Our Girl edition
Blitz clans
>where do I look up tank info:
>How do I get platoons:
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Our Girl edition
Blitz clans
>where do I look up tank info:
>How do I get platoons:
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Kevin for 1st.
>shagging girl
>about to blow load
>all I can think of is the sound of the Tier 10 cannons firing and the sfx of shells bouncing and ricocheting
what the fuck has this game done to me
holy shit that is the biggest butter face I have ever seen in my entire life.
Just came in here to say that real fast, don't even play World of Tanks.
yep, and shes getting fucked for rent by a heavy smoking fat guy in his late 40s for rent
Just unlocked my first tier X!
>not a heavy
the fuck are you doing
le reddit ruining my soccer games
I'd hit it
Do you have to be super autistic to get to the good tanks?
> 50 dead in Gay Orlando Nightclub
> Killed by rabid dog Muslim
RIP DC 637; You will be missed ;_;
fucking cancer
there's good tanks at every tier
Thinking about rebuying my t69 and continue the line
is the t57 heavy as shit as the froums say nowadays?
To get anywhere over Tier 4 seems to take forever though.
use your personal reserves
BT-42 when?
Can someone gift me any premium tank to make credits with, please? My ign is Mi4ak on eu ;_;
sent :^)
>tfw it's not sent
it was sent to Greg
m8 ill spoonfeed the shit out of ya. now lemme tell you what to do its real easy believe me. now you are going to login to wot eu portal or whatevers and you are going to click account management then you will click recruit from there you will send an invite to your second email. Log out of wot eu and open that second acc when you click play now it will take you to register. while doing this you need to click i have a code thing. its there on the bottom on top of eula. Click that shit and type YOGSCAST there. voila 1k gold and an Excelsior. you can buy 2 t5 prem tanks with that and you get a bunch of goodies from recruit stuff + 300 gold.
thanks man, which tier 5 would be the best to grind some buck?
>jgtig 8.8
>chi-nu kai
Fuck you
no idea. buy the lines you want to grind tho. makes it easier on the crew.
Not quite, Fatton isn't a real X until you grind out one last gun because fuck you.
It's still a strong pub tank. Unicunts just like the 50B because it can spam APCR for easy WN8 and moes.
Tier 5 prems are better crew trainers than money makers. Church III is probably the best though. Get a M4 and spam HE with the 105 if you want easy credit grinding without a premium.
This meme is getting stale.
Anyone else's XVM and mods broken?
>DC 637
Literally who?
lmao i thought this will give it on my main account when i do the recruit thing, i didn't get shit though
>didn't get shit though
>1k gold and an Excelsior. you can buy 2 t5 prem tanks with that and you get a bunch of goodies from recruit stuff + 300 gold.
the pz4h also has 105 and it's more accurate
yeah i got that on the new account that i made for the recruit but i don't want to reroll and grind new tanks again, i didn't get shit on my main account
Nazis pls go. We all know the M4 is the better t5 derpwagon.
the 105 on the derpwagon has more fire rate and it also has better turret traverse and a better hull armor
stupid fatburger
is this 2011?
Is Oberst ok ?
>decide to start up the US branch
>Check the wiki for the first tank, the Cunningham
>See this
I've literally only ever played one tier 1 tank when I first started, and I have 5 games total in it. I've forgotten what the game is even like below tier 4.
I love chicago pizza!
TOP KEK, I made that edit a few weeks ago and they still havent caught it
Basically, they didnt have a page for the T1 cunningham, so I just made that as the page. I guess you can create pages for tanks and get away with it pretty easily
I don't actually think anyone uses the wiki since tanks.gg becomes known. Also most of the relevant stats are in-game now except dispersion and armour models.
I use the wiki for a quick rundown on what equipment to use on a tank and how to play it
More like half tomato and half dedicated clubbers.
Almost no one checks the wiki. We edited the Cheif/T95 wiki, and it took like a week for it to be changed. And then they still didnt even change some of it. I tried to find it earlier though and its completely gone.
occasionally get a platoon of clubbers in a game. but it's usually newfags with less than 1k-2k games that dominate Tier 4 and below
>rundown on what equipment
Here you go:
1) Can it use a rammer? If yes, use a rammer.
2) Can it use a vstab? If yes, use a vstab.
3) 3rd slot can be vents, optics, binocs, or GLD depending on the tank, tier, and your personal playstyle.
4) If you can't run rammer or vstab just double up on picks from step 3.
5) Low tier tanks you don't intend to keep for long are fine with binocs/net/toolbox.
Module +HP equipment is always a wasted slot.
Spall liner is maybe useful on an AT 2 or Maus, but that's about it.
Additional Grousers are actually a downgrade since they're too heavy.
What about superheavy spall-liner on the O-I and O-I exp?
>Playing anime heavies
>50 homosexual americans shot
>/wotg/ ded during murrican hours
RIP benis I guess
Has anyone on EU played futbool yet in a platoon at real nigga hours? How are the queues? Thinking about rigging the missions.
>implying anyone lives near orlando
>gregs taste in music
OI Ex, no. OI...I guess it's not a terrible pick.
You can always turn lights off user
>Rigging the missions
>For shitty reserves
You could make ten times the credits and XP playing normal tanks instead.
will still feel the whiskers
>15 50% credit boosters
that combined with 50% booster from stronghold and you no you won't make anywhere close. Maybe if you didn't rig it you would be right but a game could be done in 30 seconds or so.
his taste in women was acceptable
Fun tenk
Such is life in Brit TDs.
do they still exist?
At least it wasn't destroyed :^)
Was there some bad blood between [GUP] and /wotg/?
How are the 113 and 121 nowadays? I here's they got buffed a patch or two ago? I've had them since last year but found they were underpowered and haven't touched them since
like the soviet tanks but shittier
113 is pretty awesome nowadays but still fairly rare because most people haven't had time to grind up to it since it got buffed. 121 still gets countered by a 1 degree incline.
>when u tryna get doubles and ur team gives u this look
121 is shit, 113 is meta
>team mate pubbies watch you die
>they would have perfect shots into the enemy while being distracted by me and my other pubbie team mates flailing pinging the map for assistance
>we die
>he then procedes to move to perch
>shoots the enemy
>its HE
ahh i'm less angry now, he was a 45% Grille 15 just having fun haha! : )
GUP became a clam of redditors and the bad kind of weeaboo, even though it basically started here.
I prefer da tank
na wut im sayin.
It was an /a/ clan rather than a Veeky Forums clan
Simpler times.
/a/ has always been shit though
Never said anything about /a/'s quality.
they can't be bad weebs if they like GuP
Jingles likes GuP. Enough said on that front.
Well I meant "here" more as in Veeky Forums, or how Veeky Forums was a few years ago. I'm still a f/a/g first and foremost, though I rarely ever browse Veeky Forums/a/ any more.
Man I'm bored
>tfw no benis members to break the conditioning with
be happy my friend
>tfw no WoT player bf
Decided to look up the VK 45.03
>that terrible turret
>no prem mm
>that price
How do you fuck up so badly you make the Lowe look attractive? [Spoiler] I have and love the Lowe but that's not the point
Still bored
more :DD
One more
>didn't make it say "Best Tier VIII"
>M44 shotguns me with HEAT
>My track eats the shell
Serves that fucking kike right