/dbdg/ Dead by Daylight General

/dbdg/ Dead by Daylight General #3
Old general: tonight's the night edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>Beta info
Today's the last day of the beta. The full game comes out on Tuesday.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with peek at what's in the full release in terms of levels: pastebin.com/FE58REXD
Pastebin with all of the values for Cheat Engine (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6

>Official site

>Video of the thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Cheat Engine guide (how to chainsaw, etc.)

for finding survivor items:
>run cheat engine
>click the green-highlighted computer icon in the top left corner
>find deadbydaylight-win64-shipping and select it
>search for an item that you have equipped on a survivor using: exact value, 8 bytes, and the number from the pastebin: pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6 (some of the numbers might be off by a little bit)
>click next scan using the same number a few times to filter out the addresses with changing values
>change the item that is equipped to another item, and search again using that new item's value
>eventually it'll whittle down to only a few addresses, right click one and choose "change value of selected address" and change it to a different item
>in the game, switch to a different survivor and switch back to see if the item has changed, repeat through the address list until you find the right one and double click it to add it to the bottom list of saved addresses

For finding the killer's item address:
>the address that it gives you for the survivor is in the ballpark of the address for the other survivors and the killer
>when you search for 608 or 767 (for blank space/bear trap), you can narrow down the results by trying the addresses near the one you already found
>it's harder to find the killer's item because you can't change it in game regularly, so it's all trial and error

you can do the same process to switch perks and addons

the addresses should/might start with 10*

So are we buying game or just waiting on Friday the 13th?

>Dead by daylight is like 15$
>being too poor to spend 15$
Even if i only played 5 hours not including the beta thats well worth 15$ so go be poor else where cunt or buy it.

Fourth for cute vampire spidergirl entity waifu!

>just giving myself a little boost as killer
>go normal speed until I see a survivor
>toggle speed


>i'll wait to see if its cancerous DLC pay to win shit
They already said they wont be doing Pay to win shit and you will always have the same stuff as everyone else so you can always play with everyone.

Could some one help me only one more!


Neat, figured out how to let your friends join a game with randoms.

>start a lobby as killer
>wait for some user to join
>exit out
>start a KYF match
>random will still be in the lobby
>spam invite your friends
>other randoms can still join


>They already said they wont be doing Pay to win shit
>They already said

they said the same about payday 2


>super excited for the game
>2 days away
>thread have been awesome
>cheat engine hacks discovered
>info now being posted in the OP's of the general
>people talking about cheating openly

not in full game

I hope cheaterfags will get foreverial bans without being able to refund the game.
Imagine the salt.

>buy base game
>get beta key
>realize it's shit
>get 30-40 fps with i7 and 970 on medium
>refund approved, money will be in your account within 14 days
>still playing beta
>speedhacking my dick off until beta's over

I'm sure the devs will play for a while as well. Can't wait for a cheater to sprint 100 mph towards a dev survivor only to be sprinting 100 mph towards the ban list.

Is there a reason I'm alway the first one to be fucked in a match or am I just piss unlucky?

It's the only way to get the devs to do anything about it, but they're implementing some off-the-shelf anti-cheat for the final release.

>devs have [BD] before name
>just leave

It's the last day of the beta and nothing carries over. May as well let them go wild and hope the anti-cheat prevents it in the full game.

They're collecting a lot of metrics for the beta, so I would be surprised if they logged people who blatantly cheated (hacking rank, bloodpoints, items, etc.).

Let's talk about how to fix the game:

-Increase time it takes to unhook someone
-Give toolbox less charges
-Decrease time it takes it takes to pick up an incapacitated survivor
-Allow person being healed to cancel the process
-Remove hatch from the game. It encourages unhealthy game behavior (i.e. hiding in a cupboard until everyone else dies)
-Fix points system. Remove caps for score (if I get all 5 generators I shouldn't rank down because I didn't juke the killer for 5 minutes or run in and out of his basement)
-Make map not useless
-Instead of outright destroying the hook, sabotaging a hook will make the hook break as soon as a survivor is placed on it, giving him a chance to escape, similar to what happens if you step on your own trap as the killer. This will add a new element to the game. Do you risk losing a kill because a hook might be booby trapped, or do you carry your kill all the way to the basement, risking dropping him?
-Survivors breathing calms down after not running for a bit. This includes the noise you make while sitting in a cabinet, however you can't regain your breath while inside the claustrophobic closet.
-Option to remove Dwight's glasses


>One person in the group isn't readied
>They're waiting out the full fucking clock
>Get down to 10 seconds left
>They leave

>Insidious (0 threat when standing still)
>Murky Reagent

People playing to actually win and not just terrify the shit out of people are playing this wrong.

You haven't enjoyed this game until you let the last survivor wiggle away and chased them with your chainsaw multiple times, before finally hooking them in your rape basement.

>i7 babby with meme70 complaining about m-muh GRAPHIX
I'm so glad you won't be playing this 'shit' with us.

>disable frame rate cap and v-sync
works fine here man

>Give toolbox less charges
Only sabotaging needs to cost more charges. No need to reduce the amount.

>Decrease time it takes it takes to pick up an incapacitated survivor
No, because they can "heal" themselves to like 95% making it practically instant if given enough time.

>Allow person being healed to cancel the process
Pretty sure they already can.

>Remove hatch from the game. It encourages unhealthy game behavior
No it doesn't. If someone wants to camp, they're not having fun or getting score, there's literally no reason for them to do it.
It's existence is okay because it's meant to be a last resort and ONLY then, can you actually benefit from it.

>Fix points system. Remove caps for score (if I get all 5 generators I shouldn't rank down because I didn't juke the killer for 5 minutes or run in and out of his basement)
I can agree with this, though.

>Instead of outright destroying the hook, sabotaging a hook will make the hook break as soon as a survivor is placed on it
This might be okay, but I fear it's even more unfair for the killer than it is now.
>Survivors breathing calms down after not running for a bit
sure, why not, I don't like how much this game rewards people who have their volume unnaturally high

>Option to remove Dwight's glasses
Hey, fuck you.
How about an option to turn them into sunglasses instead? screw logic

I did

Bummer, maybe overclock your 970 more.

>Pretty sure they already can.
Wrong. unless you have a flashlight

>Option to remove Dwight's glasses
Someone's insecure about wearing glasses irl, huh?

reminder that if you dont have a mustache on dwight you're playing the game wrong

Anyone here who can tell how much longer this beta will last?

Unless some devs are lurking here, we know as much as you do.

> can turn into a near invisible ghost
>runs faster when invisible
>heartbeat for survivors does not work when invisible
>can only attack when visible
>makes loud bell sounds when changing in and out of visibility states

>lays down bear traps
>can preemptively trick others with these
>traps can be disarmed
>instant down if caught in trap

>has a fucking chainsaw
>can rev it up and go really fucking fast
>insta kills with that son of a bitch
>chainsaw needs time to be used
>did i mention it's a fucking chainsaw?

which killer will you be Veeky Forums? im leaning Wraith

>>instant down if caught in trap

>>>insta kills with that son of a bitch
chainsaw downs, not kills

if you get caught while in a trap, you can be taken right there

my mistake on the chainsaw

I changed the item to wailing bell but it still just gave me cleaver and bear traps

yeah but that's not a down
you can get yourself out of a trap and walk away
can't get yourself out of a down

please respond

If the icon doesn't change, you didn't actually change it

the icon changed from a bear trap to a wailing bell

Try restarting the game, or switch it to the chainsaw and see if it just bugged out for you

i switched to chainsaw too but didnt' try it in game

Try the chainsaw ingame, I lost the address for my killer or I would swap now and try it out.

Off topic, but I'd suggest the Insidious perk.

Gonna main Wraith or Insidious Trapper.
I like how stealth is all about the mindgames
They'll NEVER dare save a friend unless they're 100% sure you're not near, well, depending of course on how long it takes for you to attack after reverting back from invisibility. At best, you lure them to their deaths, at worst, they abandon their friends

chainsaw works. bell doesn't work

I've posted the first couple OP's on Veeky Forums but the game just ruined it for me.
23 hours played, I meet obvious cheaters every game, speedhacks or wallhacks.
Game has no future at all in the current state. Glad I got a key from le reddit xD instead of buying this piece of shit.

>I've posted the first couple OP's on Veeky Forums
> I meet obvious cheaters every game, speedhacks or wallhacks.
because the beta has no anti cheat, full game will
>Game has no future at all in the current state.
>Glad I got a key from le reddit xD instead of buying this piece of shit.
then can you go back to r3ddit, thanks
this site is for 18+

It takes like 3-5 seconds, there's enough 'wiggle-room' to make it work.

Kisses to you too, you massive fucking faggot.

You're doing something terribly wrong if you only get 30-40 fps.

>Take a swing at someone
>Fall off the map

I don't feel bad for disconnecting

how do you backup a save?

>Game has no future at all in the current state.
It's not a release build, bub.

He's right you know

The beta ends today. It's current state has no future

Why do people who have literally 2 hours of game time (where they got raped by killers or got trolled by survivors) feel the need to express their rage induced opinions about the quality of this game? They all use the same format too, its always:

>killer raped me
>joke game
>glad i didnt even pay for it lmao
>dead game before it was even released eggsdee

>be a toolboxfag
>trapper whacks and picks up a survivor near me
>run to the nearest hook and start dismantling it
>the second the hook falls down with that loud sound the killer shows up
>he just stands there, looking at me while the survivor on his back is trying to wiggle free
>after a moment he drops the guy on the ground and goes the other way
>at first I thought it was a ruse but the killer really went to the other side of map to hunt someone else
I felt really bad for the guy.
If it was one of you, I'm sorry I'm such a dick, you're a cool guy.

>trapper whacks and picks up a survivor near me
>run to the nearest hook and start dismantling it
>the second the hook falls down with that loud sound the killer shows up
>he just stands there, looking at me while the survivor on his back is trying to wiggle free

I know this feel, it is the best kind.

Other than the usual neon/v/ shenanigans, I feel like the game actually requires the player to have the knowledge, skill and stay focused in order to be successful, and that's where the game really shines - when you do something dangerous or outright crazy and pull off whatever you wanted to. There is no instant gratification like in mainstream games, you have to work for it - and while the game has simple concept and controls it's nowhere near being easy.

Scrubs got rekt and fucked off - and nothing of value was lost.

Is it wrong that I play with pad when I play as survivor?

Not really, you don't really have to be precise in this game and there is no janky movement you get on keyboard.

read the pastebin

someone said that the bell doesn't work

I don't really get the desire for voice chat and parties. If you want to group up in a 4 to take on a killer than just host a private game with another person being the killer and you can use something like discord. There's zero reason for there to be party matchmaking in this game unless you are actually setting out to be in an overpowered 4v1 to fuck over a killer, who has to work completely alone.

At the most I would maybe be ok with you being able to queue up with 1 person, because then it still isn't an entire team communicating, but overall it doesn't seem necessary.

ye 4v1 with communication would be literally impossible to win as killer, and built in voice coms would still encourage the same thing, but with screaming 12 year old/twitch faggots added in

The only voice chat I want in this game is proximity voice chat where everyone can listen if you're close enough. That includes the killer.

>get hooked
>killer stands there for a second
>whole team is right behind him, waiting
>he leaves
>those fuckers don't go and save me, even if it was b8 but he was gone
>die there because they are pussies

I just want a quickchat with quick commands like 'help me', 'let me help you', 'follow me', 'fuck off', 'I'll distract the killer' etc.
You can either whisper them to people in small area or shout to have a larger aoe. Killer can listen to everything too, assuming he's in the zone.
Some nice taunts for both sides would be cool too.

Its STILL not the 14th yet, i just want to uncloak behind people out of nowhere, is that to much to ask?

this desu
the loud bell sound is going to be great too
>leave after hooking someone
>go invis
>everyone hears the loud bell sound and think you're camping the body while invisible
>when really you're looking for them
mind games: the killer



my hand

I mean desu we should just let the thread die for the two days until the game is back up
unless someone wants to do dedicated bumps all day tomorrow

How long until it starts? I can't into timezones.

booty blasted some 19's and 20's


3 hours from now exactly

Thanks boo.

Chainsaw seems too op desu fampai. Still fun as fuck though.

So, horror games general then?

Actually wouldn't be that bad of an idea
too many good old horror games and nowhere to discuss them

/hgg/ is, uhh, taken tho.


sounds like someone having a stroke

Hentai Games General

Yeah forgot that existed too, though there was a horror games general already that I was unaware of

/hrrrg/ - Horror General


i like it
well we've got like 700 posts left to figure out a decent op or recommended pastebin


Glad you like it.
Unfortunately it's 3AM here and I gotta get some zzzs so see you later I guess.

It's fine I think they just need to add a sensitivity slider for camera

Well we could just stick with the dbd OP and add a horror game general pastebin later

>fuckboys keep alt-F4ing before they get sacrificed so that it registers them as surviving
>being this salty

The tears are delicious. And it feels like survivors just keep getting more retarded as the beta goes on.

Post your killer ideas friends.

>A killer that can hide on walls and celings
>You walk into a large room hearing a heartbeat but see nobody
>Look up to see the killer on the ceiling
>Run away as fast as you can
>They ambush you by hiding in some trees

weird spider mutant killer
i like it