New thread
/feg/ - fire emblem general
Where's Tharjaanon?
Belka, opening posts need to be more...verbose.
Best waifu and why is it flora?
Tharja a best!
Shittiest waifu and why is it Azura?
I'm posting in this one
This is the proper thread.
i like this new thread
This thread was made on time, so it will be used.
>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>being this autistic
Just close your eyes and walk away from the screen.
Beruka > shitzura
I agree, I think.
Why is Road Taken the only good OST from If?
why did these vikings invade japan ubisoft
why didnt they just go bully germoney or spain or something
Because fates OST is shit and overrated.
>spic complains about making more than one thread
>but still has to be first to put his shitpost in
>shitposter shitposts
We did it bros.
You HAVE to post here.
>implying this thread ISN'T said poster's shitpost
Shitzurafags BTFO
Velouria is cute
This is the thread.
Beruka wins.
Is THIS the thread?
This is the thread!
Is it REALLY the thread? I J U ST want to be sure I have SO MANY tabs open.
I blame tharjacuck for this
This is the thread, yes.
I love NTR, which fates waifu is the one for me?
All of them
Time to move.
Why would we move, this thread was on time.
Then keep it bumped until this thread hits 750 :-)
And somewhat humorous, I may add.
Next thread is a flora thread, sorry buddy.
Is that a new Rinkah? Cute.
this is my favorite op in the past few weeks.
Previous thread is on page 10 bros, you holdouts are GOING to HAVE to MIGRATE eventually.
Belka a new start for /feg/....
Best waifu and why is it yours?
realtalk, is this the thread, there's like 5 threads up
best girl
There is no thread, no one's posting in any of them aside from thread bumpers. This one has the most posts though, so someone might as well do something with it.
Yes, this is the real thread.
If Corrin's talent is cavalier and he marries Sophie, what would the partner seal give her?
>fake abs
Example 3: If Xander marries an Avatar with a Cavalier talent, he will have access to the Ninja class.
Like example 2, the Avatar is a Nohr Prince(ss), which cannot be borrowed, so he/she lends his talent instead. Of course, Xander’s first class set is Cavalier so the Avatar lends a parallel class corresponding to his/her talent.
So she can be a Ninja.
Why do people want their waifus to be the Queen of Valla?
Like who cares
who cares about valla
just think about it
who cares
i dont
i would rather lead a kingdom with an actual future thanks
Thanks user!
Made Azura a swordmaster for a second to see what a female swordmaster looked like.
Did you know that aside from being the best looking sword in the game, the Axe Splitter triggers the Swordmaster's dual weilding animations?
Because Corrin is the Kind of Valla. Though "New Valla" would be more apt, since Hoshido and Nohr both give Corrin a huge chunk of land apiece to rule. Complete with citizens, villagers, and probably Rinkah's tribe if she's the Queen of Valla.
Which fates waifu likes Scat?
We're all here.
/feg/ finally split into two factions huh
So if corrin mothers the children, would they still have the dragon weakness as an einherjar?
Peri, not Azura.
Woah calm down Pericuck, it was just a joke. You had NO reason to reply to that with such hostility unless it seriously upset you.
Peri is literal shit.
Pericuck is Azurugly.
Flora is ______
Who is the worst Peg Knight in 7?
preeeetty sure this pathetic necroposting is why you should be posting in the superior kotaro thread desu
Farina is just due to her availability and (if you're playing Ranked) cutting pretty deep into your Funds rank.
She's not really "bad", it's just that Florina and Fiora are better, they're both pretty much mandatory use in an optimal playthrough while Farina isn't.
Preeeeety sure both threads are trying to force a "discussion"
In any case, the "previous thread" is finally gone, so people are going to have to make a choice. The other thread seems to be catching up in posts, so I guess whatever they did is working.