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>practically every worthwhile mod needs the script extender Skyrim console mods are dead on arrival
Liam Ross
>crying about being worse than stupid grow up
Chase Gomez
>post yfw no TESVI
Ryder Wilson
My dreams are all dead and buried...
Mason Richardson
4 more years
Luis Scott
Liam Martin
Jose Gomez
What the Skyrim remastered brings to /tesg/:
>+ /tesg/ will never die now
>+ More people begging for followers (Will help me out alot)
>- - - - - - More shitposting
Noah Jones
w/e star citizen is coming 2016 !
Dominic Gutierrez
There is peace in the dark.
Logan Gutierrez
I wish skyrim had building climbing
Adrian Harris
/N O T H I N G/
Ethan Bailey
TES VI for 02/02/2020 confirmed!
James Ward
>Dishonored 2 Wow, it's literally just Dishonored "Remastered"
Anthony Lewis
>started up Skyrim for the first time in years >having a blast >always out of carry space though >finally decide to dump all the ingredients I've been picking up like autistic faggot all game >freed up like 200 of the space >mfw
Christopher Diaz
Cooper Jones
>follower when [on bethesda.net]
Jaxon Adams
if anything, the newfags are going to bring a humongous boost the certain waifuposters egos these guys gonna ascend to a new plane
Sebastian Rivera
>calling anons stupid on the internet chill big dick
Julian Sanders
why didnt you use them for crafting or store them in your home?
Nicholas Phillips
So how many of the:
"How do you get rid of your HUD to take screenshots?" "How can you free-roam your camera?" "How did you pose?" "Will Guardly be making a section for modding the console versions?"
Will we be getting?
Benjamin Watson
At least this Dishonored gameplay is giving me a good chuckle
not that user, but i find the alchemy interface confusing as fuck and everything is useless. >tfw you'd like to get into an alchemy playthrough but it would need the biggest overhaul imaginable to be even mildly fun
Christopher Ramirez
Carson Gutierrez
Are consolefags as bad as niggers?
Henry Rivera
Same here. I never expected ES6, but Skyrim Remastered being a thing and it just being Skyrim with a shitty ENB has crushed me.
Owen Lee
Dishonored is so boring. Dishonored 2 looks boring. Eugh.
Leo White
Alright what a meh night.
Guess BF1 and Quake are something
Also Prey
Goodnight /tesg/
Samuel Miller
I was just running around doing random quests and killing bandits and clearing locations, hadn't even bothered getting a house at that point
Wyatt Foster
It actually looks quite good, I never did finish the first one despite how short it was
Ryan Howard
There's gameplay? All I see is "press X to win."
Blake Myers
>these guys gonna ascend to a new plane mfw chim occurs in our lifetime
Ryder Watson
Dishonored 2 looks like Dishonored 1 with updated graphics and enb.
Grayson Brooks
kill yourself degenerate
David Davis
Well, at least I'll get to use my Vive for FO4 without having to resort to buying VorpX
Owen Ward
Well yeah... It's a sequel to Dishonored 1.
Anthony Lee
I was just getting giggly about the fat guy getting shot in the ass. I'm retarded.
Parker Stewart
Prey ain't til 2018.
Isaiah Miller
Julian Moore
gtfo to reddit you fucking tripfag
Nolan Gonzalez
I don't believe in suicide. You shouldn't encourage people to kill themselves user, it's immoral.
Hudson Green
>Skyrim ENB releases >Mass theft from Nexus ensues >Because of this over half the mods from Nexus disappear >Consolecucks download mods which require skse >/tesg/ filled with posts about skse >Consolecucks whine day and night in /tesg/ about how broken the game is with only 10 mods >2GB mod limit on consoles >Consolefags end up corrupting their saves and being unable to play due to how broken Skyrim still is >/tesg/ drowned in console babies crying about how their game will never look as good as "regular" Skyrim and PC
Gavin Rogers
Yeah if killing other people is bad then killing yourself is just as bad
Leo Hughes
>it looks worse than modded Skyrim today >mods will probably all be broken
complete shit fuck you todd why the fuck didn't you just remake oblivion
take a deep breath guys, the normies discovered skyrim graphics
>Haha, yea I know games likes to make fun of Bethesda but I'm replaying Skyrim actually on my Laptop and after many hours I haven't encountered any bugs.
> It looks gorgeous already without downloading any graphic mods. I always prefer to take things at stock when it comes to lighting and dx effects over mods.
Also release date October 28th
Aaron Butler
I love when idiots pour in due to current events.
Alexander Robinson
>/tesg/ talking about new players coming because of console mods >i've been posting here for years and never even owned a gaming pc
There's no such thing as a gaming pc. You ever shitposted about waifus before?
Caleb Parker
search ur heart
Kevin Robinson
Top tier newfag right there.
Asher Ramirez
Where the fuck is Todd?
Julian Wood
love you too.
Nathaniel Bell
Well, that's not why suicide is bad. Suicide is bad because the human life is unpredictable and dynamic, and people can't just predict how their lives are going to be, no matter how foresighted some people think they are.
Adam Hall
You expect me to read all those fucking options? What's the point of adding so many when there are 20 persons on this sub on average?
Caleb Smith
I wish this conference would end so these fags from /v/ would go back to their board already
Thomas Smith
>This Bethesda E3 was so bad that Todd himself didn't want to be there
Bentley Flores
He knew. Hew knew and didn't show up. Because he knew.
Kevin Rogers
Le skyrim 2, hope to fuck quake has a Vanilla mode or something they cant possibly fuck up THAT bad can they?
ive never even seriously played an arena shooter so i REALLY want one thats good
Nathan Rivera
why did I believe Todd's lies
Dominic Wilson
This year's Lie was that he didn't even show up.
Jaxson Morris
Oneechan is shit
Benjamin Cox
With the Skyrim Remaster this is only the beginning.
Wyatt Flores
Welp, The Elder Scrolls is dead
Pack it up and let's go home
Carson Roberts
>unironically having brain problems Too much gypsy semen, you fucking faggot?
Adam Williams
it was pulled from a streamer's chat
Joseph Roberts
Where is Blink 182
Ethan Sanchez
that's rude user you shouldn't be rude, being rude isn't very nice
Camden Ross
When will /tesg/ make its own new TES game?
Josiah Gomez
Pull the trigger and kill yourself Ra.
Luis Phillips
Thats gonna make a great op image some day.
Ayden Jones
they didn't even mention tes6 at e3 which means it's going to be a very very long time before release. sad.
Adrian Torres
Stop that. He's insecure enough as it is about his pretend characters, don't start talking about real life.
Ryder Foster
backup you mods. The authors are going to get rustled with console support demands. With how hugbox the nexus is, I imagine its only a matter of time before numerous mods are hidden.
Bentley Young
Shame I've only ever made, like, one thread and gave up on doing it again.
Elijah Ward
What's with this guy telling everyone to kill themselves? Did he make cereal with spoiled milk?
Thomas Jenkins
Please address me as "Master" from now on, or else I won't know you're talking to me! Thanks!
Brandon Carter
requesting todd's head over snake's please. Gonna need it for the inevitable shitstorm incoming.
Jeremiah Fisher
kill yourself peri
Tyler Powell
>If you own #Skyrim and all its add-ons or own Legendary Edition on Steam, you'll get a free upgrade to Skyrim Special Edition on Oct 28 #BE3 >And all its add-ons
FUCK. I'm gonna have to actually pirate the motherfuckers
Jose Harris
wich body make hips like that ?
Luis Sullivan
We should setup our own mod archive on mega or something