/ps2g/ - PlanetSide 2 General


>What is this game?
pastebin.com/baxwRMDg (embed)
>How do I play?
pastebin.com/CWn3VQJD (embed)
>How do I play? (advanced)
pastebin.com/p0ZwzqSu (embed)
>Tweaks and optimizations
pastebin.com/MEqFBUut (embed)
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
pastebin.com/341Dv7Y6 (embed)
>Weapons chart some user made
i.imgur.com/HOdhWox.png (embed)
>How does the construction system work?

Other urls found in this thread:


NC da bess

neck yourself mate

vanu removed when

post someting god damnit

I don't think it will survive till morning
Goodnight ps2g


Hot damn /ps2g/ I play a lot better with reading glasses on.

Shit I'm old.

disgusting cripple

Lancers are actually overpowered.

The secret Vanu has yet to learn.

I think it's finally time that I should get some proper secondary weapon. Should I get LA8 Rebel for 325 certs as a NC or farm some more and pick up a proper weapon?

I'm starting to think about disgusting infiltrator useful gun.

Did the servers just die or something?


they might even discover that magriders are fucking impossible to 1v1

Ive never actually played before, is this worth getting into as a complete newbie?

the game has gone to shit, so people who already knew it will tell you it's awful and to stay away
however, it's free. try it out, maybe you'll like it.

Assuming you're OK with getting rekt hard until you pick up the dos and don'ts, yeah.



>i.imgur.com/HOdhWox.png (embed) (embed)

Newfag here, what reason is there for buying one of the three-round burst weapons? Why can't you just aim good with the full auto version?

I'm not even going to ask why a different fire mode requires a whole other 1k-cost weapon.

Your choice, some people like to get medals on all their weapons and such, enough in the same category will get you a shiny painted version.

Is this game ded? Is TR still the king of The Crown?

Burst variants are statistical upgrades over the defaults. Much better accuracy, especially strafing accuracy.

If you can comprehend clicking each burst, instead of holding the trigger, they're straight upgrades.

>If you can comprehend clicking each burst, instead of holding the trigger
that's not the point, shitters can't click without moving the mouse. it's why burst guns, BRs and pistols perform so badly on average

they were hard to use but very good
so nobody used them
being the geniuses they are, DGC buffed them
so now they are hard to use but extremely good

Absolutely fucking not.

0. Faction flavor and weapon balance doesn't exist, even within the same class of weapon. The 6-shot Commissioner deals 450 damage@8m. You'd think this would be on the damage-type faction? No, it's a generic revolver anyone not running the MAX class can use. The 2nd highest damage is another generic 6-shot revolver dealing 3xx something damage for negligable accuracy boost. 3rd highest is finally the ""damage"" factions' 10-shot pistol 250@10m. Guess what: EVERYONE USES THE COMMISSIONER.

1. Bases are FUCKED. Bases are placed in valleys and have no roof cover. Bases are placed on mountain tops and have no walls. Bases still exist where MAIN BATTLE TANKS can and will fucking GET *INSIDE* THE BASE and camp spawn; if they couldn't just camp spawn from outside the base, on a fucking hill, which, SURPRISE: ALLOWS SHOTS ON THE FUCKING SPAWN EXITS

2. Lag. Lag wizards. Packet hackers. Shitty toaster oven computers. Russians and Asians who arn't aware their geographical position on the planet makes them a cheater considering the internet quality they seem to have. Hope you like fighting someone who's literally living 3 seconds in the past and already killed you while walking through walls of lead like they didn't exist. Webm related.

3. Animations are utterly fucked thanks to absolutely no limit on something like player turn rate as infantry. No limit on how many times you can spam the crouch key and play the animation in order to very honestly, matrix-dodge bullets. Turning every-which-way and sprinting is done by everyone because it's effective. Crouching to avoid being headshot is done because it's effective. Jumping past a doorway to avoid a headshot is done BECAUSE IT IS EFFECTIVE. "Movement tech" is real and it fucking ruins what should be a straight-up gun fight into "who can spaz out the hardest"
Webm related.


4. Now you might think balance is a problem or is broken. Did i say balance was broken? No. Re-read i clearly said
> balance doesn't exist
Webm related.

Absolutely. Despite all the grievances oldfags like to whine about, it's still the only true MMOFPS game on the market and it's still an overall positive experience. This goes double if you find a group that you can coordinate with.

Posts like are irrelevant from the perspective of a new player. The only people who actually get affected by this are players who've been playing for years now, to the point where they're just tired of the game. It's also ironic considering most of those problems aren't really an issue; one of the opening pieces of advice is to just not spawn at a base that's getting spawncamped, for example, but he's probably been playing for so long that he's forgotten this day one tip.

Feel free to post your name if you actually download it, I'd be glad to play along and help you with anything you need. I play Vanu on Emerald server, but I'm sure someone else here will join you if you want to play another faction.

5. When you hold down the fire button on certain guns, you'll always be "outskilled" by the random-number-generator. Webm Related.

6. Denial niggers like

>The 2nd highest damage is another generic 6-shot revolver dealing 3xx something damage for negligable accuracy boost
unless you're headshotting infils, undercuck is superior in all regards

...wow what are you even still doing in here?

7. Best for last: Server can't make up its fucking mind about what time it is. This should be the only point you really need to accept here; a server should never fucking do this.

>strafe 3.4x SAW
>boo hoo, RNG cone of fire
neck yourself

>boo hoo, medkits OP
take a good look at those two webms, you'll notice the people who are shooting those anons are missing a substantial amount of shots
tldr: neck yourself

Absolutely not denial. I mean, you just posted two webms of healthpack spam, yet in neither webm does the opposing player do the same or stop shooting you through them. They're not even particularly accurate, and it's very easy to spot more than a few moments where they could have killed you if their aim was better. Then, you just kill them while they're reloading.

This isn't a balance issue, you're simply punishing ignorant, unprepared players.

The game has problems, but you haven't listed them, and you definitely haven't listed entirely truthful statements or things that are noticeable by a sub-BR30 player.

>Not building a sky shield.

Yeah you deserve to have a shit base.

being triggered by someone who said they wanted to try the game
> game isn't broken!
>They're not even particularly accurate
Second webm with the infil has the infil headshot the heavy

Everyone who's still playing this piece of shit is still in denial about the vehicle spamming, bad bases, lack of teamwork, unbalanced weapons and equipment, lack of direction for combat, massive over-populated zerg "fights" of 96+ vs 1-12, redeploy abuse, geometry clipping errors, hitbox errors, and generally unfun/grindy nature of the game "playing the game to play the game better"
... all thanks to chronic mismanagement early in the life of the game resulting from the actual death of a game company.

Have fun with maintence mode and no new features until the servers are taken offline now that some youtube retard from the community is in charge of game balance.
I'm going to go back to playing Insurgency now.

Im assuming youve been playing since beta, but you still dont know how to burst fire? This game has some of the easiest recoil in any fps. Recoil patterns are predictable.

Newbies, most of this general is filled with salty shitters that have been playing the same since beta expecting some type of reward for their lackluster efforts.

>> game isn't broken!
oh, i never said that, i haven't played in months
i just called you a shitter

>doesn't actually mention any of my points, just repeats denialfag and the same wrong statements over and over
Did you really just say that a full platoon ghosting a base is a game bug?

>Faction flavor and weapon balance doesn't exist, even within the same class of weapon.

because the NC gets a magrider? how fucking different do you want the guns. how different can guns be? they're aesthetically sufficeintly different between factions and that's all that matters for an iron sights shooter like this. every iron sights shooter has minimal differences between guns, yet planetisdes still feel unique enough from each other.

and i use the blackhand

> Bases are FUCKED. Bases are placed in valleys and have no roof cover. Bases are placed on mountain tops and have no walls. Bases still exist where MAIN BATTLE TANKS can and will fucking GET *INSIDE* THE BASE and camp spawn; if they couldn't just camp spawn from outside the base, on a fucking hill, which, SURPRISE: ALLOWS SHOTS ON THE FUCKING SPAWN EXITS

and non of this matters if you have an IQ higher than 85 and understand where the armor is and where they can reliably target, and seeing as you probably HA main you aren't aware you can pull your own tanks to clear out armor.

>Is this game ded?
Primetime averages like 4k players across all servers, 5 or 6k on the weekends. So, getting there but still holding on. It'll probably die off as soon as another MMOFPS comes out, but as game devs are finding out it's really fucking hard to program a game that can support hundreds of players and have it run decently all. Eternal Crusade is a good example, it was supposed to be the Planetside killer, but last I heard they're down to max 24v24 (lol)
>Is TR still the king of The Crown?
Devs added 2 (two) more land routes on top of the Crown so now there's a way in from each cardinal direction, and now 2 (two) of the points aren't even on the plateau anymore. Ergo, it's impossible to hold for longer than 20 minutes against even pops.

>because the NC gets a magrider? how fucking different do you want the guns. how different can guns be? they're aesthetically sufficeintly different between factions and that's all that matters for an iron sights shooter like this. every iron sights shooter has minimal differences between guns, yet planetisdes still feel unique enough from each other.
Not him, but there definitely should be a significant difference when one of the selling points is asymmetrical warfare. And there's a shitload of differences you can implement in the gunplay alone, but the lack of variety expands well beyond just that.

I mean, only the MBTs and ESFs are actually faction specific, just to use vehicles as an example. That's 2 out of 10 vehicles in the game, the other eight being identical other than a handful of Harasser weapons.

Look at other asymmetrical games like the classic example of Starcraft. The factions are RADICALLY different there. By comparison, the minor stat changes between the factions (if that) is a joke. Doubly so when there are so many shared weapons and vehicles.

stupid conglomoloids

>The 6-shot Commissioner deals 450 damage@8m.
>You'd think this would be on the damage-type faction?

So you are saying that only your faction should have the most brokenly OP sidearm? And in the same sentence you complain about balance? Rofl.

NC's gimmick is heavy ordinance and dealing the most damage.
Two different NS sidearms deal more damage per shot than the NC's highest-damage sidearm.
Doesn't that seem strange?

There are a lot of other problems like that. For example, the Vanu's rocklet rifle is the least accurate out of the three, according to the patch notes.

>Doesn't that seem strange?
Maybe a little, but it's mutually exclusive with balance.

>For example, the Vanu's rocklet rifle is the least accurate out of the three, according to the patch notes.
isn't that to compensate for their naturally better players?

Mattherson is THE server if you want challenging gameplay in PS2. We take big, walk big, and carry a huge fucking stick. Some people can't handle the trash talk. That's cool. Some people need that kind of "great job everyone, you tried your best so your all winners" kind of gameplay. You're not going to find that on Mattherson. This is the adult server. No trophies for second place here.

I've played on all the US servers. There are some very good players on the others. But nothing like what we have here. I see outfits and players on the other servers who do things that simply would not be possible on Mattherson, because if they tried that here they would be destroyed again and again. Mattherson players, and outfits are simply top notch. Whether VS, TR or NC, no other server has the same level of talent.

Go ahead, flame me. But if you ever want to improve your score, come play on Mattherson for a while, then go back to your old server. Going and playing on Waterson or Connery for me is like playing against bots.

Mattherson = Hard Mode
All the rest = New to FPS games? Play here to begin your adventure.

>We take big

>decide to try ps2
>this general is dead
>cancel the client download at 90%

well that's disappointing. this looked so promising.

buzzcutpsycho was online yesterday


Briggs is objectively the most skilled server.

Quake, CS, LoL and SC2...the toughest and most demanding competitive games on the planet all have one thing in common: Low player counts.

It's this low player count that breeds a special kind of super soldier. No one can afford to be bad when the biggest fights are 4 platoons size.

Cheesy crutches like UBGL, HE lightning and Fury are made useless by small battles favouring exquisite aim with weapons of the highest skill ceiling rather than weapons designed for gibbing large clusters of new players.

Our lack of flak and lock on nests allows our vehicles to excel to their full potential. Our airspace is filled with top tier pilots circling and hovering gracefully around each other with no unfair interruption.

Our tankers can polish their aim to be world best without worrying about finding a rock for cover. Our harasser crews are dedicated AV destroyers of the highest calibre as any AI harasser would be instantly singled out and destroyed by our alert and skillful infantry.

On Briggs, every infantryman is a tactical genius capable of directing multiple squads to victory. Flanks, pushes, counter pushes, tactical redeploys. All of this might sound daunting to a typical Mattherson player but on Briggs this is our bread and butter.

we're all at infinite chan

you're supposed to burst in sets of three idiot. scrubs on koltyr are less of shitters when compared to you.

Everyone moved to to a different board, since they actually play the game over there.
Just download and post faction/server.