/slg/ Second Life General

Buying chips between events edition
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Getting Started Guide: pastebin.com/pnnQtCDx
Shape Guide: pastebin.com/2pAKs7ub

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Life-like grass.

I haven't played in like a year.

What happened to giggles beach?

Got shut down, replaced by golden sun.
no idea if that's still around

Is it dangerous to pick up hitchhikers on Second Life?

The person who bought it a few years ago freaked out when she opened her fucking eyes and realized its main function, and closed it. This was not one of those ban events like that various "daddy's" places, the owners simply put the sim up for sale.

AS soon as the original had its closing party stuff, one of the original owners from way back decided to start it up again.

This person flaked out once again and sold it to a partner who more or less ditched the original concept. The regular visitors dropped off, sploder/bot traffic failed to revive it, and it was sold on once again.

The latest incarnation is operated by one of the old hosts and it's dead.

who are these semen demons

Where does 'that' crowd hang out now?

please try your best to ignore the attention-whore tranny freak, thanks

its a wonderful day for a cruise just me the wife and the breeze in my puffs

who are these jism prisms

Not in the group anymore. Where do you fags hang out now?

Where do you hang out now?

why would we want to tell someone that who call us fags... think before you speak -.-

stern island

Where do you go for casual sex in this game? I've tried various bars and clubs, and will occasionally find people to play with but I'm getting bored of messaging dozens of people without reply. My character is hot (i'm a grill) so that's not the issue.

If your character was hot you would have posted a picture with your post.

post pic of avatar, i'll judge if you are actually hot or just bland.

ded general


You're missing the point.
Am I going about it the right way or is there some secret place where people who actually want to fuck hang out?

There's plenty places and I could name them, but I won't do it until you post your avatar, because chances are it is actually your fault.

IM me suiseiseki.ort

Golden Sun and Little Playground

>because chances are it is actually your fault.
Yes that's why I'm asking what usually works for others.

You're going to the right places, if somehow you can message that many people and not get responses, your avi must be some kind of hardcore fucked up.

police: you puffers are always up to something you stayin out of trouble felho?? I don't want to see you playing with drones again boy I'm giving you a ticket

step 1: Look good.

That's it.

It's obvious that you are failing at this simple step, and since you are unwilling to provide a picture of your avatar, we can't help you out either.

Too bad.



Not the other guy, but what's the secret to making a good qt girl avatar? I've seen the Utilizator stuff like kemono, avatar 2.0, anime heads, etc. which I would think would work for my weeaboo needs, but then again I've seen people bashing it before in these threads.

Not sure if it's trolling or if people dislike it because it's overused or if there's some legitimate problems with it that can't be easily fixed. Is there something better out there that I can buy to provide a nice base body or the like to work with?

no get away from that tranny


You should come to Stern sometime so you get checked out, cutie. Someone is bound to fuck you eventually.

shes my poison.......... my addiction...........


worst forced /slg/ meme of 2016



is this all some big prank and the tranny is chain's alt?


ha ha ebic!

Kemono is good for making little girls and furries.

It's cheap go for it.

People dislike Uti's stuff because they're overused, but they're overused because they're pretty much the best available options for anime avatars, and cheap to boot.

The secret to making a good cute girl avatar mostly comes down to theme and composition, pretty much. Come up with a good theme to work around that will set you apart from other generic animes but not be too gimmicky, know how to put together a cute outfit, know how to pick a good color palette, know the difference between "unique and memorable" vs. "cluttered lolsorandum eyesore", etc.

my theme "anime girl w/ titty and buttwhole"



dont post pictures of me irl queer

how much for _______?

20,000 cdn

oh good, that converts to $2 US


Remember: Chaika is a literally Hitler.


I honestly don't know. I just explore and I find unwilling partners. Then they bitch at me ... so I send them screenshots. Which results in them claiming they're pressing criminal charges against me. Maybe I shouldn't send screenshots to them of their unwilling adventures.



shut the fuck up

>Remember: Stern is about to be no more within the next 6 months.


because of YOU!

Does anybody play this game while not being a perverted freak?

The Grand Wizowd!


>within 6 months

Old men

Are the future

>Tranny Stern is dead


sleep right, revolver-chan.

That was a thing?

The key is to friend a lot of fuckbuddies so that whenever you log on, you already got a list to choose from. Most will never bother you when you're online either, and those you don't want to fuck anymore will eventually remove you so it saves you the hassle.

I just want to script man...