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I don't see how being a NEET is better than being a CEO
People who talk shit about investor NEETs are usually cucked wageslaves. Watch them defend their cuckish ways
>investor NEETs
How can you invest if you don't have any income?
I think a very tiny percentage of NEETs inherited enough to never have to work again.
independent & self employed but not saving much and sometimes have to relies on credit to get through the month if slow month
doesn't feel fucking god tier bro
its called passive income, theres plenty of ways to earn it, and invest that passive income to create more passive income. But thats just beyond the level of understanding for most people
I'm a NEET. 27 yo. I'm stressed as fuck because I never have money.. can't find my path to sustain myself without family help. dabbling in online money making stuff, but no success yet.
BUT HEY at least I don't want to kill myself every morning like I used to when I had a full time dead-end job for ~$350/month. (eastern-european fucker here)
>its called passive income, theres plenty of ways to earn it
Like what? Give me some examples of passive income because almost everything besides collecting dividends requires a certain level of input or the equivalent of working.
>But thats just beyond the level of understanding for most people
What exactly takes zero effort (in order to be passive) but earns a comparable amount to working a full-time job?
When people say passive income it seems to be synonymous with dumb shit like "dropshipping", running a blog with ads and affiliate links and some other equally shitty ideas. All of which you'd be lucky to make $50/month with
actually, you're most likely dependent on your parents/guardians for food & shelter.
Want some examples? here: Memestock Trading, Memecoins Trading, Usury, ETFs, Stocks, Online Advertising and affiliate marketing. Buy n Sell on Ebay. If you dont know what to do after youve been given ideas, then you dont really deserve passive income
I actually payed off their mortgage
you're a rare exception, stop speaking for a majority group (average 'passive-income NEETs')
>Memestock Trading
Requires money
>Memecoins Trading
not really a legit income, it's not stable at all and requires money and effort
How are you going to practice usury without money? Just put up a sign offering payday loans?
Requires money
Requires money
>Online Advertising and affiliate marketing
Advertising where? Just "advertising"? Just putting up some ads somewhere and that somehow generates enough income to sustain your life and then come?
How the fuck are you going to do any of this without already having money from prior "wagecucking"? You really don't seem to know what you're talking about, you just throw out these colorful words like "passive income", "JUST trade stocks or something bro, you'll make a lot dude!", and "JUST buy ETFs with your millions of dollars you got from who knows where and live off that!"
What do you actually do, how did you get started and how much money does it earn you?
im not even rich, just middleclass.. but the internet has evolved to a point where you can make some nice $$$ if you know what youre doing.
>requires money and effort
I dont even consider it as "work".. I just place my buy and sell orders, takes but a few minutes per day.
also i have a bit of start-up capital because i've always had the merchant mindset since i was a kid.. Started with trading video games, consoles and other electronics, and selling POGs and shit. Also did wage-slaving to see what its like.. Its a cucks game
>I just place my buy and sell orders, takes but a few minutes per day.
Oh true.
So you just place buy and sell orders. On what? How do you research what to buy? Just putting buy and sell orders on random stuff? Interesting. How much money does that earn you?
How did you get the money to buy equities?
How much do you make per month? I make about $5000/month from wagecucking, do you earn more than me? Should I quit my job and do what you're doing? Sounds really nice and ambiguous, you don't seem to be describing anything specific just being very broad. As if you don't actually do anything
>Started with trading video games, consoles and other electronics, and selling POGs and shit
How much did that make you?
>Also did wage-slaving to see what its like.. Its a cucks game
What field did you wagecuck in and for how long?
You're really persuading me to quit my job now. How can i make $5000/month passively? Should I buy trumpcoin? is that what you're buying?
I meant when trading memecoins and memestocks
Also for usury.. I give my money to money lenders (the high interest payday loans).. you can get into a contracted agreement with them to borrow money from you, and in return you get big interests or some sort of collateral, like cars and shit, you can sell later. Its all legal.
Also i give out personal loans to people. I make sure the collateral is 2x worth the loan. I have contracts. Interest rate is 30% PA. And i report my taxes, so its all legal.
I dont make as much money as you. Around $2000 to $3000 Per month. The only advantage is I dont work 9 to 5. I choose my own hours.
I got money from selling things and a bit of wagecucking. I've always had a jew mindset.
around $50 month, thereabouts.. It was big money, when i was a kid.
no dont quit your job.. try to hang in there and build-up your capital wealth.
Also, what wagecuckery did i get involved in? Odd jobs, nobody wanted, like being a janitor, mechanic, delivery guy, and valet.
Honestly being employed is pretty damn comfy and the shit you described sounds really uncertain and not that stable overall.
i think most of peoples' memes about "wagecucking" only apply to shitty jobs near minimum wage. Wagecucking really isn't so bad
its not too bad if its white collar. I dont really mind wagecucking, but i hated the routine.. It was so rigid and regimented.. You have to come to work at x hours. You have to go the extra mile when needed. You have to deal with normies on a regular basis. It all drained me.
I agree that wagecucking is more stable.. but I wouldnt trade stability for freedom. There is simply no other feeling that you decide your own destiny and work at your own leisure.
In my opinion, being a wagecuck is a necessity to have the wealth in invest. In late game, you should be able to have some sort of passive income large enough to support you a bit.
28, NEET as of last week (contract ended), south central or south eastern European guy here
I am currently searching for a 800-1000 USD job just to have some money to help me pay rent in Western Europe when I move
I currently have about 3000 USD saved, need 6000-8000 USD to have some security in the west
>shit tier
>uneducated laborer
Experienced longshoremen make upwards of $70k a year, have benefits and have their own union.
NEET is the only position on the chart with absolutely no responsibility/work for any gain (free room and board, etc). Also, they get a huge return if their parents pass away and have something to hand down to them (like a house, life insurance, etc).
Add "Retirement" next to NEET
>absolutely no responsibility/work for any gain
that's why my gf is with me
NEET lifestyle always belongs to shit-tier if you haven't inherited at least $100k already. You won't have any real routines in the long run, just loneliness, poverty and depression. Been there myself.
Robinhood "trading" or any other meme won't give you any sort of steady income. That's just gambling around with your ridiculously small money.
You may be correct, sir.
But I feel the tomatoes will now come at you fast and thick, like a long stake in $KNPD.
>tfw making 24 dollar an hour doing a piss easy labor job
Go fuck yourself, this shit is great.
CTO at a "startup"
can confirm it's absolutely comfy as FUCK
>personally oversee intern list, only send invitations to white women
>tell people to do the code monkey items while I spend two hours talking to over their pricing
>go out to lunch with upper team and a few low tier phone jockies, stay out there for three hours, phone fags headed back after one
>own shares in company which by our calcs are worth about 3.1million