This is a general for the discussion of Nintendo consoles and games released on them
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>Important News
「!」Two new Zygarde formes for Pokemon Sun and Moon revealed:
「!」Two new Sun and Moon Pokemon revealed!:
「!」Latest Story of Seasons getting a western release on 2017:
「!」Nintendo games sale coming up:
「!」Runbow getting a 3DS release:
「!」E3 is not just Zelda:
「!」Nintendo NY hosting Zelda extravaganza next month; 500 fans can play Zelda Wii U:
「!」Monster Hunter amiibo announced:
「!」Monster Hunter Generations coming July 15th, along with a limited edition New 3DSXL:
>Upcoming Releases
3DS -
Wii U -
>New 3DS XL vs 3DS XL Comparison
>amiibo Compatibility Chart
>Discord chat
Disclaimer: Ignore every post by babt, you know "xbx is shit, 3ds is for babies, w101 is mobile shit, jap shit, n will be VR, usa #1" and things alike
/nintyg/ - Nintendo General: E3 BEGINS Edition
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Is there any idea what games will be listed in the sale mentioned in the OP?
eternally gaaaaaaaaay llol
Wont know until later, but the EU version has announced its games so you can use it for reference
>check nintyg at 3 AM
>seems that you guys are doing fine
>wake up at 10
>lol dead
Hell it was even worse, the last post was the one I saw posted 2 minute ago at 3 AM.
Then if things match up, I'll finally be able to get both Oracle games for cheap.
And maybe get something else too.
This E3 is going to be a fucking disappointment. Why aren't they showing the NX despite the new Zelda being on it?
At least we won't have to relive 2008
I received this game as a christmas gift in 2008. The gameplay consists mainly of shaking the wii remote like an infant.
See those mountains? You can climb them.
Dude weed lmao
Anyone want a Hyrule Warrios Legends 3DS theme?
Just bought it and I'm too much of a faggot to use anything but my Sega Genesis theme so I thought I'd just give it away here.
>themes can't be redeemed through the eShop website
Well I guess someone else will be the lucky guy.
eternally gaaaaaaaaay llol
What games have you bought recently, /nintyg/?
Gravity Rush, DanganRonpa 1. New games when Nintendo
Overwatch, Killer Instinct Season 3.
Last Nintendo game I bought was Pokken lol
danganronpa 2, fe:fates and bravely second. Starved for new games until tokyo mirage sessions.
Nintendo's Best E3 Performance:
Nintendo's Worst E3 Performance:
Consider ALL years and not just their most recent years.
if your idea of having is playing Overwatch and Xbox games, I advise you to leave this thread
Best was 2001.
Worst was the one with Wii Music.
>people here were so lazy to actually go to the theme shop and enter teh code that it went unclaimed
wow you dont even need to close any applications you have open to get it
thanks anyway
Last game I bought was Dong Freeze a few months ago. Before that, Splatoon last year.
Bitcoin price is now 650
I left my 3DS at my apartment ok
Hi I like Nintendo
I like them too, sometimes.
They just never consider the limitations and usability of their gimmicks. They launched 3ds when the tech wasn't there and should have waited till now with VR.
Now their releasing a ps4 remote play controller with shit compatibility when they should release vr.
poo in the woo lad
Do Indians like Nintendo games?
I'd imagine they're more into Sony games.
Indians only exist in casinos because we killed them they get to tax the stupid.
I know we're occupied watching conferences for companies that actually have games, but let's not forgot to bump, shall we?
I wonder if we'll get a shitty port of Mass Effect Andromeda on NX too
Is Minish Cap just for the Wii U Virtual Console, or is it going to be playable on the 3ds?
It's already playable on the 3DS if you set your 3DS up properly. It's never going to be on the eShop though.
haha, did they really have to cover the pits too?
ME3 port was good though????
I heard it had rough FPS drops
EA's done, what do you guys give them? Letter grade-wise.
I say F+ desu. Pros: Brought the games but they werent games I was interested in
I give them three Zs because holy shit that was boring. Not a single game that looks good at all and nothing unexpected. I expected a bad conference but I didn't expect to not get any laughs out of it. Shit was just sad.
I'd give them a D, if I were a sports fan then C.
Not too much that interest me but they took it serious, Titanfall sequel looks alright and will have a campaign this time, which is promising since BF3 and BF4 had strong set pieces which EA is good about.
Mass Effect Andromeda looks okay for the 10 seconds of actual footage I saw, and that new game Fe looks really interesting and cute. Jade Raymond was cute, too.
The EA conferences are usually good for sports fans though, I know the FIFA fandom is really excited for the new game, especially with a legitimate story mode for what's otherwise a sports game. It does look great and they knocked it out the park in that regard.
I'm watching Battlefield 1 right now and it looks pretty okay, I wish the draw distance was a lil'better though.
The only thing that was even remotely interesting was Fe.
And that got maybe 4 minutes.
Nintendo fans don't like a conference where none of the games featured are coming to Nintendo systems llollllll
lloooolll so tru im soooo hyped for battlefield
eternally gaaaaaaaaay llol
when is the eshop sale ? hoping to buy FE:awakening
It is now 675. Wow babt made 100 overnight he's a cool guy.
No, babt has like 40 bitcoin. Babt made lots more than 100 :)
The new Zelda Boxart looks weird.....
Graphics are too shitty
>not Literally Nothing
I heard Zelda is a P2W MMO
I want this LINK WILL BE FEMALE meme to end, even if it means that he will actually be a girl this time.
You can CHOOSE to be female, Link can be either , cuck. Just choose male, no one is taking your Link away.
You hype for a new animal crossing?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how irrelevant is Nintendo?
would be if a wii u real one were real
1 being relevant?
8 for me
3 for the industry as a whole
pc is 3 and 5 respectively
>1 being relevant?
fuck irrelevant i mean.
If anyone else has this game, does anyone else have this glitch or something where the screen is stuck on TV and you can't switch to the Wii-U control pad during the final boss?
tomorrow I think, or thursday maybe, whenever their conference starts
Link always was a chick. It's the princess you dumb fuck
where the fuck is pige
Raping animals with randel probably. Sick fucks.
hey bro :3
>a videogame about some guy who plays videogames on youtube
why would you do this
are we getting a pewdiepie videogame next? i know there's a jontron one already
you mean randolph
what about matpat?
no but he has a show on youtube red
>people are actually using youtube red
I hate how they try to get everyone on their thing (google/youtube or facebook), and some people actually support it. I'm glad Youtube still has some kind competition.
Why don't we have an HTML5 player for live videos anyway?
iunno but I do like having no YT ads on my phone so I think it's worth it.
it weirds me out that a grown man made this
Adblock exists on phones right? Why deal with youtube jewish nonsense when you can just use adblock?
Well, smartphones aren't designed well, which is why they tend to make you use "apps". Which you can't really have adblockers on.
Now that I think about it, the Wii and 3DS (which sucks anyway) Youtube thing don't have adds if I remember correctly.
Both of my Wiimotes don't seem to work. They don't even turn the blue light on anymore. A few days ago they did and when they did they just connected to the Wii for just like 1 second. What happened?
Let's go /b/ros
So this year the Treehouse Live is just one day and it's all about Zelda? Meh.
No it's not stop reading news from one month ago.
Link me what news I should read. I hope I'm not missing some Treehouse.
Just follow Nintendo Everything on Twitter or something, they are showing Pokémon and a few other games, nothing new it seems though.
>none of these games are being announced for NX
I have a rooted phone using xposed + YouTube modules and hosts file based ip blockes and have never seen an ad nor have I paid a dime.
inb4 zelda got delayed to include playable linkle
And the MK8 motorcycle.
no obsidian fallout so whats the point
Epona skin dlc
>real motorcycles don't run into trees
wait so it's happening right now
i'm reading some article written like a few hours ago and it doesn't say anything about nintendo streaming today
No, it's on Tuesday I believe.
Well, thanks I guess.