Mirror edition.
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Hello guys
What does /bsg/ think of the "Social Aristocrats" getting durka durka'd situation?
Hello enthusiast.
How are you, Bookers?
Browsing /pol/
>tfw no Liz
> tfw no Lizonka
Watching my gf play though Infinite has been pretty fun so far, though I wish she'd play on normal instead of easy because she's not that bad and being able to make such easy work of the special enemies loses a lot of tension the first time you fight them.
She's got aiming down and isn't a bad shot but her positioning and use of cover is quite poor, she'll keep putting herself in a bad place open to fire from multiple directions, and she has bad situational awareness in general with guys getting behind her all the time. Needs to get better at prioritizing targets.
It's really hard not telling her everything and letting her come to her own conclusions, I'm just really amazed at what's going though her mind right now. She's just arrived down in Finkton. I remember thinking, the first time I played, that boarding the airship just before that bit was going to be just about the end of the game. Having finished the game many times now I can't believe how naive I was because there is so much foreshadowing everywhere, and so many little things you've heard and seen in the world that suggest there's so much more to what's going on.
I think my gf might've picked up a little more than me her first go, from me asking her questions and what she thinks is going on with certain things, but she is still relatively unawares.
Anyway, I'm always reminded how much I love this game every time I play though it again, and it's cool getting to experience it though the eyes of someone else for the first time again. I really wanna do a second play through with her too so I can openly gush about the meaning behind everything.
Post more.
Nervous about the trip I'm about to take.
How would she feel if she dressed up like Liz or Rosalind while she or are playing? It might spice things up,
12th for Rosalind
Full of foreshadowing, it's like poetry it rhymes. Hopefully it will work...
Well, she would need money for the clothes also probably need to lose a few pounds.
But good idea. I will suggest it to her.
Also where are you going?
Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb?
>not wanting more of her to love
I'm going to Florida to help out a friend.
Watch out for wild jahoodies.
At least I'm going way south of Orlando. But that doesn't mean shit can't get real somewhere else in the state.
>tfw being a good enough friend to suffer through all my anxieties and the threat of being killed
dw when the new game comes out there will be plenty of discussion :)
it must be about time, right? :)))
it's been like three years :))))))))))
maybe a reveal at E3? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Ros night.
>tfw you will never experience it again for the first time
At least we have Dishonored 2. It literally looks exactly like what Bioshock infinite was promised to be in 2011.
Oh yeah I forgot about that. Really looking forward to it, the first one was underrated imo.