/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk and Gwent General - (/krw/, /cpg/, /gwt/)

Making Friends Edition

Standalone Gwent all but announced!

Blood & Wine and patch 1.21 is released!
New Region trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJT5XRftOU
Launch trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=OP-ZsLYGJfQ
Patchnotes: wpc.4d7d.edgecastcdn.net/004D7D/mkt/document/Changelog-1.20-ENG.pdf

HoS developer stream: twitch

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Console Commands Currently broken
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Decoy, scorch, and horn are best cards. Prove me wrong.

Decoy's sick with medic cards.

Northern Realms is the best deck. 2 catapults + Foltest horn for siege already equals = 64


* mage posters are not allowed.

Rad lad best lad

>mage posters are not allowed
What are you gonna do about it?

Nth for daughterfu and waifu combo

probably shitpost

reminder that Triss is god-tier, Yen is trash

>genuinely good-hearted
only downside
>that burger accent

>femme fatale but isn't an antagonist by virtue of the fact that geralt's dick is that good, worst character concept in history
>autistic colour co-ordination
>literally always scheming
>can't cut geralt a break for his amnesiac affair with superior Trissfu
only upside
>god-tier britbong accent and wit to boot

Reminder that Skellige deck is non-canon. Gwent is an ancient tradition and it's perfect just the way it is.

Dumb midgetposter

Reminder that canon is a meme, and everyone involved in that quest should die for being meme-loving fucks.

>dat quality
>1.86 MB .png

I want to pull Annarietta's mask off and make it extremely sexual!

See you in jail bro

kind of vulnerable to scorch though - you better have a dun banner medic with decoy for backup, or trick your opponent into playing scorch on something else, or make him pass.

decoy is sick with anything though - at the very least, you can make empty plays with it, it counters spies, and gets extra value from medics and villentretenmerth.

I feel like Anna had some latent attraction to Geralt, and there was a little bit of sexual tension between the two.

if I sell all my gear and keep nothing in the stash, what carries over for New Game Plus?

>Burger accent
>Literally can't do shit without geralt holding her hand
>Plays drunk like a teenager
>Boring as fuck
Yes, I did almost call a teacher mom back in elementary

Here's your (you) trissfag, kys

>>Literally can't do shit without geralt holding her hand
Applies to everyone in the Witcher universe, except for, maybe, Philippa the actual best sorceress, Roche and a couple others.

>>Boring as fuck
Subjective, I think she's fun. Her character arc was pretty fine too.

>implying implications

salty she-cuck, disgusting brunette, lelac and goonberries, etc

Please leave feedback in these threads




>You will never be a witcher

Why even live?



Never give up on your dreams, user.



Is this ironical trissposting? :3

>Not full 2 weeks after release of B&W and we ded already
Wew, didn't took long.


I don't know about the others, but to me, the end simply killed me...

>yen will never put a shock collar around your balls and force you to do her bidding

Are those the same dwarfs that steal your boat on the Isle of Mist?

Ciri is the best and she will become real, I know it!

Yes, she will become real, but only to you.

No, she will become real for everyone.

user, I...

>Not showing ciri when opened
Missed opportunity user.

>Bland and cliche fantasy world
>Mediocre story
>Characters thrown under the bus in the expansions
What is there to discuss user? We had our fun, the game is over, the franchise is done.

I know my way around paint but that's too advanced for me, man

Do we have a dedicated list somewhere for recommended mods for the witcher 3?

Finally went full manticore armor. What glyphs/runewords should I invest in? It's an Euphoria mutation, use-everything build

Mods for Witcher 3 all very much depend on what you personally need
Every witcher set looks like Manticore is pretty rad, though

Did you at least feed her anything? I heard that she likes eggs, you might give her some.

I told her that everything was going to be all right but she did, in fact, have to eat all the eggs.


If she could eat the eggs then she became real!

She might just have been able to do it because my self-induced schizophrenia got so bad that I saw her eat them while it was actually maybe me that did it

I have a question: What happens to the armour, weapons, and equipment in Corvo Bianco if I begin a NG+?

Gone with the wind

No, I believe in what you've seem

>you will never get fucking wasted with Regis by a bonfire

Those are dangerous words, user.

>you will never do anything with Regis at all

Don't say that ;_;

delete this

I'm sorry.

>where is Olgierd? I'm all ready for him.

Geralt is my bf!

Olgierd is the man

What how? I wanted that!

Gosh darn it, Iris' dress looks good

how do i make radovid wins against nilfgaard ending?

Don't help Big D Sigi and/or break his leg

Been wanting to play this game for a while, is it worth it? Reading your guys comments between Triss and Yenn. On just looks, I'd go with Yenn. Can you romance Ciri? She's obviously top tier.

Don't kill Radovid, it's that easy.

You can't fuck your own adoptive daughter, no.
Also read the books

Ciri is your daughter.
Triss is "kind hearted" but lame as shit.
Yen is "fun" but can be a complete bitch.

Just asking, I haven't played any of the games.

Start with 1 or 2

the game is amazing, but i wouldnt start with 3. start with 1 or 2. and as for waifus, i like triss better cause she isnt a bitch in the games. yen is rude but the banter is funny. dont sexualize the ciri.


I was going to say I don't have my old systems anymore, but they're both on PC. I might just start with the first one.


Reminder to report and ignore spam

>wanting to fuck your daughter
Yen is great, Triss is shit

no. gently make love to her.

>you will never be yen's pussy whipped manslave

That's the spirit, the entire trilogy is fantastic. W1 has a bit of a slow start, just give it some time and remember that your mother sucks dwarf cock.


>yen will never order you around and kick your balls when you misunderstand her or ask her to clarify

Whatever Emhyr.

so i wanted to use wolf gear but i have to get to KM for basic set, is there any way to go there before advancing main quest?

Just got W1 off of Steam, so we'll see.

so... if you beat BnW before main story, the going home quest shits the bed, huh?



console commands

I warned you for fuck's sake. You should've listened.
Which epilogue did you expect?

I expected to finish the fucking quest.
I get to Corvo Bianco and fuck all happens...

Beat the base game

the books are shit

You get the quest only after you do that, mang....

Your mum's fucking ferret is shit

>ywn go there
just jdimsa in my sleep already

Finishing BnW before the main story fucks you out of your BnW epilogue. Quality CDPR programming.

The first 4 are pretty okay.

That a whorehouse?

I developed a machine that manufactures human beings, and entered geralts specifications. Then I made sure he couldn't come in contact with other people so he had no frame of reference to refuse me as his gf.

maybe they would be good if not for 80% of words describing the place or weather or the same shit over and over

There's nothing in there anyway!

Can you make a second Geralt? I'd be ever so grateful!