League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sona is the Kindest and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us


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does anyone know how much elo on avg you gain per win? something like 16 right?

xth for dead game



im supposed to be able to WIN in elo hell???

I love Lissandra!

xth for best girl of resets

>top lane
>doesn't take tp
>enemy top laner takes tp
>wonders how his other lanes got dumpstered
If you want to carry games then you need to get kills in every lane, not just your own.

>lee sin was the only one who wasn't a retard
what realm is this

looks like the worst player in the game decided the outcome without giving you much of a chance

consider dodging silver azirs

>Kikis is off G2

Wonder what we can Expect now

sona is probably physically abusive since she gets frustrated being unable to speak


>enemy team dead
>half the team busy bullying the survivors in base
>minions slowly killing the nexus
>poppy looks at the carnage of war

why did they nerf lux so hard

she saw nearly no pro play

why can only riots favourites viktor and azir be allowed to be viable more than 1 patch

you guys don't even know what would I do for a fish and chips man.
I would even play support.

How did they nerf her? They just made her shield slower.


Bonus points in you're paying Brand/Annie.

As a booster used Lux to carry endless amounts of retards into Diamonds easily. 80% winrate or higher.

How do I get over being a scared little bitch (besides playing support)

I'm always pretty passive in lane just wanna farm.
I'm always the guy with the least number of deaths in game but never the carry.

My nigga

Play Darius

Play tanks.

Play Annie mid and just flash ult the enemy whenever they're at or below 70%hp. After a while you'll learn when to and when not to.

In short, you have to want them to die. Maybe you're just too nice.

I'm the same, so play lategame scaling champions and you will have the upper hand by just not feeding in the end

Pick Olaf top
build righteous glory
activate righteous glory and ghost and run at the nearest enemy champion
activate ult when taking cc
you're now a man

can you guys be absolute total bro gentlemensh and post some Jax art? Asking for the champ, thanks

>4chin's boys about to get BTFO by TSM
Hype as fuk!

>not Shyvana
>not youtube.com/watch?v=pwdmKwBu6EE
also I wish I was autistic enough to make eurobeat playlist for the champions I play

Her hand is fucking huge.

they gutted her shield pretty much

This man is 100% correct

no it's fucking not

Is it worth taking time to git gud with Lee or is it just not worth it? I'd be playing in plat if it makes any difference

It takes like 3 seconds for it to return back instead of 1.5 which makes a crazy difference in teamfights


It's not worth it

Doesn't he have like a 45% winrate? He also falls off pretty hard. Why bother?

t.someone who's never played a Lee game

>get first blood on fizz
>suddenly 2v1 lane in a 4v5 game
ziggs jungle ladies and gentlemen

I want to hold hands with Lux

>fizz 20 kills
i told you bro

I'm sorry you can stop now

>152 farm at 40 minutes

>ap jax
>why am i dying to fizz

>its an imaqtpie doesn't get adc so he trolls on bard and goes 1/5 in the first 10 minutes of the game episode

every time

>ult gets MR based on ap
irelia was the only reason
>walk into lane
>irelia flash stuns
>walk into lane after first two turrets are down
>thresh flash q's
>walk bot lane
>irelia flash stuns

Crit yi is back boys

hey I saw that game yesterday!

but he gets so much mr during ult

Play champs that you have to BE A MAN with i.e Darius, Garen, XIN ZHAO, Olaf, Sion, and whoever else I'm forgetting.
I think this is better for for Olaf
or this

How can anyone watch him? he trolls when he doesnt get his role and he is fucking boring as hell. WELCOME TO THE BIG DICK CLUB MAN APPRECIATE IT A LOT

>excuses: the post
Farm jungle or learn to farm a lane safely.

qtpie is a gift

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

He was always alive in our hearts, user.

Chogath is disgustingly free elo in shitter tier mmr

first champ i ever bought

i think he was one of mine too
example of a well balanced champ honestly.
clear strengths and weaknesses
shame he doesn't have enough #biglcsplays potential for riot to like him though

It's a shame anything after that is just
>enemy buys boots
>impossible to Q now unless you get rylais and scream at them close combat

Post characters from other games that would make for badass lol champs.

I don't think there is a single DS3 boss that wouldn't be perfect.

is getting to diamond and autistically maining 1 champ pretty much the only way to get noticed as a league streamer?

>tfw added that akali because her ign is amy

ill ask her to be my online gf

>wanting someone that just took my dick that severely

ok senpai

you don't have to otp you just need a gimmick. and otp is the easiest gimmick

>wanting to be a streamer

literal autism and/or underage

nothing wrong with that

She lost lane as akali into riven and then bought lichbane second, you can do better



I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>just carried my friend to gold 1 by playing yasuo+cho bot lane

fucking kek

should i ever expect soloque to play for teamcomps??


Run down mid dive towers smash inhibs end the game

>try to add you
>already on f-list


Play Garen and Renekton you fucking bitch


I want Lulu.


I actually did this recemtly. With yasuo and cho in their currently disgusting state, it is pretty hilarious to fuck up bot lane that badly.

I want to go swimming for Lulu.


Play sejuani or amumu or malphite where you NEED to be the big boy and engage or you are worthless. You'll learn to respect the enemy but also respect yourself and know that you can handle them in lane

>playing tank alistar with titanic hydra

i cant believe people let irelia through still what is wrong with plat players

>it's a vayne top feeds ten kills to their fizz and blames it on flame episode


>you have a bad game
>somone gets super mad
>you report him
>this appears later
the best fucking feel

Play champions that want to be passive and farm.

ur gonna lose lol :)

>be Jhin
>accidentally take Jax's gromp at lvl 1 with 4th shot
>dont apologize
>he immediately rages out and afks
>go 26/2 and carry the 4v5 anyway

>laning against tryn
>enemy jungler camps you
>my jungler or mid refuses to rotate while he afk pushes for 30 minutes
>they're genuinely surprised he can destroy us 6 slotted level 18


>yasuo still building trinity


its one of those "i hate top lane jungler" episodes

Is that lewd content?, if so, sauce me senpai

I don't think this will work out well.....

>expecting yas mains to be intelligent or have any sort of decision making ability

Yare yare daze

does Fizz top even have a single weakness?

Wow !!!

Rank S !!!

Team at 1 minute: "ahri will be hard lee"
Game at 2 minute: Lee has got first blood


Who are you

>Haven't played for months
>Hop in ranked queue
>Go on a long winstreak by just playing Zyra nonstop every game
wew lad I love gold elo

Nah it was some tumblr-esque comic I saw somewhere. It had really funny facial expressions.