Why did Nazis love animals so much?

Why did Nazis love animals so much?

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Know what side you're on

Noble nationalist socialist:

Or der edernal jude:

>here take these cherrypicked images, that should explain it

Basic human compassion

disdain for the Yiddish barbaric treatment of animals and humans alike

Sentimental betas.

They killed 40 million Russians. I don't think they like animals very much.

They preferred to experiment on humans.

Animals enjoy being in the company of other animals

Because they were on the correct side of history in nearly every regard.


Compassion. Empathy. Humanity. Traits lacking among certain peoples.

I think that the idea that animals are better than humans stems from the notion that animals, unlike humans, are incapable of being evil, so therefore animals must be better than humans. The other side of the coin, of course, is that only humans are capable of good, but this doesn't matter if you also hold the belief that there exists an inequality in favor of evil between the value of good and evil actions.

But this is wrong, in animal world animals are incredibly cruel to one another. It's just that animal don't know the concept of evil.

>don't know
*doesn't know

I disagree.
If you follow the logical conclusion that humans are incapable of evil then that means that the are incapable of emotions or thought.
Why would an animal matter if it can't feel anything.It seems that animal lives only matter when we see something within them that mirrors us.

The knowledge of good and evil is that gives humans the ability to be evil

>The knowledge of good and evil is that gives humans the ability to be evil

Really makes you think

Yeah so don't say animals can be cruel when the can't since they don't comprehend what it is to be cruel

It's only cruel because we have morality. The animals don't recognise the cruelty of it because it is just their nature.

Just because animals don't realize they're cruel doesn't make them any less cruel.

Nope that's just you imposing a personality and human traits to something that doesn't have any.
While some might find it cruel that the Venus fly trap tricks it prey and then slowly suffocates it and dissolves it does not have any real basis outside of your mind.

>thinking morality applies to animals

They were furfags.

The Nazis lost though and now the internet is filled with American inspired Anime rather than Furfaggotry.

Because all creatures have an inherrent distaste for cruelty inflicted upon their own kind.

Deer are just overgrown vermin and should be treated as such.

>French colony at the table next to Russia
They got two slices, that's cheating

>There's a French colony on the other side of the table too

They're too fat to be a French colony.

This is statistically proven

Psychopaths often find love and connection in animals which they lack in interacting with humans.

Guess there's still men in Sicily kek

Isn't even a real thing

> live in Switzerland
> this video is not allowed in your country

Fucking jews.

>Wallonia is free from perverts
That's the best case for the partitioning of Belgium.

Why is the Rhineland so thick with them?

Cause is the area more thick with regular people too?

Fun fact, the only person on that map from my local area is a German immigrant

Dutroux was a better argument 2bh

Wonder what would happen if the Soviets conquered more of Europe?

Cruelty requires understanding and intent.

Maybe mlp stands for something else in Russian

GTFO furry and never return

Why did they hate people so much?

Are you illiterate?

You are just making the furry shitposting worse now.

english language ability of the general population seems to be a distorting factor here
compare germanic-speaking to romance-speaking areas, most notably the belgian language border is clearly visible


Hitler couldn't feel sympathy for human beings but he could for animals.

As for as I know, Nazi germany was not close to being a majority vegetarian/vegan. Banning animal testing is an extremely insignificant increase in human compassion to other sentient beings when one considers the vast cruelty they suffered and continue to suffer to this day.

Regardless, even if a nation was fully vegan but still desired to exterminate multiple races I would not consider them to be a "great nation".

The number of vegetarians and vegans doesn't have any effect on the treatment of animals though, just on their quantity of animals that are being kept. A 100% vegan nation doesn't treat farm animals any better or worse than a 0% one, it just doesn't breed any in the first place.

Yes it does.

The larger the number of non meat eaters = the less number of animals being slaughtered/tortured for the benefit of meat eaters. The less farm animals being bred, the better.

That's what I said, you would just decrease the quantity of mistreatment without changing the quality. It doesn't matter if your country has one animal farm or a thousand as long as it still mistreats animals.

This, animal welfare is for idealistic betas and hippies

because they were them kek

What about people who are against zoophilia?

>more packed into belfast than dublin

zoophilia is ok as long as both parties consent and no one is harmed

>inb4 sex is harmful and other anti-pedo arguments

Because the Nazis were left-wingers, they are no different than the authoritarian liberal collectivists of today arguing for environmental protection and the like.

Because slavery was considered abhorrent to the German. It was meant to induce a rejection of humanism and reveal the fallacies of globalist propaganda.

post nazi doggos
