>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Other urls found in this thread:
Say something nice about my wife Sophie!
At least the links aren't broken
She has more Speed than her father!
She's a good unit.
Flora is literal shit
I chose Flora as the OP pic so retard shitposters can't try to drum up stupid waifu faction war shit.
She's not as shit as Flora
>mfw florafags think Flora is a good character
Literally no one worth caring about would take issue with posting a non-Flora pic
I don't care for any of you, so that list is pretty substantial.
Shittiest waifu and why is It Severa?
Azura a shit
No that's Azura. Severa is the second shittiest waifu.
>12% chance to hit
>4 of the same faceless units hit the same target
t. severacuck
>chance to hit
>it hits
Severa is shit but Azura is way worse
Rebecca prefers the feeling of a bow to a fan.
Who is the most useless Nohr kid that I can safely screw somebody out of by making Corrin marry somebody who is not exclusively Corrinsexual?
If I restart Fates from the branching point, what are my characters' stats? Is it better to just start from scratch?
Starting from the branch of fate prevents you from being screwed by the RNG demons, but also prevents you from being blessed by the RNG angels.
Even if you screw him eugenically you can steal his staves.
Mend, Sun Festal, and Physic.
All worth more individually than any contribution Dwyer himself might make.
Will you stop posting the same picture?
You have some obsession issues kid, do you ever leave your basement?
You say that like anyone who recognizes someone else's posting habits on an anonymous imageboard has a life.
Would you guys prefer if
>The Killer weapons 1 less Mt their their respective Steel at the cost of losing it's extra damage on critical hits
>The Killer weapons to increase avoid by 10 instead of reducing it
>The Killer weapons to stay the same as they currently are.
Killer weapons should have low MT but good crit
The way this works is that they deal big damage if the enemy has low defenses
But if the enemy has high defenses, the low MT will cripple it and the crits 3x(attack - enemy defense) will end up not being much
So, I'm about to finish the third and final route of the fan translation. I haven't seen any of the meme dialog like (lol. Where those just that, memes, and didn't even exist in the first place? I've gotten shit loads of supports as well, yet the worst I've seen were some Japanese lines that were somehow kept with the translated lines.
You can easily read all the japanese fan translated supports here
Some are not in the fan-patch
Do the Wyvern reinforcements on Birthright 24 ever stop? I haven't turtled this hard since Conquest.
In Lunatic they stop at turn 21
Birthrout is shit
No, I meant that there were some dialogs that were translated but had a random Japanese line, which apparently is translated as well (seeing as the context wasn't lost after it).
>six more turns of this
I feel like I'm doing the map totally wrong but it's the first time I've had to think in the whole route.
You are supposed to rush down Hans to force the enemy to surrender since you are supposed to be literally in the Nohrian imperial barracks or something
just kill that bastard hans
>get paid a fortune by some kid to spare the villagers in the Ice tribe chapter
>visit all the villages and drag out their reluctant fighters
>kill them all for the exp
>act surprised when flora sets herself on fire
>Turtle birthrout 24 until turn 21
>Reinforcements cease
>kill count in the hundreds
>Kill Hans
In Birthright you are on the defensive remember
I wonder if IS put all the hypocrisy on purpose in Birthright
Ways Fire Emblem Fates could've been better:
>No starting legendary weapons
>Legendary weapons not character locked
>Less skill slots
>More (and varied) mage classes/less sword classes
>Online Quickmatch
>More side chapters
>Capture mechanic get the fuck out of here
>Pairing get the fuck out of here, no more death balling a single unit
>Crits do double damage instead of tripple
Anything I missed?
>>More (and varied) mage classes/less sword classes
Giving magic weapons to most classes is better
I'd argue mages are much stronger than other classes just for having access to 1-2 range weapons with no drawbacks
They are only held back by low defenses
I think there is nothing too bad about the class balance in Fates
>search for feg in the catalog
>first thread that shows up is undertale general
Fucking cancer man. Why is this shit allowed?
Anyway, Nohr or Hoshido's weapons? I honestly don't know which ones to pick in Revelations.
problem with that is is that its quite shit to just slap "oh hey you can use tomes now" on a character, as most characters either have high strength or high magic,and if they do have both they'll really fall flat with spd/hp/def
But I guess that is more of a stat/unit issue rather then a class issue
Well fuck, that's what I get for not reading the objective.
Definitely doing it wrong.
Tomes have low mt and a lot more classes in Fates actually have decent Res (especially the hoshidan ones) so you're better off just using hidden weapons.
>That exclamation she makes when you give her an accesory
Slow day desu.
In dead times like these, we must thank our patron Goddess Serra for her kindness and blessings.
All waifus are lovely.
The HANS undub is pretty nice, but having to manually restart the console every time gets bothersome. Is there a workarround?
>Elfie: Something to ask of me?
>Zero: Yes. I want my burning thing, inside of you…..
WTF is that allowed?
Patch it into a .cia
Dwyer, easily. His dad comes late and isn't useful.
Zero was much better in the Jap version. I'm not even memeing, he was a lot better than le lewd funny man. He actually had a backstory that made you want to go for him, and his lines weren't all lewd when you fucked him.
He actually gets gentle if you marry him, it's really sweet. Too bad Memehouse can't do shit.
>tfw 10 word essay due tomorrow and can't stop playing FE
> ten word essay
>1 word book report due tomorrow morning.
>Almost beatCh.10 of Conquest on Hard mode but Nyx my beautiful wife gets killed
Looks like we're pulling an all nighter, boys.
What book is it? Have you tried 'riveting'?
Crime and Punishment, I havent even read it.
Some white bitch fucks her friend's husband and the whole town finds out and fucks her to death.
Inshallah, brother.
Here user, let me help.
What I learned in boating school is
It's a great book, should've read it.
That's a different book, nigga.
how to blankity blankity blank just three words you have to fill in, come on user you can do it
I wish mods would do their job
Call in a bomb threat.
Or better yet, go all the way with it and firebomb the place.
Teach those pretentious "educated" faggots what happens when they fuck with you, see if those cracker ass crackers try to give you an assignment after that.
are, are you okay, user? play some tear ring saga, that'll calm you down
Reminder that this is official art.
Reminder that Severa has at least C cups.
Reminder that Solel is worst husbando.
Reminder that she has a tiny penis.
That's a rude thing to say about Selena's daughter that loves her mom very much even if she feels inferior to such a great and amazing woman.
>page 10
Just go to the other thread, man.
>there was another thread
Flora is the best waifu.
what thread
Try to name a better waifu than Flora.
Literally even Soleil is better than Flora.
At least she can warm a bed properly and sound ike she's emjoying it.
She probably is. It's not hard to please a girl begging for dick.
I'm curious, are their any tactics that work in almost all Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem-like games? I wonder if we can agree on anything.
>Not drawn by Kozaki
>Official art
This is how stupid shitveracucks are everyone.
it's literally drawn for 25th anniversary merchandise.
if you could read japanese, then your opinion might have some merit, but you are just another shitposter.
It's not Kozaki art though. Sorry fag but your shitfu is canon flat.
>solelfags believe this
>severafag's this mad
If they put something like My Castle in the next game, I would add a Cemetery in the next game. Here's how it works.
If a unit or character im the story dies, they are taken to the cemetery and buried. At night, you will sometimes run into their ghosts, where special coversations ensue. The first time you meet them, they will give you something that can summon their ghosts at their tombstone for a visit any time at night. Also, you are granted a permanent skill that works like Miracle, except it is independent of skill level. Sometimes, these ghosts can help you from beyond the grave, or they can haunt you forever. To get the best results, form close relationships with units, and be sure to build supports.
And Soleil is bigger, which means she got D cups.
>solel is 12 years old
>this headcanon
>12 years old
>that headcanon
Best waifu and why is it Flora?
Rhajat. She's so devoted she'll follow you through space and time just to be with you literally forever.
>Chapter 23 Birthright on Lunatic
I have NO idea how I just got through that shithole on my first go without losing anyone. I did let Effie and Arthur die though so I probably missed a secret ending to the chapter and if this was before awakening a secret chapter
>tiki's recruitment chapter
>I probably missed a secret ending to the chapter
you didn't
because awakening
Get in the actual thread
Azura a shit.