Seriously? Rich cunts actually believe this unironically?
Seriously? Rich cunts actually believe this unironically?
Other urls found in this thread:
>and then keep the profits while striving to drive down wages and working conditions
Missed that part :^)
theres no point in helping low IQ poorfags who will only create more dumb and poor offspring.
Better just help the rich create more wealth.
This desu.
I was a literal poorfag and it wasn't difficult at all moving into middle class. Poor people are all literally retarded and lazy, and even if you have them a free house with all bills paid and access to all the education in the world they would still rather live in their ghettos or trailer parks and do drugs or murder each other for no reason.
I think the issue is way too many people were bred to be warriors or drones and these two classes are borderline useless now with technologies making them redundant. Since the mass culling that desperately needs to happen isn't coming, I pray that boutique genetic modification of babies comes swiftly or our planet is doomed.
This man speaks the truth. How many poor people have you hung out with? They are stupid and have no intentions of ever learning anything. And honestly the only who actually gives anything to the poor are the rich. If the rich go away you will find crippling poverty, just like every socialist shit hole in the world.
this. if you gave the poor 100k they would buy 100k worth of lotto tickets and cigarettes
i dunno man. the rich just need labor. they don't value your skills or your heritage if an immigrant can do it for less.
this is why you should vote libertarian. If you really, REALLY want to throw money at lazy dipshits with borderline retard-level IQs then by all means do so, just don't force me to do the same.
if you want to profit off of AND help the poor just start a social enterprise.
Poor people don't create wealth, they destroy it. My opinion is that we should give incentives to the middle class and crush the lower class. Poverty should suck and be painful to the point that you either work or die unless you are handicapped in a massive way.
Upper class
>allocate and distribute wealth in the most intelligent manner possible
Middle class
>create wealth
Lower class
They should help poor people help themselves. Free money for school etc.
how do you guys think the rich stay rich and profitable?
from poor people buying their shit.
this is the fundamental issue people don't understand and it baffles me... it is absolutey a good thing that the poor have disposable income, everyone benefits when money circulates. a huge part of our downward spiral is from the increase gap of inequality. it effectively trains the poor generationto save as opposed to spend which leads to more stagnation.
there needs to be a balance. everyone benefits from the rich providing for the poor. its a long-term investment.
Fuck off commie.
Nothing wrong with Conservative/Libertarian economic policies.
Libertarianism runs contrary to corporate welfare to. So a libertarian platform would disinclude subsidies, tariffs, and other forms of prosyllogism (plunder). It wouldn't be "helping the rich" like OPs picture. At least not explicitly.
That was supposed to be "protectionism". Fucking Swype.
It's called public school you faggot. Motivated poor people get scholarships to college.
Poor people don't create demand like the middle class does. The ONLY area I could see them creating revenue more so than the middle class is in vices like smoking and alcohol. THE POOR DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. That is why they are poor.
definitely not true. its poor stupid people who are spending their money paycheck to paycheck on consumerist shit that makes the economy go round and round. not just beer and liquor and weed.
but now we've fucked them over too damn long and theyre finally wising up.
How the fuck have we been fucking them over? No one has been cock blocking them from getting a job. No one has been shutting doors on colleges to keep tem from going. No one has been keeping them as slaves so they can't move to areas with better economic.
Their buying power is miniscule in comparison to the middle class. Don't pretend it's even close.
>poor people
>wisening up
Pick one and only one. Kek.
could somebody define poor people first, please.
>define poor people
Why would you want to clarify this thread?
People earning between 20-30k annual income for upwards of 5-10 years. Bonus points for government assistance.
top kek
To be honest though, trickle-down economics did work for a while in the early 20th century. Henry Ford proved that you didn't need unions to protect workers. But for ever Henry Ford there are 1000 slimebag companies/corporations. Besides, why would I help the Rich so they can just automate jobs, ultimately that's going to happen, better off helping the middle class build small-medium sized businesses that will help us out in the end.
>Get rid of all workers and consumers
>That will make things more profitable
If you know anything about market failure, you wouldn't make such an asinine statement. Read economic history.
Leave the rich alone and let the poor do poor people things
Enjoy your one day general strike when you drown in your own garbage and sewage.
Reaganomics failed primarily on the point of reducing spending. Congress promised to cut spending if he lowered taxes, and guess what? They didn't. The theory isn't bad, Reagan was just naive. Of course you're going to increase the deficit if you leave spending untouched, but cut the taxes that were supporting it.
Strikes only carry teeth when they're government sponsored. When businesses can bring in blacklegs in the face of striking employees business carries on.
>Implying garbage and sewer are handled by poor people
You're fucking retarded, those jobs pay incredibly well for such low education requirements. Easily $20-30 an hour for trashmen around here. More if they're union. Nope, poor people work McDonald's and Walmart if they work at all. McDonald's goes on strike?
>oh noes how will I ged my burger figds xdxdxd
Im poor working class and i believe it 100%.
Are u fucking retarded?
>gives all poorfags $1,000,000
Nigger rich assholes blow it all and end up in even more bad debt and even worse, prices of all goods go up for the people that make things happen.
Stop being a whinny ass wagecuck and goddamn do something about it if u dont wanna be poor.
>mfw my wife and i have 5 jobs, a small business, and 2 rental houses.
Stop looking for a fucking handout. You bernie cucks already got all the free shit the last 8 years while thst faggot nigger obama was in charge for 8 years.
Time to move the fuck over, trumo train is cuming user.
And it's cuming all over you poor and lazy faggots.
>implying poor people work and generate wealth
How dumb are you? ;^)
I do niggah. I plan on being rich just like my dad's bosses. Hustle and work hard until u make millions. And only hire local people you know and trust and give them a good wage. Average starting pay in my field is like 13 bucks here. I make 18. They could easily have hired me at 13. But my company treats me with dignity and respect and in return i am fucking superman. I have caught and beat 4 thieves. I have saved them tens of thousands in creative solutions that at 13 bucks an hour i wouldve just said meh, fuckit. Not my problem. Fuck cheap labor. Fuck that extra million when u are a billionaire.
>hire good help
>pay them well
Watch profits nearly match a theiving workforce of illegal wetbacks...
Is increasing inequality a crippling problem for the economy? Yes. But not because of poor people.
It's the middle class becoming poor that's the problem. Poor people already spend like retards, inflating only the base survival + retarded entertainment spending sectors. Giving money to the poor has a very predictable and limited effect on the economy.
Grow the middle class and make it wealthier, however, and it benefits everyone.
Suck this anons dick.
He is the solution.
Enough with the free shit.
Well, maybe school. But only free shit that makes you productive.
No more of this free phone, cashing out food stamps for beer and steaks bullshit.
No more free housing unless u under 18.
I am fucking done giving half my paycheck to lazy fake dissabled cucks.
Our money wouldnt have to move so much if it was actual money instead of a cucktier fiat currenxy tho. Fuck im starting to hate living here
>fucked them over
>emplying half my paycheck doesnt go directly to support single moms and gangbangers
>free phones, healthecare, school, dissability thats is fake, food, section 8 housing. Etc.
>rising up.
Against what mutherfucker?????!?????
The people at the zoo that have been feeding these worthless monkeys for generations? Why?
Why the fuck throw a fit because u dont have enough free shit?
>pic obviously related
Trashman in my town.
Starting wage.
Its a cuckjob for meth users around here.
Technically all that spending is great for the economy.
Also we need abortions for the poor to make less of them. Maybe give out free abortions and $100 check to any degenerate who gets their balls vasectomies.
The $600 stimulas bullshit didnt work. Eveeyone is a slave to bills. Mine went to rent and credit cards. I know. I was dumb. But paying credit card xompanies doesnt hekp as much as it did when i charged that gas and food and tv etc
It's been my experience that poor people actually end up resenting you for helping them
Also if you're insecure they'll make you feel guilty for your own success if you let them
I've learned to look at it as pathetic instead of sad so I'm not infected by their forever failure, blame shifting views on the world and their life
At least the rich know what to do with it
>we need abortions for the poor to make less of them
that's not how it works.
Poor people don't stay poor all their lives.
rich people don't stay rich.
if you decide to punish the poor you'll find yourself caught in your own net at some point.
>Rich people don't stay rich
I know a banking dynasty that would beg to differ, user.
the exception that proves the rule.
Abortions would be better for the society. It reduces crime and various costs resulting from crime, violence, and property damage.
again you're assuming people that start life poor, uneducated and angry will stay that way.
that's not how people work.
drug dealers and burglars often grow up to be legit business owners.
rich people may turn out to be rapists and murderers.
targeting an economic class for eradication doesn't work because people don't stay in their class. But I guess if you're not smart enough to understand this perhaps you're the one that we should be sterilizing.
Why are abortions on the table? Incentivized eugenics. Pay people half the current value for IVF to become sterilized. Short sighted poor people will jump at the 5-10k and save the government billions in the long run.
There is an exception to every rule.
My and bff grow up poor. Trailer park poor.
Dad works hard, so does mom.
Things improve.
Dad's say "u must work hard user, and good things will happen."
We work in oildffield and get niggerrich killing ourselves. Descides fuckit. Normie lifes for us.
I continue normie life, buddy begomes coke/weed/shroom/crack dealing kingpin.
I keep job and enjoys all the free beer and funny druggies i can.
I begin investing and looking to quit my job in a few years.
Cokedealer bro is graduated top of his law school last year.
We start a law firm out of the gate hiring some of his classmates.
Lawfirm is already making BANK.
We working for free. Spend all monies making connections and advertiseing. Hireing more people, growing.
Soon as it is big enough we are going back to the oil patch. But this time we own leases that other people work on.
Continue the good life as jettsetters who grew up in a fucking trailer park
Most poor people stay poor. This is a fact. Only a fraction of them move up.
If you don't like free abortions, I'm find with sterilization programs.
Find where you can be of value commensurate with your expectations.
People typically follow their parents footsteps. I would say it is the vast majority of the time. Middle to upper to middle? Sure. Middle to lower to middle? Sure. But it would appear that we don't stray too far from our base instincts. Habits that have a great effect on our wealth.
>We start a law firm out of the gate hiring some of his classmates.
Pardon me if I don't believe your post due to your atrocious grammar and spelling.
>drug dealers
>legit business
yeah no
pick one
I'm not the guy you're arguing with, in fact I consider myself pretty left wing and I'm all for class mobility.
The problem is though, its just not at all the reality that poor people move up except in extraordinary circumstances and there are simply way too many people in the lower class who are happy to be there and wouldn't improve their circumstances even if you offered to hold their hand and pay for the journey.
"First world poverty" is filled with distractions and resources, so people don't feel the urgency to move up until they get older; then suddenly they want to be middle class overnight and bypass any sacrifice or work.
Having grown up poor, I can tell you for certain the journey to the middle class couldn't have been easier for me if the president himself greased me up and pushed me. And if we want a truly futuristic progressive society, that's going to mean leaving people behind.
Yeah, and they are hard as fuck to break. I'm in sort of a fucked up limbo right now. On one hand in nearly debt free. Worked all my life for my cars and 2 houses. On the other hand i know i shoukd borrow against anything i can and start businesses and invest in rental properites. Own nothing in my name.
Being torn in fucking half here.
I know what to do but im too scared to lose it all.
>its just not at all the reality that poor people move up except in extraordinary circumstances
ok, so you're stuck with a stereotype.
let's switch it around and see if you're really a complete idiot like you pretend.
when we phrase it that way your slimy reptilian brain perhaps grasps that most people will be poor at some point in life, most of them will not stay there, and maybe they shouldn't be sterilized just because they're between jobs or had some medical problem.
fuck you guys are retards. I feel like I'm on /pol/.
Dont give a fuck if u believe me or not user.
Got hit in the eye at work today.
Typing is a bitch.
>be me
>fat neckbeard hillbilly
>piss poor grammer
>0 fucks given
>buddy says he will handle lawer shit
>buddy says kill myself study personal finance and asset protection.
Soend 10 hours a day working my job and 4 hours a day learning how rich people do what they do while simultainiously not turning into a cuckfag richboy.
The entire reason i want to be rich is so i can take care of my family, not work, and fukoff with heavy machinery and shit all day.
I dont even have an office at the firm and twice ive had to orove i had a key to it to a friend because they know ima goddamn tard...
Getting rich is easy. Its just like anything else. If u wanna succeeed at it study people who are successful and copy what they do.
How often u hear in the news about a fucking day trader being rich?
No. U hear about businessman and real estate investors. There is a reason for it. And i am learning that there are several.
Get fucked...
I think he means money laundering
Nah. Said used to be. He got big enough a neighboring dealer asked him wtf he was doing. Said get ready for a war if u continue this. My buddy gave him all the drugs in the house and retired. Packed his shit and went to law school.
People can change.
He wont even smoke a joint anymore and we dont get drug tested at the firm because we erre the bank and us own the goddamn place
It's not a stereotype, I've seen it my entire life.
Out of my entire graduating highschool class I can count the people who went to college in one hand.
When someone middle class falls under difficult circumstances, they rarely get down to poverty levels.
Excusing truly blameless bad luck of course, like say unexpected medical costs, which we should definately proactively protect them from via universal healthcare.
But aside from that, you don't just "lose" your money without a huge fuck up like over levereging yourself to buy shit you can't afford or playing "Let's one up the Johnson's".
Not even sure what I read here
99%ers really need to fuck off. They arent going to buy 80 tons of steel when its below market price or something like that.
Cucking corporations would make our trade defecit larger than our gdp growth. Oh wait, we are and it is.
Democrats shouldnt be allowed to attempt to talk about economics.
>give poor people 100k
>they buy 100k worth of garbage made in foreign countries
>give rich person 100k
>he puts it in the bank, turns into local loans
>he spends it on his business, creates local jobs
In the same boat. I own a biz that is beginning to pull decent numbers, but even then I feel the need to be conservative. Just do your DD. Personally "feel" like we're due for an economic downturn and that buying now would be at the peak.
What retarded rich person puts all their money in a bank?
Dat interest.
Not my problem faggot.
No fucking shit.
I feel the same. Goodluck user. Maybe sink that extra cash in another startup or horde some silver?
Never fucking have excess cash.
>turns into local loans.
>Technically all that spending is great for the economy.
you realize money can be spent BADLY right?
Meh precious metals feel static and I've already got a successful-ish biz. My recent planning has been to make the business recession resistant through adding service and monthly revenue generation as opposed to increasing the amount of major installs we get. 2007-2008 annihilated many install based companies in the construction industry.
> If you really want to help global warming, pollute more
>buy 100k worth of lotto tickets
>win 1,000,000 playing the lottery
so the problem is... ?
>help the poor by giving them money for nothing
sure solves the problem
Where I live, they just give you the grand prize if you can show them $100K.
You know, because there's only 100,000 number combinations, so that much guarantees a win.
Basically this
My entire life, I've been employed by filthy rich people who have given me everything I have today.
Same with every one of you faggots.
All you fucking liberal faggots need to live as a Hobo's apprentice for a year and then get back to me about who you'd rather invest your time in.
I'm going to say this once for you fucking retards.
People with poor financial education (NOT NECESSARILY POOR PEOPLE) spend more then they take in. They also generally save less.
You can definitely train people to be more responsible with their money. But that won't necessarily make them middle class or even rich.
Don't forget. Poors and dumbs are the ones creating demand. They are the ones buying your product. They create the necessity for more workers to serve them. Not some retard in an office smoking cigars with Benjamins who thinks he's the shit.
the secret to creating wealth isn't spending less.
It's earning more.
so when you bitch about poor people spending too much you've got it backwards. They don't spend too much, they earn too little. You can exceed your income and still be wealthy. It just needs to be a big income.
>muh free market
>muh hard work
going into debt then filling for bankruptcy or dying before you even pay half of it like the poor do certainly does not help the economy.
i agree increasing income would be helpful, but there's literally nothing stopping a poor people from doing that already and none of them do it.
All you fuckers who believe this horseshit go live in fucking Mexico to see how it will turn out when you help the rich.
And I, the poorfag, am the "job creator"for fucks sake. If you provide shit I want, poorfags and me will buy the living shit out of it forcing you, Richfags, to have to borrow more money and hire more people to fill the demand. SO I AM THE FUCKING JOB CREATOR.
>going into debt then filling for bankruptcy or dying before you even pay half of it like the poor do certainly does not help the economy
of course it does.
goods were bought and paid for,
the people holding the debt make a profit on average so an occasional loss isn't a problem,
lawyers and insurance companies got paid.
if it was really a problem lending to the poor nobody would do it.
>poor people create demand
Top kek. "Oh what shall I spend my excess $100 for this month on? Cigarettes? Video games? Pot? Rims? Speaker systems? The choices!"
To expand "should I go to Walmart to buy cheap China shit with my measly paycheck or pay top dollar for quality American made this fueling the economy?"
you're right either way.
poorfags don't realize most rich people don't get that way by selling stuff to the public.
>Poor keks are this delusional
Can't believe somebody like this is real
Only by faggots like me that care more about putting the line workers' kids through college from keystone light plant then investing in my future. Meh, investing in my future is a daily cointoss between an asset and a 12 guage anyway so whatever.
Good call. And it sure did. Lost my job building houses in 08. Fucking sucked ass.
So much this!
Not to mention yelling "tax the rich!" Always gets flipped back at us. Stupid faggots... rich people arent rich by accident. They play the game a win instead of depending on a fucking handout.
100% correct sir.
Fortunatly though, even a poorfag wagecuck C average student can actively study personal finance and become rich. Im honestley shocked at how easy it is.
look mutherfucker. It's simple.
>the rules of money are not fair
>life's not fair
>the laws are written by the rich and for the rich
>they are not "right or wrong" they are "law"
>you have a few choices the way i see it
>u can get on dissability like my entire town, welfare, or wtf ever
>you can work a descent job and be grateful for the weekends
>you can be a lazy whiny burger flipping cuck (you)
>you can fight the rich AND LOSE
>or, you can sell out like me
>accept that life isnt fair, play by the rules, work hard, and provide for u and yours
>sad wagecucks like u will be your employees
>it sucks
>but to come full circle,
>life sucks
>it's not fair
>fucking do what u gotta do main
Or continue to vote for bernie and non existant free shit.
Also, HOW THE GODDAMN HOLY FUCK ARE U A JOB CREATOR? How many employees do u gace u fucking mentally retarded frog?
Get your kneepads with the rest of us or be a cuck and pollute the worthless wagefags around u. We dont need your faggotry.
>implying class mobility is a thing
downward mobility is definitely a thing.
upward is less common, but it's not rare for a person of some means to hit a rough patch and then recover.
Drug dealers opening barber shops isn't exactly upward mobility though. They probably make less when they go legit.
>Trickle down doesn't work and only dumb racist conservatives think it does
>So the government needs to take rich people's money to create programs that distribute it downward
Liberals economics
>>implying class mobility is a thing
pretty common among immigrants, famdango
parents came here poor. grew up poor. went to college. now make six figures.
alot of 2nd gen immigrants leap their parents earnings & "class"
both strategies work fine, but you have to do them both at the same time.
the public has no control over trickle down though. That's going to happen whether they vote for it or not. Republicans just sell them on the idea so people don't revolt when it happens.
taking from the poor and giving to the rich is not a popular idea unless you pretend it's going to make the poor less poor somehow. And it probably does, to some extent.
I think this proves my previous point. Their habits learned over generations made them a certain class. Lower class Mexicans don't come to America and become upper class. But the middle class version of a mexican on the other hand.... why do you think it took the Jewish refugees (ww2) 5-10 years to surpass the average American citizen in income? They brought their discipline and habits.
>communists on Veeky Forums
I am laffin.
You've missed the point of what they mean by helping the rich. They mean helping the rich take risks with their wealth by opening factories, invest, and becoming entrepreuners. It's not like your lazy cunt will bother creating it. If you tried and failed you'd have to rely on the state to help you. If the rich tried and failed (which they often do) then they won't need to suck off the governments tit.