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Paging Dr. Cumtears

New followers when?

Waifus celebrate E3 with sexy.

Never, making new followers is outlawed now

Celebrating with robutts.


Posting cute and lewd!

forwarding this question to the new thread

who the fuck actually gets hype for bikini mods

How about follower special edition?

40 more years until Morrowind 2

You cannothaves will crack one day...

People who aren't total fags like them.
Fucking cis scum, right?

Most of them come with pieces that can also work alongside other armor sets.

That was a fast thread.

This counts as sexy.. right?.. Right?.. Guys?.. guys..?



Ugh, me no like thing. How come others like thing?
Me no understand.


I don't use the bikini armors, but my mind changed when I saw the follower. Downloaded and endorsed as soon as I saw that.

Why is red hair and freckles the perfect combo? Would enslave.

In 37 seconds.


post banana about to eat butt again.

Whats Follower dudes backstory? Why does he want new followers so much?



Now why'd you have to go and do that?

cumtears what is your opinion on the orlando shooting?

Don't get me wrong, I'd fuck Wez until her void turned white. I don't get bikini armors, nor any excitement around them. If you're gonna fuck your waifu, I don't see why you don't just strip them naked. It's not like underwear counts as clothed sex. There's already dozens out there, years old in circulation. What does this new one add other than Limbless Lucy/90 pounds of Pussy, Tits, and Ass?

Some people just like to have their waifus run around in slut armor. It keeps a hard on going while you adventure.

you better stop that

Tragedy. Disastrous. Now go and remove kebab along with their liberal enablers.

...There, now let's talk about Elder Scrolls.

>I'd fuck Wez until her void turned white.
Really, sweetie? You say stuff like that, and then think people are weird for liking some armour?

Some people (myself included) just think the bikini armours looks stylish. It has nothing to do with wanting to fuck them. At least not for me, and I can't be the only person who feels that way.

Maybe when I take a better image.

The Elder Scrolls Online Is Fun! FUN!!!

How haven't the hundreds of currently existing bikini armors achieved the same affect? What does this contribute to even the people who like bikini armors, our slutwear-clad community?

Has bethesda said anything about how easy it is to make a skyrim mod compactible with the remastered version?

They're fishing for "you"s. Ignore them.

Here's your reply.

thank you concerned user, you're right. I deleted my in-progress reply and I'll stop

is Female Facial Animation any good?

I hate fun.

>Disdain for Plebs

Please consider hanging yourself and doing the world a favour.

Hey everybody; good news is I'm not CTD'ing (as often) anymore.

Bad news is my Destruction magic just hit level 101 and is now doing 0 damage with every spell. Time to uninstall Community Uncapper, or should I fix it with console commands?


Could you ever be persuaded otherwise?

>Could you-
No. *chomps

They're pretty based.

Yes, I love the Byzantine Empire flag.

What's up? How's the follower going?


What's Disdain For Plebs?

where can i get this hair lice mod

Eh, maybe later.


I'm curios what nexus mod will bethesda use for the enhanced version

Whats a blorg

>have to wait for skyrim remaster as long as for fallout 4
This is tupid

Why are you waiting for it at all?

Don't pay attention to posts like that. It's just bethesda shills.

What are you eating?

I haven't launched CK since I fixed the bluescreens. I've been easing into more strenuous games and programs to make sure everything is ok. And I've been busy with System Shock 2. I can't believe I waited this long to play it.

The follower is pretty much finished though. I'm not in any hurry to finish the outfit and I don't know where to start to fix the voice bugs.

>Waiting for Skyrim with a shitty enb.

b-blog, i thought you meant it was 37 seconds until you post the follower

Are there any actual details about Skyrim 1.1? New content? Gameplay fixes?

what is stupid about this sentiment
I don't feel like people would appreciate a new set of raggedy hedge knight armor when there's like 3 different armors with that aesthetic. Am I really so wrong that you think I'm so baselessly stupid that I must be trolling? Why? If you just leave me without an answer, I'll be without retort other than "gosh you're dumb" and I will keep having this incredibly "flawed" opinion.

Wilhelm is and was my only follower. I was just making a jape.

Pete Hines suggested that it would be a separate game in your steam inventory, but nothing definite on that.
Also its free on pc if you already own legendary edition or all of the dlcs.

That is literally ALL we know.

Its Skyrim with an ENB and the high res textures. Also new plants.
Thats it.

Why does Yarti look so mad?

I'll jape you!!

Its separate download and free if you have the legendary edition. Expect to wait couple weeks for unofficial patch to fix 7 year old bugs

>furry cumtears

To the user who is helping me get Nita as a follower.

Im making some progress on hunting down the files. Once I get it all done, I wanted to let you know there will be a folder called "Not Sure". Im putting files that I am not sure if are needed in it, because I'm running kinda running blind. Thanks again for helping me out!

Now back to digging

Well, if it would be a separate game it would be fine.
No compatibility problems at all.

Dunno, but it tasted strange.

Certainly not!

Anybody? Or should I come back when Waifu Hours has ended?

mfw Skyrim HD

Without the mask, would she die?

Fix it with console commands then? I don't know what you're asking. You said what you were going to do.

...I'm not sure that it's a furry creature. And no, she looks nothing like my character.

Can't wait when it's finally complete!

I am a real person, and for your insolence I shall cut you down!

That's not a mask user, that's her face

Sorry; I just wanted a solid answer to go off of since I've gotten a lot of help so far.
I know, believe me; I know.

>black and red color scheme
>irredeemably awful posters

What're ya gonna do about it, eh champ?!

Would someone like to explain to me why I have like fifiteen different skeleton files in multiple folders in my Meshes folder?..


Because some modders like the add it in their mod instead of making it depend on the universal skeleton. Thats why you use MO and put the skeleton on the bottom of your install list

Thank you, you just cleared up a ton of confusion.

So... how to CHIM?!

Put worm to your uretha

Danger lurks evrywhere!

So, what's all this shitstorm about E3?
I'm yuropoor, so I was in bed at the time.

Skyrim Remaster was actually real


>le "everything that exists but is uncomfortable for my worldview to explain like is a spook" man
Leave the cuckchanners alone /leftypol/. Do you even play the game or are you just subverting as usual?

Why the fuck is script extender even a thing? Why doesnt bethesda just extend it themselves?

Wait, really?

Because that would be ~EFFORT~.

Reminder to PRAISE

Gee, I don't know, why don't you also ask why they completely fucked up with the 256MB memory blocks too?

The remaster will fix it :^)

You only have to realize the wheel within the tower and be narcissistic enough to continue existing, I'd say most people itt are already halfway there.

Because shes psychic and she knew that I was going to bluescreen RIGHT AFTER I POSTED IT HOLY SHIT KILL ME
I've been golden for 3 or 4 days and now it starts all over again.

Do you hear that on the wind Yarti? It's a whisper, and it says it's time to get a new computer.

Fug I meant tower within the wheel