Heroes of the Storm - /hotsg/

Best girl edition.

>What's new
c9 quits hots for good, one of many "pro" teams to quit recently cloud9.gg/news/hots-eoae

season 1 on the 14th, silenced shitters banned from HL

PTR is live, can meme with medivh and new changes.


>how do i group with a bunch of meme spouting faggot teenagers?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
murky and abathur and JAINA

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm

Other urls found in this thread:


Where the FUCK is Maiev????



What are the rewards and requirements for the HL rewards? Never bothered with HL since it's the exact same as QM except more stress and time-wasting. Exact same retards.

Rewards are this, you should do placement matches before tuesday if you've never stepped into it. That will be 20 games you need to play to get placed, then if you want to grind out any other ranks or just see what you get after placements.


>vps his entire team
>focus backline ffs


I seriously hope your match history looks like this

also tfw the streak is about to end cuz lastpick and enemy team picked tychus

>TFW Can't even get to rank 10 for the epic mount.
End my life pls.

That makes me fucking mad.