tierfag edition
previous thread:
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Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com
Droptables and Data: github.com
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com
CURRENT UPDATE: 18.13: TennoGen, Passives, & Reworks
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Other urls found in this thread:
>people who leave after one round of Draco
buttframe where
chroma best tank
>people who expect to be continued to be caried while doing 2% of the dmg dealt
Fuck you too buddy.
look at this comfy motherfucker with his scarf and shit, jesus fuck.
i could sleep standing up with that shit all over me.
I wish grineers were playable
xth for stealth rework NEVER
>living knowing that you are a clone and are disposable
>wearing heavy ass "armor" twenty four seven seven days a week
>all it takes is one shot and youre dead from T H I C C space assassins
>will never have sex
>will never see becca's ass
why even?
is banshee good?
What is this
Are you good?
I wish I could hire grineer mercenaries to patrol my stupid spaceship.
I'd drop plat on it, even.
>will never have sex
Why not
I'm pretty sure heavy gunners are huge sluts desu
That makes me want to get back in there and put them all out of their misery.
The filename user.
>never have sex
Where do you think all the grineer on draco come from.
slutframes go there and get used like breeding sows
Scorpions are bigger sluts t b h
>tfw no qt scorpion to reel you in and suck your cock
Makes no sense
Nice one
>Plays the game and can't understand the user's joke.
But what does that have to do with the picture
Why the hell am I stuck with the generic rescue captive as an ally Instead of a Grineer when I'm doing Steel meridian missions?
because fuck off, bring me another beer
>implying you don't want the big brakk cock
how many hours have you spent on draco, user
jesus christ dude it's just a joke on vg, I'm new here and I knew that. stop overthinking this
Reminder that anyone that questions the FAQ has not read it and are merely nitpicking highlights because it doesn't cater to their own standards.
It's time.
Postan simply the best frame guide ever made:
>Excalibur from A to B-
>Mirage from A to B+
>Trinity from A+ to B
>Mag from B- to B
>Mesa from D to B
>Valkyr unchanged from B+
>Volt unchanged from C+
Also a lot of miscellaneous changes.
Remember not to shitpost. If you think something is wrong or you have a suggestion to make, state your reasons.
You fucking wankers can't even get thirty goddamn replies into a new thread before starting the tier shit up all over again.
I legitimately hope every party involved gets herpes.
>It's time
To shit up the thread? Thanks
Fuck off.
I have read the frames FAQ though and it's shit, the weapons FAQ was the one that got updated and I didn't see the chart on it
It's just BPNPC trying to get some DE attention.
Steve dick's ain't gonna suck itself.
If you see it after tuesday then they should consider suicide. No one will be here for a good 3-4 days. He would literally be talking to himself.
Just ignore him.
what happens Tuesday?
I don't care about your guide, you just turn the thread into shit
i am not gonna shit on you tier user but your guide is rude
you cant exactly give frames letter grades of endgame content when the content is so varied , and you justifying the grades by saying that you put what they're good at doesn't make it any better
honestly you do bring up a HANDFUL of good points about frames but you need to get rid of the letter grades and stop shilling your builds as "the only way to play this frame" instead call them suggested builds or some shit
Stop encouraging him. You're making him win as he mouths off like a smart-ass.
can we stop talking about me and start talking about the guide or is it so perfect it literally cannot be improved
We still doing this?
Warframe Concept:
Easter Bunny Frame
1. Rotten Egg, the frame throws a rotten smelly egg at the enemy, leaving the enemy coated in a toxin and having a small radius gassed
cost: 25
2. Pounce, the frame gets on all fours, restricting itself off using weapons and unleashes stored energy to hop at high speeds. When physically making contact with an enemy the enemy gets knocked down. It is possible to keep the enemy down by pouncing on it.
drains: 2.5 s-1
3. Burrow, the frame digs underground, regenerating health and moves slowly to avoid all damage with the enemy. When tunneling underneath an enemy the enemy gets staggered. Moving around while burrowed drains energy faster. It
Initial cost: 20
drains: 1 per second, when moving 3 per second
4. Egg-pocalypse, the frame uses it's energy to create a massive colorful egg. When thrown, the chocolaty substance within the egg slows down all enemies affected by it, knocking down all directly hit by it.
drains: 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 per
Stats at level 30:
65 armor
225 hp
300 shields
250 power
1.10 sprint speed
I have a feeling this is just your fetish
>We still doing this?
we never did, just you
Grades are only there to give a sense of power levels. I've repeatedly said (and it's literally the first line in the guide) that the descriptions are the most important thing about the frame, the grade is only for convenience
The builds I've listed are the most popular, optimized ways to play frames. I mean, if people want to play their Decoy troll Loki they're free to do so, but there's no point in even mentioning it in the guy. If you think I'm missing any builds point them out and I'll add them
Just ignore him people.nothing to see here.
>doesn't read whole thing
>takes it completely out of context
degenerate autistseverywhere
would be adorable if small
also frame augment idea
hard boiled: throw your 1 at your allies to restore health and energy scales with power strength
>not soft-boiled
Look just fap like a normal person, don't put your fetish into the game
but the thing is the grades aren't convenient man its just kinda pointless they don't add anything they just seem more opinionated if anything
Jew magic is real
Why the fuck does my potato keep getting reset?
Why are they charging plat for accessories you'll never see, and that don't matter since you'll just get the default after every mission?
Where is that bingo sheet we were promised?
Sorry from last thread. I was going to submit it but I lost connection 4 times
honestly man if we can reason with him maybe at the VERY least it wont be so bad
we've tried shitposting him to death we've tried reporting him we've tried ignoring him but somewhere down the line it just always leads to shiitlfinging
maybe we can talk to him and at least lessen the shit posting?
If you don't like grades or think they're pointless you can literally just ignore them
People who like to base decisions on grades will use them, people who prefer to read frame builds will ignore them
there's nothing to be lost from adding grades and everything to be gained
entire guide is 80% opinion
i DID say i had to go do some work user
dont worry before this thread hits page 10 there will be a bingo
i have to ask why banshee is so low, on paper a 20 meter 5 sec stun and aoe knockdown seems really nice.
>why does my potato keep getting reset
No idea
>why are they charging for accessories
Because my fashion and personality in vidya. It makes people stand out at the expense of their wallets and DE benefits.
It's tierqueer, he doesn't know how to play.
I'll listen to him when he gets a trip.
Plane and simple
but since this has gone on for 5 M O N T H S there will always be a backlash against pure /a/ustium
>talk about how feedback and criticism is welcome
>gives actual criticism
>y-you can just ignore it
tier queer why do you do this?
do you honestly think you're making a difference
i'm trying to be diplomatic here
it's only good on paper
like multishot
> if we can reason with him maybe at the VERY least it wont be so bad
Have you been here the past six months?
You cannot look at anything in a vacuum. Frames must always be compared to other frames, and in Banshee's case, all her CC is outclassed by other frames
The only thing she has going for her is her damage amp, but that's only relevant in autism-mode void runs
How does daily reward work?
Do I have to log in each day or it will reset?
Or does the counter stop until I login next?
Basically what this user said He just won't stop.Maybe he did it for the ''LULZ".
Man the grades shit has been brought up so many goddamn times
People don't have the time to sit down and read 8k words of frame builds
if they're looking for their next frame they can just skim grades and read descriptions of top-tier frames to see if they find them good
without grades, there's no way for the reader to get a sense of how good a frame is
I'll re-post mine for people to see
Theater/Drama Frame
Passive: Tragicomedy-If downed, enemies aggro to you;Revival will give a damage boost,speed, and health for X seconds.
1: Reflection- 7/9/12/15 [Cost 20]
You become the person for a X amount of seconds.
Ex: Say there's a Lancer, I use Reflection on it; I become it for 15 seconds then turn back to my original frame.
2:Copy [Cost 35]
Copy your allies or enemies abilities and use it to your own advantage
Allies- Use a ability of your choosing.
Ex: Say there's a Nova, I press 2 as I look at it and now the ability waits as I pick from Nova's 1, 2, 3, or 4. If I pick 4 (MP), it will be a much weaker version and scale from my warframe abilities(build).
Enemy- Copy the Eximus units special ability.
Ex: I look at a Arctic Eximus (Without Bubble) I can cast a Bubble myself with its own health that will scale with strength. An Energy Leech will give an ES effect, lasting depending on your duration.
Augment: Actor- You cannot copy enemy abilities and become a perfect copy of your allies look and abilities
Ex: You look at Nova, and you are Nova for X seconds and able to use any of her abilities in those X seconds.
3:Encore! [Cost 50]
Blast Range- 3m/5m/7m/9m (inner)
Blind Range- 7m/9m/13m/18m (outer)
Blind Duration- 7/8.5/10/15
Raises the aggro of enemies to move towards you to then cause a blinding flash and a blast to knock the front row out of their seats.
4: Bohemian Rhapsody - Duration 12/15/20/25 [Cost 100]
On the stage, make a copy of every enemy and ally to fight for you in the midst of the play.
Clones are weaker compare to their original counterparts, will scale with strength for health and damage, range is how many will be caught in your ability.
Augment: Director - The ability becomes channeled, Your speed is slowed, health is halved, armor increased; your clones will be perfect counterparts as you direct your play.
[Rank 30]
Stats: Health- 500
Shields- 100
Armor- 80
Energy- 200
Speed- 1.20
i have and thats why im trying
im sick of their queer but i'm even more sick of arguments that come in his wake
even when he doenst post the guide we still talk of him and argue with him
Wait what? I thought you had to login every day or it reset to fucking 0... OH GODDAMMIT...
Fuck this
The people who hate him can filter him and he can go about spamming his tier list to the new players that come in. Its win win but he doesn't see t that way.
He honestly does it for the attention, hiding behind the delusion
>encouraging tripping on a anonymous website
Seriously, luci the BIGGEST tripfag isn't nearly as annoying as tier fag.
But why is it a joke?
best sancti tigris build for solo?
I thought it was a F R A M E G U I D E and not a tier list.
it's a frame guide with grades
>establishing an identity on an anonymous mongolian sand sculpture forum
a filter already exists you fuccbois
I suggest you use it
ok then how about reclassifying?
because its kinda pointless to lower per say valkyrs grade because she doesn't do good in defense missions
sort the frames by what missions they shine in not in the "endgame" which consists of like 15 different mission types
also just put the summary at the top of the pastebin and the picture in imgur if someone bothers enough to click on it then let them read the summary/look at the picture there
We are past the point of reasoning when he still doesn't listen. Literally the embodiment of DE.
His fucking responds are so predicable you could make a flow chart out of it all conversations lead to him playing vitcim and then ends with "yeah right" or "sure kid". It is spam and it needs to stop.
>10 minutes until my Kubrow finishes
hey here's an idea
stop giving tierfag attention
endgame consists of 4 mission types:
Survival, Defense, Excavation, Intercept
Separating by frame roles is a decent idea but it introduces too much clutter and is often redundant. For example, literally any frame with CC will be good in every single endless mission. There's also a lot of frames that don't neatly fit into specific mission types
Where specific mission types actually matter, e.g. Frost for Defense, Tank frames for Survival, etc. I've stated so in the descriptions
For everything else, frame roles and descriptions are good enough to tell you where a frame would be good
I think you care too much about grades
will add imgur summary to pastebin
This.it has to stop.
>saving up to a million credits for the first time
is this feeling why people still play this shitty game
I felt fucking hollow when I got a million because I was spending it on nothing, and even when I did a few missions later I already made up the difference.
>first million
Thats cute, to bad its completely pointless after a while. Have 11 million with nothing to use it on.
lol i wouldn't get too excited over that
I'm going to get excited mother fucker can you can't stop me.
95th for 75% dr is useful.
It's a Chesa Kubrow, how good is he?
If you recommend filters then why haven't you gotten a tripcode you fucktard?
>"I do it because it's fun"
>"It's fun to shit post here in between games"
>"I do it because i'm bored"
>"I want my post to be anonymous"
>"i'm not avatarfagging"
>"I don't understand what you are saying"
>"this will all be over if you added it to the op"
>"I don't want lelguide in the op"
>"people won't read unless I post it"
>"I just want to help shitters learn"
>"X on X build what are you retarded?"
>"using X over Y what are you stupid"
>"shitters will be shitters, that's what lelguide is for"
>"so much shit posting and degeneracy"
>results shows image has been posted 500+ times, pastebins have been posted 500+ times
"No bully"
>bait thread into posting
>"I have never samefagged in my life"
>"thanks for the (you)'s
>single image with an arrogant filename
just get a trip, faggot