as definitive, but any are possible. Here's a list of some key differences per version.

SNES: Can use the Ancient Library Teleport glitch and the magic underflow bug. !Tame/Calm works on enemies that AREN'T Magic Beasts (does not include Omega).

PS1: Basically the SNES with a terrible translation and load times. Generally only use this if you have no other option.

GBA: Probably the most entertaining translation (this isn't really the best story-heavy game); auto-dash option, Quicksave glitch available (US only), !Calm works on Omega. (New bonus dungeon, bosses, and jobs, but they're not relevant to the Four Job Fiesta.)

Mobile/Steam: Based on the GBA version. with tricks and glitches fixed. !Calm only works on Magic Beasts, Omniscient can cast Reset at 0 MP, and so on. Some interesting effects as pertaining to jobs - !Gaia can roll on the entire level list instead of being limited to the caster's level, so it can cast from lv. 1-99 effects (this can be good and bad, depending on the tileset). Berserkers no longer target dummy targets, and try to attack the closest valid target instead of randomly picking each time.

You can Fiesta on anything, though; there are even multiple rom patches allowed for play (including unlocking all jobs from the start and rebalance mods), since it's really all for fun and charity.

Not really but post anyway I just assumed most of its assets were used for RK so wouldn't be seeing anything new.

>Wanna see?
If you feel like showing something off, sure I guess.

Uh oh. If Kefka thinks something bad will happen, I'm pretty sure something bad WILL happen.