/mii/ - Miitomo General

Smug edition

Nintendo released the Miitomo app for smartphones. (iOS/Android)

>Not on Google Play?

Platinum Coin Guide: pastebin.com/UM5qk5Yq (embed)
Troubleshooting Guide: pastebin.com/LEQSPbc4 (embed)

Booru - miitomo.booru.org/

Mii Twitters/QR Codes:
Form - docs.google.com/forms/d/1PDBJUhUkamsf4Ye79iLf3hPfvJOyCesqDa6XMdHh0SQ
List - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ET_Id359CB90l6MIe2_TwrAJhfUp_tQjtfZWTaIIvt8/

Crash on launch? This happens to Jailbroken/Rooted devices:
>To bypass on iOS: Install xCon Beta from Cydia.
>To bypass on Android: Install Xposed. Then, install the RootCloak and MiitomoSecurityBypasser Xposed modules. In the Xposed Installer app, enable both RootCloak and MiitomoSecurityBypasser. Open the RootCloak app, tap "Add/Remove Apps", press the "+" on the top bar and select Miitomo. Reboot your phone.

Miitomo on PC: pastebin.com/kz6WJnEg (embed)

Comfy BGs: imgur.com/a/8EFLT/all
BG Templates by Domenica: imgur.com/a/pWBi1

Send a PM to @HylianShroom, @A_Sexy_Big_Guy, or @Redworthy for an open invite to the community discord.

Previous Thread:

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Is the actual active users form for this week

2nd for (embed)

3rd for frog romance

Who needs healthy food?


Pls be seventh post.


how the hell do you get the frog outfit I can't get into that fuckin' circle


College starts again. Send help

did the other thread just die

good luck brah
all i can say at this point

There is no much content to keep the threads alive.
And with the amount of poeple here, it make it really hard

Also /mii/, what was your opinion of EA conference?

In my opinion It was shit

Don't really follow E3 anymore, but what did they show?

Only fifa and madden, for some reason Jose Mourinho was there.
Beside that, there was nothing. They showed conecept art for Mass Effect andromeda and a little of Battlefield 1

>Mick's dress

I lost the count on how many times I rolled my eyes up.

Titanfall and Battlefield 1 looks nice, at least, I dig the grapple hook and the wall running, it really looks like a fun, action oriented game like that. And having a WW1- themed game is neat too.

Other than that it was pretty boring. I didn't even know there was a Madden e-sports scene, FIFA was boring and too long and that bit with Hunter before the The Journey trailer was cringe.

Fe looks boring also, personally I'm tired of artsy platformers with mystical music just because yes. At least is not another 2D puzzle platformer and I liked the claim that it won't hold the player's hand. And Star Wars was just a tour through the studios, and the series is dead to me anyway so I can't even care more even if I try.

The bit that left me skeptical was the charity effort. Please correct me if I'm wrong but weren't most of them related to women rights or something like that?

I think it's charities to get women involved in STEM.

All the charities were about women. I can't understand why they picked those, they could have pick the water charity and save lifes

That's what I feared about this E3, because seems the industry is getting a huge diversity boner they have to shove it in everyone's throats.

And seems Bethesda will be even worse. Oh boy better get the tequila ready, this will be one hell of a stream.

Bethesda already started with memes and youtubers.
This is going to be good.

It hurts to watch but I can't look away.

Holy fuck Berserk musou

This hurts so much. I'm so glad I'm not playing a drinking game because I'd be already wasted.

Please start the conference already.

I just want fun video games
Why can't they give me that?

Well... the conference is not that bad until now, I'm surprised

Quake! Prey 2! This is going pretty good!

Holy fuck I love that loud bitch in the audience.


Bitches love ESO


Waifu alert!!!

I've got you in my sights

It started really good, ended really boring.
You almost got me, bethesda

>ctrl f
>no Tian
No wonder these threads feel so lifeless!

Only three new games, an HD remake and a bunch of DLC. Yep, boring as fuck. At least Dishonored looks great.

And holy shit someone needs to buy that girl a gag, she was getting a bit too excited.

Cutest romance!

How about you control f-uck yourself back to your discord.

Hello, cuties. I was out today at guitar center and then a book store spilling my spaghettis in front of cute tatooed girls. There is a Vox amp that I like and I got an old tarot book and books on MC Escher (great rapper) and Pieter Brugel.

I hope you cuties had a good day.

I'm doing pretty good gor.

Today's miifoto was boring so I added some... [Spoiler] pep [/spoiler]

I can DJ again yay. Too bad I'm doing it for free. At least there's exposure.

And I thought /v/ was memeing about EA being SPORTS jfc
i don't like to pick sides and i don't like to say this but japan maybe vidya's last hope

I could hear this god forsaken song in my head right away
Thanks earworms

This weekend was beautiful. 10/10 would recommend going to the middle of nowhere with a bf/gf

I would need a gf first...

Go find one at a summer nerd thing. That's where we meet

like what?

Well, look in your area for summer programs that match your interest and apply to be staff or something. A mutual friend of ours played Matchmaker, so find a clique and get to know everyone there. You can't be alone forever, no matter how much you take after Robot 9000

>At least there's exposure.

so you're okay with being taken advantage of?

To misquote Deadpool: find someone who's crazy matches your crazy.

Better than cleaning shit in an anonymous imageboard 4free

Thanks for the advice
After some research I still don't really know where I could go to. Everything's so far away

>You can't be alone forever
I knooow ;_;

I really can't call it being taken advantage of since I have almost full control of what to play on the radio, as long as I don't play explicit shit.

damn it's like i never graduated

Forgot to mention that it's a college radio thing. Just a means to get my services out locally.

here, this is just as relevant


1000 hours in miipaint

Strato and March are robots
Everything makes sense now

who killed the previous thread

Stratocaster and Marchielle are the cutest!

it must have been EA abysmal press conference



Good morning, /mii/.

Work sucks. I'll be missing Microsoft and PC Showcase because of work. I just hope I'll arrive on time to watch Ubisoft.

Have a tolerable monday.

Good Morning

Morning, guys! Have a good one out there.

I love falling to death with my friends

Hi Jackie!
Why are your Miifotos always so jaggy? Do you crop screenshots of the editor?


123 help

I wasn't able to post anything earlier too


How's your monday /mii/, e3 week is finally here, gonna miss the Microsoft and other conferences, i hope i at least catch the Sony one.

Wandering lewd artist. Anyone want redraws of Miitomo porn?

I'll watch Microsoft without sound during my lunch, miss the beginning of Ubisoft, and should be able to watch all of Sony. I'm just hoping there's something out of all of this cringe!

Don't die on me /mii/!!

Wow more like gears of bore

I'm making homemade pizza!

no u

>forza 3

Literally nutted so fucking hard my cielings white now



Goddamn, i had hopes for Scalebound, but that didnt look good at all

y tho

Good Day /mii/
How is your day going?
And What's your opinion about Microsoft conference?

I liked the new xbox, everything else was meh

is the nigger meme over

I like the new Xbox and I'm happy I can play all these games on PC anyways now.


Post a pic of pizza

Post pics of your dinner /mii/! This is mine from last night. Real ramen is so good!!

I like the creatures, but the protag is obnoxious as fuck and the combat looked really mild for a Platinum game.

Oi, watch the edge.

Damn, that looks great. The only food pic I have is the stock Miitomo pasta.

I think Recore and the pirate game have potential.

Where do you think you are?
I'll give you a hint: it's not your discord, or will I still get in trouble if I say nigger?

Just Dance NX, baby. If you count Zelda Ubi is tied with Nintendo as far as NX games go on this E3.

I ate half of it too fast.

Looks yummy!


I'll never understand the appeal of that

Miim magic

Thread is sleeping. Wake up thread!

something sweet and a tiny bit sour for the salty and savory taste of the cheese and 'ronies.

Also the crust was soooo good. Usually when I order pizza the crust just tastes like paper, but this was... amazing.

Bumping through the magical power of cute Miis