/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

Reminder that SteIIaris has its own general and discussion of the game doesn't go here. Thank you.

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, June 13th:
1373 – Anglo-Portuguese Alliance between England (succeeded by the United Kingdom) and Portugal is the oldest alliance in the world which is still in force.
1805 – Lewis and Clark Expedition: scouting ahead of the expedition, Meriwether Lewis and four companions sight the Great Falls of the Missouri River.
1886 – King Ludwig II of Bavaria is found dead in Lake Starnberg south of Munich at 11:30 PM.
1917 – World War I: The deadliest German air raid on London during World War I is carried out by Gotha G bombers and results in 162 deaths, including 46 children, and 432 injuries.

EU4 DD09/06

CK2 DD 8 - Life goes on

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - General Fixes V005

>>[CK2 - 2.5.2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 21/03/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Hoi4 is pretty shit

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I got this, how many viruses do I have now?

OOB back when.

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Does anyone remember navarra guy?

What was that ck2 map mod he was using?

Well his party can not be in power, so he isn't elected. There should be a time frame for this thing.

You have been visited by le quick poster of antishitposting. Great mods and grossgermaniums will come to you only if you post "Pls buy Stellaris" in this thread

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Pls buy Stellaris

Reminder to ignore and report shitposting

Pls buy Stellaris

Co-Prosperity Sphere is a go.

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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>fucking Ireland formed a faction with france and just occupied northern Ireland

Do you think it is sexually arousing for leaders to have other nations submit to them?

hoy hoy hoy hoy

buy it goy

nth for cosy music while invading Poland


>May '36
What did you do and how?

literally too easy

The world tension means Poland got invaded by SU, poles join axis, world war with soviet union

Now to just wait a while and gobble up italy and germany all while enjoying ridiculous amounts of military factories and resources

pls buy stellaris

Hey HPM, a few things

While anyone can get Bosnia as a puppet during the conference, only Austria and the KUK can take the decision to inherit it. This can be resolved by removing the country tags in the decision.

Why does Italy get a core on Corfu even thought by the time they take the decision to get it no Italians exist their anymore? They have all converted to Greek by then.

Also how do I fire events that effect states? For example if I wanted to fire event 17620 in just Romagna and Tuscany how would i do that?


pls buy stellaris.

At this point it's just too tedious to continue, I've won, conquering the SU is just tedious and if Japan were to join the axis before I defeat Germany more unneccesary hurdles.

Pls buy stellaris

Not really. I prefer them to fight back.

Both the Chinese national focui back to back. China submitted to both.
Now I can get the focus that lets me conquer the warlords and consolidate china.

reminder png's are not allowed on /gsg/

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Do you have occupation of France/Ireland/Benelux? Or do you control them now outright?

Because that's broken as fuck if it's the latter.

Fucking unfinished marketing hype bullshit non-game.

There is a focus that makes China your puppet, that's probably what he did. China has a choice to accept it or reject it, they sometimes accept.

Let me just confirm something here. In order for Paratroopers to work, there are the following things that must all be true:

>have paratroopers on an airfield
>have transport planes on the field, without having them assigned on a mission
>have a paradrop plan and have the troops assigned to it
>have air superiority in the destination and all areas inbetween
>have a right to land on the territory, or a war with the nation that owns the land

Is there anything I've missed? Because I have all of those ticked out, and my paras still refuse to budge.

I swear I hate the Chinese there's too many of them.


god fucking damn
>arbitrarily not allowed to view the page without an account
>go through all the dumb fucking shit to make an account
>you do not have the right permissions to view this page :^)

can someone just put this on mega

is hoi4 and starellis shit?

did you die for a year i haven't seen your autist ass in forever png shitposter

hoi4 is the new gold standard gsg

Everything is shit lad.


>>have transport planes on the field, without having them assigned on a mission

nonono, assign them to the airspace

just memein, you missed him last thread

>when the winter war begins


Well I tried that too and it didn't work.

reminder to please buy stellaris

At what point is it worth it to coup?

you have to buy the game to download mods goy

hoy hoy hoy hoy
hoy4 is the gold standard of /goy shekels generalis/

hoy hoy hoy hoy

I attacked them in mid 1938 with 24+8+6+? troops. That last army had less than 24 but more than 10, I reinforced it to 24 during the war which lasted a bit over 1 year, although I wasn't in a huge hurry as I wanted to keep world tension down. They were quite a pushover. Japan has a huge advantage.

let them do it themselves on election day

I assume it needs 51%? worked for me

I also think they might rise up eventually on their own even without an election, but I'm not sure.

yhank you lad


>While anyone can get Bosnia as a puppet during the conference, only Austria and the KUK can take the decision to inherit it. This can be resolved by removing the country tags in the decision.
I need to check the decision, not necessarily it should be free for all.

>Why does Italy get a core on Corfu even thought by the time they take the decision to get it no Italians exist their anymore? They have all converted to Greek by then.
Just irredentist claims.
None of the irredentist decisions check if there are pops there.

>Also how do I fire events that effect states? For example if I wanted to fire event 17620 in just Romagna and Tuscany how would i do that?
Can't really help you there since I never tried that myself, sorry.

reminder to buy hoy4

>when the international zionist conspiracy destroys your beautiful country


Reminder to shitpost and ignore reporting


never mind, I forgot the brits have a big reduction to drift.

Not if you attack early. I attacked in February 1937. I'm desperately pumping out cavalry and artillery and trying to cut their northern army out of supply.

Reminder that this is your fault

based cobra strikes again

>getting so mad at the first post you spam the thread because of it
Been a long time since I last saw so much butthurt


Control them completely because those two were in the faction that I defeated, so I enjoy full occupation no reisstance

thank you based cobra


Daily reminder to report redditos.

How to detect a redditor:

They are leftists and communists
They like "Communist Empires"; "hey guys look at my Imperivm Popvlvs Romanvm"
They gross all over the map
They use memes like "kebab" or "stronk"

How to expel:

Tell them to kill themselves
Report them
Tell them to fuck off

reminder to buy stellaris and ignore grand strategy


I don't understand how everyone usually sees China destroying Japan? Everytime I don't play them this happens.

It's technically easier if you attack early in the short term. They build huge numbers of divisions and reinforce their divisions to full strength, while in the beginning they start with really weak divisions that aren't even half way equipped, while the Japanese divisions are. You also have the choice of using your garrison divisions in the attack and defense, although I did not do so.

Short term, because it means you get less industry built in the beginning.

They had like 150 or more full strength divisions in 1938.

What's the best game/mod for some WW1?

well this was a waste of money
i dont like meme arrows in my wars



I'm the border government, same flag as China if thats confusing some of you.

>Border Region Government
What kind of name is that?


>when the mannerheim line is complete

Reminder to post dank memes and ignore redditors

To End All Wars

does anybody know how i can draw up battle plans with a different map mode pulled up than the default one? everytime i try it immediately switches back and it bugs me cause then i cant see the regions


Reminder to be a good goy and buy hoy4

Is there a way to modify the arrow direction for battleplans?

Can I make encirclements happen properly?


I started HoI4 as America.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing.

OOOhh this is a good thread so far aeh hoho

Reminder to ignore and report any post you don't like.

They will shit all over Victoria 3.
Every million pop will become 1 pop mana
Industry will be divided between consumer goods, industrial goods and military goods
National focus will be a meme tree like hoi4
General faggotry like women in history and transexual rights will be everywhere
Change regime with the click of a button, anytime
Victoria mana, bismark mana and colony mana
Spend mana to increase pop
Meme arrows
Communist shilling
Everywhere in the world is 10% nigger and 10% chink, because muh multiculturalism
Untermensch will be immune to genocide and a hard lock will stop the pop size from shrinking
General casualization expected of paradox

Newb hoi4 question
I'm playing italy, and I lost all my navy, how do I conquer malta?

What ancient tengri scrolls did Mannerheim read on his pilgrimage to Mongolia?

Did he unlock any ancient mongolic battle tactics?

Reminder to report and ignore posting.

Someone have any idea what's wrong here? I'm getting the yellow exclamation mark that says "unit unable to move to a province along its path" when I hover over it. I have no idea what's wrong, because the troops are literally on the airfield.

Reminder to kill yourself.

Reminder to beat your wife and throw her mulatto son from the second story window.

Select the fascist minister when you accrue 150 dip points and go to town.

Should the Netherlands be Dutch or Flemish? Or Walloon?
And is southern England rightful Netherlandish territory?

But fascism is for gays.

Yes, but you're better off with manual control if you want that.