what was you're problem again?
What was you're problem again?
I didnt get my tendies today.. My life is so, not worth living.. ugh!
that we live in 2016 and people still confuse you're and your.
Your mistaken.
The problem is that bitch has money for tattoos, but not for another bottle of water for the other two people.
Nope. not mistaken.
stop butchering You're and your
You + are = You're
You're mistaken = You are mistaken.
Have you gotten checked out, user? Are you seriously complaining about an image of someone trying to be good and yet here you are on the internet in your home while shes out there trying to at least help.
"b-b-but my autism and anxiety."
thirsty? just drink water
depressed? nothing can help you
>what was you're problem?
>why aren't you helping the less fortunate?
I'm a self-centered prick that believes the entire world revolves around myself.
I only care about my self betterment.
The only times I go out of my way for "the good" of helping others is if I have a way of benefiting off of the situation.
>inb4 edgy moral fags
Why work for free?
Nobody cares about primitive shitskins in Africa
everyone feels the same about you.
I don't.
Its board culture newfag
I've got -0.25 dioptres on my left eye and I can't decide whether I should get glasses.
So why should he feel any different about them? No one cares about people they do not know or see.
not having my thirst quenched by bawdy water wenches at my behest.
I guess there are multiple paths to success though, so I don't have anything against that kid.
my dick up your ass is board culture
i want sex with an attractive woman but can't get any
no dont
Boredom. Life is too easy in first world countries. I wish I had something tangible to chase like hunger or shelter. Life is about the chase of something, but if there is nothing to chase, life sucks.
why dont you chase sexual interactions?
>Stop trying to make people feel bad for shit they literally don't have a hand in creating. Blame your "God(s)" or whatever.
I have a steady girlfriend. Boring, but I don't have the heart to break up with her. We'd both be devastated.
somehow i doubt that.
My problem is that too many people who can't even feed one child have more than twenty children from their seven wives and then come with all their relatives to my country for gibsmethat.
That kid has a soda and he still taking hand outs
Oh man. Are you joking or that naive? Even if your woman is a fat uggo, she probably has other options if your relationship is over. The fact that you say you'd both be devastated means that you lack the confidence needed for her to feel secure and so she likely already has another guy lined up or is actively/passively seeking one.
As for OP's question. My problem is I can't make money fast enough to buy this fucking house I'm saving for. I was fortunate enough to live in a country that's not shit, but was a wasteful, thoughtless idiot in my youth. Now I'm older, wiser and my mind controls my dick and not the other way around. Time to get what's mine and enjoy life.
As for that poor starving bastard in OP's pic. Sucks for him but if hes got tattooed sluts hand feeding him food and water, he's a king in my book. Rock on slum king.
you could make a lot of money with that type of personality.
too bad you're just a neet on Veeky Forums, eh?
Shit OP's right. I could be black.
>too bad you're just a neet
Recent STEM grad with no debt.
Been working at the firm for about 2 months now.
I think I'm doing better than most of Veeky Forums fampai
Why do you fucking white people keep breeding and feeding pet niggers out in the middle of the fucking desert just to watch them starve again? Best case scenario, they make it to adulthood, and learn to be dependent on your handouts.
You white people are sadistic fucks.
they are building infrastructure.
wells/ farms/ etc.
all developed societies relied on the help of community to grow . every single time.
no country was built buy 1 person.
community being the key word there.
going out and doing everything for them then leaving does absolutely nothing to grow their community
8/10 fairly well crafted way to end the your/you're debate
kill em all let the universe sort it out.
Even worse... we feed them, keep them alive to adulthood or teen years, they have kids, now there's 6 people starving instead of 2. White women and white cucks are fucking retarded.
The real problem is that the western nations do not allow a die-off in those African countries. As it is, each woman continues to have 8 or 10 children--in a part of the world that cannot support that kind of population--and expects some sort of western bailout to save at least some of her children who, if they survive to adulthood, will repeat the cycle.
The proper but harsh course of action to take: let them be. They will either live or die based on the ability of the area they live to support and enable them.
>they are building infrastructure.
>wells/ farms/ etc.
No they're not. That's the propaganda you've been fed by the system. How long as Africa been the mess that it is and how long have whitey been trying to fix things? Here's a hint: decades upon decades. Whitey must be the stupidest, laziest, most inefficient idiots on the planet if after decades of effort and billions upon billions of dollars result in what Africa has right now.
You want to see infrastructure building? Look at what China is doing in Africa. In about a decade, China has done more to build infrastructure than the western nations have. Of course, China is not doing this out of altruism and neither did the west, except for the useful idiots who volunteer to go there for free or for a pittance of a wage.
Wake up. If the wealthy nations really wanted to help Africa, at least *one* country in Africa wouldn't be a total mess.
thats what your parents shoulda done with you.
Well, too bad I managed to find a way to live. But if you want to enable the mess in Africa so much, send all of *your* money there and I hope you can make a difference.
Look up the reindeer population collapse in Greenland to give yourself an idea of part of what is going on in Africa. That's only a part. The other is corruption so rampant that it is impossible for private outside forces to fix the country.
By all means, Saint Saint. Spend your time, effort, and money saving Africa. I will admire you for your selflessness and your empathy.
But do not expect to tax me or suck in my fellow citizens into paying for your foolish ideals or to wage war in the mess that is Africa to "fix" that which you and your kind will never be able to fix using the current strategies.
no you mean , when you were a babby, your parents coddled you and babied you like the princess you are, till you could start to waddle on your own feet and wipe ur own disgusting ass and feed yourself and stop talking like a retard and learn english.
or have shitty tattoos
-----> /pol/