/dfg/- Dwarf Fortress General

Last Thread: >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.03

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>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

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first for memes

Has anyone made a ville contemporaine in DF?

Mod in cobalt and anthracite to throw the metamorphic layer a bone y/n?

Wait, user.

You can't do that until the proposition has been closely evaluated by the Dwarf Fortress Ministry of Modding Affairs.

I'm just asking because I remember the last time I tried fucking with layers ending in a clusterfuck.
Pls no bully.

Can I mod a civ to spawn in or near evil biomes?

I can't help but see it.

I wish I could create such an organic fortress.



>I wish I could create such an organic fortress
A thousand times this.
>try to go for a sprawling, organic design
>end up with autismcubicles anyway

There are several tricks you can use to make the fort look more interesting. I'll list some of them.

>when digging hallways, try ramping instead of digging
This will make the hallway seem more like a subterrannean street. If you add second floors to the rooms on the sides, and add windows to those second floors, you'll enhance this effect.
>divide housing and workshops into several units, rather than just cramming them up in the same places
Having two or three different housing units, and putting them in radically different places, will do a lot for your fort's aesthetics. Each one of these units may also follow different layouts, depending on the local conditions where that particular unit was made.
>always consider the third dimension when designing important parts
I always spread my taverns, temples and libraries out over several z-levels. Most of the time, I have one main floor, and two or three floors above consisting of 2 tile broad balconies, reachable through stairs or ramps.
>feel free to use geometric designs when designating your fort, but try not to have everything follow the same motive
If you have a central area shaped like, say, a cross, that's kosher, but try to have areas that "break free" from this cross design, and form their own shapes.
>don't plan everything to rigidly
The last point is also the most obvious one. If you want an organic fort, sometimes it's best to just designate before thinking. Dug your initial central area to shallowly? Just abandon it and dig a new one, letting the ruin of the old one form a permanent part of your fort. Not enough space for your hospital? Just evict a large part of your housing area, tear down and build a few walls, and then go with that.
>lastly, don't sperg out over lost symmetry

That's what I can think of at the moment. This is just what I go by. It works for me.

saved for reference

>try to make a tavern with the hallway that has a retractable bridge over an extremely deep hole
>hole is made before the bridge
>my only mining dwarf dug straight down, became trapped and died of starvation months before I noticed
Uh, oops?

do you have a second pick


Nope, but the corpse is accessible. I just need a bridge.

Hey /dfg/

How do you accurately choose an embark size?

df 0.42.06 +lnp
I have a PC I use to render (3.6ghz i7, 16gb ram, sdd) but I suffer FPS death after 100 dorfs when I used to be able to handle 220 before. I do have a (full) cistern but no running water. The only thing not shown is my farm/cistern. I run at about 50 fps with small stutters every 2-3s for about 1s.

As small as you can deal with.

inb4 tileset and stairwell memes

Alright. Thanks for the tip. I'm still learning as much as I can before I have to retire.

It's a good meme

That picture.


Most importantly; HOW HAS THAT NOT CAVED IN!

You editing the init files m89?

Does anyone have a problem with the Genesis mod where generating a world just takes forever? Are there any ways to make it easier?

Cave-ins are easy to avoid m8.
Are you used to the old system still?

You can prop up a mountain with a single pillar of soap.

I can't chop down trees in Adventure Mode, I made an axe out of rocks and sticks, it says I'm "not holding an axe", but I am holding the axe in my right hand.

Have I fucked up somehow?

gotta use great axe or battle axe, its a bug.
Will be fixed soon.


I can't fell the trees in this area, is it because someone "Owns" this area?

Maybe? I haven't encountered that particular issues.


So 201X of you... how charmingly provincial.

All modern hardcore gamers use genetically engineered cyberneural grafts to interface with and manipulate the cache and RAM directly.

I haven't played since 2014, has performance gotten better or worse?

Somewhat better.

Someone post pictures of their forts? I want to try out new designs but im falling blank on cool looking entrances

Damn, Armok Vision is getting better and better.

Is it playable yet?

Where do I find small blunt rocks?

Inside dragon lairs.

Really? Ok thanks.

As part of the recent fix that brought armor back to invading soldiers and others, we need to deal with the effectiveness of armor, since there are too many fights that never end. To this end, we're going to do armor item damage, some indirect combat damage to joints/necks that get whacked, and some combat AI to make people remove helmets from unconscious opponents. Then the release should be ready.

Oh snap.

You need to [g]rab them off the ground, if you don't see any available move around a couple squares and you'll find some.

You also [g]rab and pull branches... or [g]rab and fell trees.

Yeah, without dfhack we won't be able to do the tree thing.

Bah, grabbed the top space when I was highlighting apparently, didn't see since I was grabbing something downstairs.

What if I'm in a marsh/swamp?

Dig deeper little adventurer, dig deeper... //with your mind// if need be.

ooooh ok. I did some testing and figured it out.

If anyone is using the Genesis mod, apparently generic pebbles and rocks aren't in the game anymore, and they have specific names. I don't know if there are more than this, but I found that the Dolomite rocks represent sharp rocks, and the Dacite rocks represent blunt rocks.

Armok Vision 0.10 was just released, so I guess yes.

Sadly, DFHack is still stuck back at DF 0.42, so i guess no.

How do I do the thing where I stop playing a character in adventure mode and put them on the back burner, and then start up another character in the same world, only later to go back to my original character? I was told this was possible somewhere but I can't remember much else.

I'm probably get memed on for this but what other game satisfy my fort building needs?

You retire them at a town

Prison Architect
Maia(not released)
Dungeon Keeper

Oh fuck I forgot about Maia.
It's going to be a gigantic failure, isn't it?

R.I.P in peace good games


Oh, I forgot.

There's also KeeperRL. It's basically Dungeon Keeper in ASCII(there's also a graphical version which costs money). Like DF, it has an adventure mode where you can explore the world, including your old forts.

Generic rocks aren't in vanilla. Every rock you find is of a specific type, and they're all blunt when you find them. You have to knap them to make sharp rocks. I haven't played genesis since 34.11, but it wasn't any different then and probably isn't now.

Build a campsite, even just a basic one, cut down a tree, slap up some walls/roof, designate a zone as a main hall, talk to your deity and claim the site (if no companions, shouting turns animals into histfigs so that's irritating to me) and make sure you get this pop-up, then you can retire there.

Tilesetanon, you seem to know a lot, so I'll ask you.

You're probably aware that the adventurer must be a part of an entity in order to make claims on sites. My question is: does this also apply to adventurer camps? Or will this lead to the usual "I've forgotten my bold pronounciation"?

>Dolomite rocks represent sharp rocks, and the Dacite rocks represent blunt rocks.

The fuck?

how do I stack clothing correctly on my dwarfs?

Check the wiki. The order of the military equipment screen doesn't matter.

Though he shouldn't forget the bug where they will only equip armor in the order it's been maunfactured in.
This will lead to problems when you manufacture the breastplates before the mail shirts. Dwarves will try to put on the breastplate first, then the mail shirt, which won't work.

So after thinking about it, I'm excited about the armor damage, as it stands I have no real reason to keep hunting dragons after I get my last pieces of masterwork armor from them, but I can't imagine skidding facefirst across the ground at mach 5 is good for armor if it can be damaged by something as banal as a war hammer or battle axe.

>implying I know shit
Oh you sweet summer child.

But seriously, go do something to impress people and become a hearthperson... I should test if being a performer is sufficient, though it's hard to perform when you know no moves/songs/poems... and then you can do it normally.

If you're talking about civvies, they'll try to equip one piece of clothing each for inner, outer and cover layers for each bodybpart if the items are available. You don't have to do anything (and couldn't if you wanted to) aside from making the clothes.
If you mean military, read this:

>Oh you sweet summer child.
Here, use this.

I've never experienced this, but perhaps I never noticed.

I don't know, I would hope it depends on what kind of terrain you're bouncing on. Skipping yourself across granite or sandstone should be a lot more damaging to armor than peat or sand.

Two of my dwarves got in a fistfight that grew into a 10-dorf brawl and I have no idea what caused it. There are no criminals, none of the involved dwarves were unhappy or tantruming and I'm pretty sure it wasnt a loyalty cascade sincr after a while they all got tired and went back to work, minus all their teeth.

I've been playing df for years and never seen amything like it. Any ideas?

I just checked and apparently it has been fixed in 34.11.
I'm not sure if I just forgot, or never noticed, or if it's erroneously marked as solved.

But I'm guessing I just forgot.


user is right, it's a thing. It mostly only impacts the scenario he described and clothing items included in a uniform. Probably the second-leading cause of boot fail is cases where people include socks in their uniform.

Haha, thanks.

At the speeds I like to do stupid shit at, you're covering enough terrain that when you ask "what sort of stuff are you going to be hitting" you can just answer "yes" most times and be right.

But how do I return to playing them when I am done with the other adventurer?

I'm not sure that fix actually covers the bug. It looks like it fixes the reordering of items in the military assignment screen, which dwarves used to follow to determine how they equipped armor. Now gear assignments are listed on that screen in inner-to-outer layer order by default. It doesn't necessarily mean that first-made-first-equipped issue is fixed. I started doing the production-order workarounds in 34.11, the version that the bug is marked as fixed, but I don't recall if it was because I had read about the bug or experienced it myself in that version.

At the bottom of the list: Specific Person.

How do I craft a bone greataxe? I have 22 deer bones and a carving knife but apparently that isn't enough?

You have mods with them included in the reactions?

I use a "cleaned bone" tool to get around the stack issues which still aren't totally fixed.

Ah ok. Its fine though I figured out another solution. I was trying to make an ax to cut down a tree (since normal ones don't work because bug) and I only just now realized I could also make a stone battle ax in addition to the generic one.

I'm trying to construct a cabin, what am I doing wrong here? My character has multiple aspen logs, so I figure its either a bug or I'm missing a step or two.

Try dropping them on the ground?

Ok, I'll give that a shot.

Let me know if it works. I've never tried making a adventurer site, lol. But I just guessed based on fort mode.

This: is right, gotta be on the ground.

Dwarf Fortress on scorpio when

Just liek, make mod user!

>As part of the recent fix that brought armor back to invading soldiers and others, we need to deal with the effectiveness of armor, since there are too many fights that never end. To this end, we're going to do armor item damage, some indirect combat damage to joints/necks that get whacked, and some combat AI to make people remove helmets from unconscious opponents. Then the release should be ready.
>Oh snap.

I like where this is going.

>As part of the recent fix that brought armor back to invading soldiers and others, we need to deal with the effectiveness of armor, since there are too many fights that never end. To this end, we're going to do armor item damage, some indirect combat damage to joints/necks that get whacked, and some combat AI to make people remove helmets from unconscious opponents. Then the release should be ready.
hory shet

will we ever be able to found or manage a hamlet in adventure mode?

Probably. I wouldn't expect anything like that before the starting scenarios arc. That will be late 2017 at the earliest if I had to guess.


The new adventurer camps are already a major stepping stone in that direction.

By the way, wouldn't it be neat if we had the ability to buy land within the boundaries of a town or hamlet, within which we could build our own house in that town?

When the economy returns we might be able to do something that. Once again, maybe with starting scenarios. That'll probably be the earliest opportunity to work on the economy again. I wonder how procedural the economic systems will be.

>open up exploratory hole into side of cavern wall
>a troll somehow senses my buildings over a hundred floors above him and heads right for them
>smashes a few of them, kills a makeshift militia and dies to a farmer with an axe
>still my fault for not closing the hole faster but god damn, come the fuck on
Business as usual at my embark.

someone enlighten me about this scenario stuff.


Oh cool. Oh btw you can apparently designate buildings to be taverns in adventure mode. Could I run an inn now?

Yes but you have to "invite" guests yourself since the game world isn't fully notified of the presence of your camps unless they happen across it randomly.

You CAN "invite" aggressive guests if you put it in the right spots, but yeah.

>get overrun by zombies
>last survivor is dorf child
his baby sister got torn apart in front of him
>finally gets caught by pincer attack from zombies
>play make believe

welp, didn't turn out so well

>weretortoise child attacks
>goes straight into meeting hall
>bites a farmer and breaks the skin
>jeweler rips it's teeth out by page 2
>ax and pickaxe wielders in the crowd hack off its limbs and mangle its heart
>bleeds out by page 8
>trap bitten farmer in small room
>force him to dig into volcano
>magma destroys the last trace of weretortoisism in my fort
The last time I felt so satisfied playing this game, I was pouring magma directly onto a forgotten beast that had gotten itself stuck in a tree.

>My first fort is exactly this

>another troll gets into the fort
>militia nabs him before he wrecks anything important
>no idea how he got in from the caverns this time
Whelp. Time to build some weapon traps all over the fort before this happens again.

Why don't you just find the cavern breach instead?

DF on vr when

Took me a while to find it (some bullshit with the stairs) and now I have to make even more holes just to fix it. Better to have the traps set up first.

>A kea has stolen page 10!

Absoultely nothing.
