League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu and best freljord edition
Ashefags need not apply, cause Ashe is shit lmao

Other urls found in this thread:


xth for Xin Top.



>Head into kitchen to grab something to eat-
>Fucking bumblebee just sitting on floor dead
>Wait... Upon closer inspection he's moving, albeit very weakly
>Set a plate outside with some nectar on it, carefully place him on plate
>Almost immediately his tongue comes out (didn't even know bees had tongues before this) and starts excitedly lapping up the nectar while making happy buzzing sound
>Short while later he flies off

Stay strong little buzzer.

League of Legends.

>loving consensual sex with Fiora
As long as its her original artwork this is basically my ideal result.


What happened to Veeky Forums games? :(

Also Tristana a cute!

Would you guys be more inclined to play ranked if everyone got a ban instead of the traditional 1 person bans 3 champions?

>play sona
>go full ap
holy fuck my dudes, the q>auto damage was through the roof.
My sides were in fucking orbit.
I was shredding tanks yo

Xth for Meddler be gentle please.

its a proboscis, not a tongue. But serves basically the same function

im glad you saved that bee


>1 person bans 3 champs
It's 3 people ban 3 champs.

3 bans per team is enough in my opinion, any more and it's a little awkward.

your waifu is pure

I'd be more inclined to play ranked if I felt like there was a significant difference between regular and ranked games, but as it is ranked is just the same dumbasses ruining games except with a year-long penalty for their actions

I would consider it, and I don't see why it isn't like this anyway.

You still have to worry about the pure cancer. I gave up on ranked because I couldn't stand the tryhard faggots copying LGS TOP BUILDS SUPER PRO who can't actually play.

>I was shredding tanks yo

Why? Afraid your Zed will get an even higher ban rate when there is more than 5 things worse than him

mundo's health was dropping at a rate unseen by forces in this universe

LCS tier noct build

>Skirmisher warriors
>Situational non cdr boots
>youmuus (begin splitpush flash farming and only ulting to join fights)
>Essence reaver
>sell boots get another I.E


Best champions/roles to carry with 200+ ping to gold?
So far Kassadin mid is my to go pick and was thinking about Xin Zhao jungle as secondary

xth for DED GAYME


Dude thats offensive too fucking soon

>Dropped from d3 - d5 43 lp in 2 days

At first I was annoyed, literally every score except 1 in my match history has a good score on it, I've played really well some games, just alright at others, but I've not dropped the soap and went 0/10 consistently or whatever.

/Mute all really makes the difference, on a EU server anyway. I'm even having fun while I lose because i don't need to see some scummy Euro start slamming a keyboard for 30 minutes.

Who knows how far I'll go. Maybe I'll reach gold before my luck turns around and people stop going afk when we're down 3 kills.



>Breaking News: Sona strong with AP

they are died along with this shit game

Bee champ when.

at least this thread isnt so awful without all the shits around


Cute yordles.


Well played, user.

Have a (You)

>sift through them for you

what happened to you jesus christ is this a meme? ??

Did someone say Bees?

>not The Pain bees

its already set up, 1 to 1 copy and i'd be fine with it

No need to. Thanks anyway

Poppy's the cutest.

I love Sona!

Pls help




Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA
password is vidya
all levels and ranks are welcome to die

>hecarim literally a helicopter
fuck me i almost burst out laughing

eight slots currently remain

So how is your match history looking today? I've lose 9/10 games today. Might derank to plat at this rate.

six slots now remain

Does rengar ever not get fed? I'm curious his average rate of tripling his kills to death.

I am kekking so hard holy fuck

>people stop going afk when we're down 3 kills.
my condolences, i feel like the "open mid" crap is slowly getting more popular, it sucks

15/5 in my last 20

did you try picking good heros ??

still six slots remaining
another person would make it five. Would you join if it was at five slots remaining instead of six, user?
probably red with a hint of green

I'll be watching you bby

I picked the strong shit when it wasn't banned lad.
Just too many people going afk, or this one Azir who kept dashing into the enemy team, forgets to ult, ults them back into their own tower. Etc etc.

Also a Katarina in a game I just got out of died to fizz lvl 2 because no shit its kat vs fizz. Tps back in and fights fizz, fizz kills her again.
At 18 minutes she had 28 farm.

Mid laners in diamond tend to be boosted fucking monkies

Filled with reds from azir on my team, or rengar on the enemy team.

five slots now remain for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
with one spectator
that's creepy

my ranked games have just been win/lose/win/lose
I think I'm plateauing or maybe I just need to get good

just keep playing im sure u will 50% ur way back up to whatever meaningless sub masters elo u think defines good someday

cute foxes

Calm down lad there's no need for that. The games I had at D3 and above are alright. Below that is just cancer

five slots still remain for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
one guy is testing his ping apparently don't let the sixth slot fool you
her pants look dinky and top looks... plastic? are my eyes broke

tight foxes

Don't wanna join and ruin the game for my team
Will be watching to get to know the skill level and be ready to join games in a near future
Jk im stalking you

>ricegnat drawing trist

Have you tried having fun?

if you laD me one more time i swear to god you vermin mongrel boosted ape

>Be ugly earth bender
>Feed and play like shit
>Still somehow get an S

I should say I am shocked but I am not seeing how her whole kit is wonky as fuck and does little to no damage. Its like playing bard except he scales better then her.

Really hope it won't be porn. The draft is definitely very qt.

what's that?

still on five empty slots that need filling, user. For video games, free of overwatch kiddies; surely they are playing their own game and haven't already burned out to return to league so soon after hyping it so long :^
don't be a chicken it can be fun to let loose in a custom with like-minded or, at least "in the know" people every once in a while

three slots now remain for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA

>play against a guy in masters in normals
>i'm mid gold

what the fuck is this matchmaking

we almost won anyways

she actually does a fuckton a damage, it's just that her ult is useless in a 1 vs 1 scenario and you're forced to roam so you better hope you win lane

her damage spikes in the late game, especially in team fights

two slots now remain
I can't tell if a square in this captcha is a river or a lake due to mountains obscuring the view

He was probably playing with friends and doesn't give a shit about normals.

There are many other champs that scale better then hard that don't even have to deal with shit she has to face. The worked ground should either disappear faster the more you Q on that spot or has a shorter cd when its just one rock. I don't see any justification for what they did.

where can we find the actual numbers of people that play league and games played monthly?

also, dead game

>rank 5 Taliyah from last thread here

She's different, but she does a ton of damage if you use her right. Her early game is a little rough because having 2 15s cooldowns blows, but the damage is there late game.

At Riot HQ sealed in the vault of Marc "Tryndamere" Merril's Office.

room for one more if one more joins but only those two can join now.

>wait 20 minutes for a queue
>it pops
>hit accept instantly
>"lolclient.exe has crashed"

I'm done. uninstalling. goodbye lolg I'd say it's been fun but it's been an addiction.

alright just got another Poppy token after my Poppy Mid game. Now i'm ready to upgrade to Mastery 6 as Top Waifu.

oh, excuse me, it's actually "lolclient.exe has stopped working."


two slots now remain

I have a basic rune set up for AD and stuff like that, but does anybody really use MR or Armor runes on an ADC? I'm farming IP for them and pages, but just wondering for optimization.

Now we have to work for Mastery 7 with Top tier Waifu.

what's wrong with MR and armor? you have twice as many people harassing you when you're bot, more armor/MR can't hurt

Oh God, what have I done?

>tfw get all the chests I possibly can get
>don't log in for the rest of the week
nothing can help this ded game

You get them so you don't get to sub 50% hp level 1 versus a sona/misplaced midlaner
Armor is so you don't get completely slaughtered by creeps the instant you make a single bad trade

Runes that aren't scaling or penetration exist solely for the early game


I have MR and Armor on at this moment, was just wondering if it would be better to go for straight up damage or attack speed instead of those.

How is corean armorpen build on Quinn? I see duskblade on her on mid on champgg but no cleaver in any roles

Lad you gotta relax. Go have a sandwich or something.

at least she's not your only mastery 5 or higher

like me

But should I do it though?, I already have 2 of those 3 skins and they're not so good anyways.